Yesterday’s reprint! ?

“Of course, I like Chinese food very much now!”

“Hey! Today’s dishes will definitely not disappoint my sister!” Hearing Natasha’s words, Le Yi stood up with a smile, and then went into the kitchen with Zhou Dongyu and Meng Jia.

“Wow! Our first guest is here! To be honest, this is my first time cooking for others. My parents have never eaten my cooking!” Zhou Dongyu said nervously when he entered the kitchen arrive.

“I’m afraid that I’m here. Today’s braised chicken is absolutely in line with the guests’ wishes!” Le Yi smiled and comforted Zhou Dongyu: “Quick, have you tasted the chicken stew first?”

Meng Jia and Dong Yu nodded when they heard Le Yi’s words, and then they both filled a little chicken and tasted a piece each.

Suddenly their expressions changed, and immediately they panicked and said to Le Yi, “Mother Le, the chicken has no taste at all, we seem to have failed!”

“Yeah~” Jin Mengjia nodded anxiously when she heard Zhou Dongyu’s words.

Looking at the anxious looks of the two, Le Yi rolled his eyes speechlessly, and suddenly he showed what kind of expression you were making: “You forgot? I didn’t let you put salt in the chicken! I’m letting you go first. Taste if the meat is cooked.”

Hearing Le Yi’s words, the two of them blushed and immediately became embarrassed. Seeing that the two women were embarrassed again today, the surrounding cameramen laughed.

In fact, the two had a lot of trouble today, but Le Yi didn’t blame them at all. After all, the two had no cooking experience in normal times, and they have done a good job today.

Later, according to Le Yi’s command, the two of them 543 stewed some small green vegetables with chicken soup. Just when they asked Natasha about the taste, she said that she wanted spicy food, so Le Yi asked them to put some chili peppers. Le Yi only let the two put some salt.

“Most dishes need to add salt at the end, because salt cooking for a long time will not only affect the taste of the soup, but also make the meat easy to age!”

Le Yi smiled and explained briefly to the two women, then took out two pieces of yellow braised chicken and let the two women try the dishes.

When the two women took a bite of the braised chicken, their eyes widened immediately. The sauce wrapped on the braised chicken was so fragrant, and the chicken was cooked so tender and smooth, and the flesh separated immediately after sucking it in the mouth, and it was slightly spicy. The yellow braised chicken made the two girls move their index fingers.

“My God! Is this the dish we made? It’s comparable to a five-star restaurant!” Zhou Dongyu looked at Mengjia in disbelief and said, and Mengjia nodded excitedly after eating the braised chicken.

Seeing how excited the two of them looked, Le Yi smiled and brought the chicken to Natessa, and at the same time gave Natessa a bowl of twice-oiled rice.

Twice-oiled rice is rice that is steamed with a special method. This rice is not as sticky as regular rice, and it tastes loose and fragrant.

When Natessa finally ate Leyi’s Braised Chicken Rice, she instantly fell in love with the taste.

The tender and slightly spicy chicken made people more appetizing. Natessa, who was eating a little fast, almost choked there. Seeing this, Le Yi quickly made a glass of Zhao Wei’s lemonade for her.

Seeing Natessa eating so sweetly, Le Yi, Jin Mengjia, and Zhou Dongyu all laughed with satisfaction.

However, without waiting for the three of them to be a little mentally prepared, when three foreign guests walked to the entrance of the Chinese restaurant, they immediately smelled the aroma of chicken rice and walked into the store curiously.

Zhou Dongyu quickly explained to the three that it was the smell of their stewed chicken. Hearing that, the three of them were excited and said they wanted a portion, without even asking for the price.

“By the way, Brother Yi, the price of our braised chicken and rice is still uncertain?” Jin Mengjia, who was beside him, asked Le Yi.

Le Yi thought about it for a while, and according to the previous price of 450 baht for the garlic pork ribs set…

“Just 500 baht! For 500 baht, bring a glass of Weijie’s special lemonade!” Le Yi decided with a smile.

