Ding ~ Harvest the title of Happy Mother!

“Wow! The wind is too strong!” After being grabbed by Le Yi’s arm, Zhou Dongyu subconsciously held Le Yi’s hand with both hands.

This gust of wind was really strong, and the whole sky was instantly darkened. The slightly slender trees by the sea were pushed down to an incredible angle by the wind, and the swings hanging on the trees next to them were swaying wildly.

The blowing sand choked Zhou Dongyu’s mouth, and even her eyes entered the sand. For a while, she closed her eyes and grabbed Leyi fiercely. At this moment, Leyi undoubtedly became her backbone.

“What’s the matter? Sand got into your eyes?” Seeing Zhou Dongyu holding his hands tightly and his eyes closed, – Le Yi asked quickly.

And Zhou Dongyu is now shrinking into Le Yi’s arms and nodding.

“Quick! Enter the house, enter the house!” Zhou Dongyu, who was fascinated, led her into the house little by little, while Zhao Wei and the others were standing at the door and asked with concern.

“Is Dongyu okay?” Zhao Wei asked with concern.

“She’s obsessed with sand!” Let Zhou Dongyu find a stool and sit down and Le Yi said.

“Ah~ I’ll take a look!” Zhao Wei took a step forward and wiped his hands before holding Zhou Dongyu’s forehead, carefully opening Zhou Dongyu’s eyes and blowing a little.

While Zhao Wei was helping Zhou Dongyu to clean up the sand from his eyes, Le Yi walked out of the restaurant and ran to the signboard in a steady pace, and quickly picked up the signboard. At this moment, the big raindrops in the sky were about to fall.

Lao Hu, who silently photographed the incident, admired Le Yi, because he was a little unsteady when the wind blew just now, but he didn’t expect that Le Yi had nothing to do.

Not long after Leyi entered the restaurant with the signboard, the violent rain poured down. The strong wind blew the rain hard, and for a while, there were clattering noises in front of the restaurant.

“Whoops! It’s really raining! It’s like doomsday!” Zhao Wei sighed while looking at the heavy rain outside in the kitchen.

“Today’s hard-to-prepare set, won’t it just go to waste!” Mengjia was also a little worried when she looked at the heavy rain.

“If it rains for a day, then let’s eat all the prepared meals!” Zhao Wei joked.

“It’s okay! Didn’t the master just say that it will rain for about an hour?” Zhang Xiaoxuan poked at the Tanshang side and said with a smile.

Zhou Dongyu was washing his eyes at the bar, while Le Yi was watching to see if he needed help.

“Ah~ Leyi knew it would rain today!” Hearing Zhang Xiaoran fainted ⒄妐Bie was sullen

And Huang Xiaoming nodded with a smile, and then told Zhao Wei about riding a bicycle this morning.

“I didn’t expect Leyi to have the ability to observe the weather!” Zhao smiled after listening to Huang Xiaoming’s description.

While chatting and laughing, Dong Yu, who had cleaned her eyes well, came to the crowd, her eyes were still a little red, she sighed with relief: “You know what? When I was in the wind just now, it felt like… a storm, A lonely boat in the sea at night!””Hey! In the future, you little lonely boat will gain weight! It’s really a light gust of wind that can blow you away!” Zhao Wei looked at Zhou Dongyu and smiled.

At this moment, Le Yi walked in, with a biscuit in his mouth, he immediately smiled and nodded when he heard Zhao Wei’s words: “Dong Yu’s body is too light! I was pulling her like a doll just now, she felt such a light body. Great for acrobatics!”

Hearing Le Yi’s ridicule, Zhou Dongyu made a funny acrobatic movement, which made everyone laugh.

“Hey… Do you know? I felt so safe just now that Brother Yi held me! All of a sudden, let me not panic!” Just after the laughter ended, Zhou Dongyu looked at Leyi’s exaggerated nympho and said arrive.

“Then the sense of security just now was like a haven from the wind?” Mengjia asked while smiling.

“No~ It’s like being in my mother’s belly?” Zhou Dongyu suddenly gave a speechless answer.

“Your metaphor makes me drunk too!” Hearing Zhou Dongyu’s metaphor, Le Yi covered his face and couldn’t stop laughing.

“Congratulations, Brother Yi! You’ll be a mother so soon!” Mengjia joked when she saw Le Yi trying to hold back her laughter.

In the kitchen of the restaurant, with the teasing of Mengjia’s “mother”, there was a lot of laughter, and Zhou Dongyu, a naughty dead girl, kept calling Leyi’s mother Leyi, making Leyi roll his eyes for a while. After everyone saw Leyi’s speechless appearance, Tears came out of laughter.

An hour later, the rain really gradually became smaller as Le Yi said, and then stopped after a while…

Even though the rain stopped, the sky was still cloudy, and there was still a cool breeze on the beach, so there were not many tourists walking on the beach.

At the moment, people in the Chinese restaurant are eating. There are 5 dishes and one soup on the table. It is the Kung Pao chicken, prawns in tomato sauce, garlic-flavored pork ribs, shredded pork with green peppers, and stir-fried cabbage that are going to be sold today. The soup is the corn ribs and wolfberry soup cooked by Zhao Wei!

Although there are not many kinds of dishes on the table, but fortunately the portion is sufficient, everyone knows that Le Yi can eat very well.

At this time, everyone who was eating was gobbling it up, and Jin Mengjia sighed while eating: “I don’t know why, but I suddenly feel that today’s rice is really delicious! Even the steamed rice is more fragrant than usual!”

“Yeah! I found it too. I thought it was because I was hungry! I found that the pork ribs soup I made tasted better than the usual ones. Is it because the pork ribs you bought today are fresh!” Zhao Wei was eating Fan looked at the crowd and sighed.

“Don’t say it! Today’s fried dishes are indeed better than usual! I found that my cooking skills have improved by a big step!” kick

Le Yi listened to everyone’s words without saying a word. He has already eaten 3 bowls of rice by now! I feel good listening to everyone chatting and eating.

Seeing Le Yi eating without saying a word, Huang Xiaoming suddenly thought of what happened today, and immediately understood why the food was delicious.

“I think the reason why the dishes suddenly became delicious is because of the chef! He helped him pick the freshest dishes! Although he didn’t help with cooking, he gave him a lot of advice!”

“Yes!” When they heard Huang Xiaoming’s words, everyone woke up like a dream!

And Le Yi looked at everyone while eating and said, “The delicious food is inseparable from your credit! You cook the rice. If you are not good at cooking, my suggestion is useless!”

“That’s good! We will respect ourselves for this meal! And our Master Leyi!” Zhao Wei raised the pork rib soup in front of him and said, and when he heard Zhao Wei’s words, everyone raised the soup with a smile and shouted together: “cheers!”

“Look! The rain outside is like what Le’s mother said, it will stop in the next hour!”


…. ….

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