Seeing that Leyi had set the price, Zhou Dongyu went to ask the guests again, and said that a 500 baht of yellow braised chicken with lemonade, I don’t know if I can accept it.

To be honest, the price is indeed a little expensive. After all, 500 baht can be eaten with seafood rice. It feels expensive to eat chicken rice with it. Even a glass of lemonade feels expensive.

Seeing that the three foreigners were slightly hesitant, Le Yi smiled and said to the three in English, “I hereby guarantee that our stewed chicken will satisfy you. If you are not satisfied, we are free of charge!”

Seeing Leyi’s guarantee, the three foreigners immediately smiled and nodded, and then Zhou Dongyu and Jin Mengjia entered the kitchen with a smile, one serving rice and the other cooking yellow stewed chicken.

Since the yellow braised chicken has already been cooked, Zhou Dongyu actually only needs to add some green vegetables and seasoning, and it is very convenient.

After the yellow braised chicken rice was served, the three foreigners took a bite of chicken and immediately gave thumbs up. Seeing the three foreigners were satisfied, Mengjia and Dongyu both laughed. Obviously, the foreigners did not think chicken rice was expensive. Dongyu and Mengjia also gained a sense of accomplishment.

subject to chickenAttracted by the taste of meat, many foreigners followed, and the time just arrived at 12:00. The Chinese restaurant was full.

Originally chose yellow braised chicken as the menu, Leyi just wanted Zhou Dongyu and Jin Mengjia not to be tired, but now there are more and more customers and the two of them can’t even eat, Leyi suddenly realized that he was wrong.

“Ah~ Brother Yi, no one washes the dishes now!” Mengjia, who was cooking yellow braised chicken, habitually looked at the pool and found that there were already a lot of bowls piled up in the pool. If things went on like this, it was probably a copy of yesterday.

In fact, Leyi is not in a hurry when no one washes the dishes. The most urgent thing for Leyi is that Mengjia Dongyu hasn’t eaten now. The two of them just got sick from gastroenteritis yesterday. How could Leyi let them both go hungry.

Seeing that there were more and more guests outside, and there were not enough tables, so many guests chose to line up, Le Yi scratched his head and walked out of the kitchen immediately.

“Clap.Clap.Clap!” Le Yi clapped his hands at the lively restaurant, and all the diners in the restaurant were immediately attracted by the sound of Le Yi’s clapping.

Seeing that all the diners look to him, Le Yi is now fighting to keep Dong Yu and Meng Jia from starving so they are not so tired.

“Hello everyone who came to taste the food, I am the temporary manager of the restaurant, Le Yi!!”

Hearing Leyi outside introducing himself in fluent English, Mengjia and Dongyu in the kitchen were curious and didn’t understand what Leyi was doing.

“What is Mother Le doing?” Dongyu became curious while cooking the yellow braised chicken.

Mengjia shook her head to indicate that she didn’t know either.

Even the cameraman of the restaurant was puzzled, wondering what kind of trouble Leyi was going to make?

However, what Le Yi said in the next second instantly stunned everyone.

“What I’m going to say next may make you think I’m crazy as a jerk, or you may immediately think that you’ve never seen such a bad restaurant, but I’m going to say it now…

“Dear guests, from now on, our restaurant staff will no longer wash dishes for you, no longer cook food for you, and no longer serve dishes for you, but as guests, are you willing to change positions with us? …

Hearing Le Yi said this, everyone really thought this guy was crazy. The foreign diners in the store exclaimed one by one. Even the cameramen and Dongyu Mengjia were stunned.

The next second, Le Yi showed a smile bathing in the spring breeze, only to hear him say:

“I love my employees, they got gastroenteritis yesterday because of me, the jerk store manager, so I want them to experience the god-like treatment of customers now. And for your labor, I think I can give a good deal Special reward!”

Hearing that Leyi said this, the diners in the whole restaurant were very interested, and immediately they looked forward to the special reward that Leyi said.

…. ….

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