Hank clenched the M9 pistol in his hand and pointed the crosshair at Su Cheng in the hotel across the street.

However, Hathaway can be seen close to Su Cheng, and if he is not careful, he is likely to hurt her… Even if she was doing that for Su Cheng, Hank couldn’t bear to hurt Hathaway.

Suddenly, Hank found an opportunity.

Hank immediately prepares to pull the trigger and kill his lifelong enemy.


At this time, a loud sound came, and the steel structure security door was kicked open from the outside, and an Asian face with a square head and a cold face walked in.

Hank immediately turned around vigilantly and aimed his muzzle at the comer, looking a little shocked: “You, who are you…”

Hank’s gaze noticed that there was a footprint on the steel plate of the security door!

A human being can make a footprint on a steel plate.

It’s incredible!

“Leng Feng, Paradise Island XCOM squad leader.”

The visitors also reported their homes.

Hearing that it was someone from Paradise Island, Hank’s facial features immediately twisted together angrily, directly pulled the trigger in his hand, and cursed: “Scraps of Paradise Island, go and die!” ”


After a dull gunshot, the bullet shot out of the muzzle and accurately entered the mouth of Leng Feng.

Although he couldn’t understand how Leng Feng kicked open the security door and how he left footprints on the steel plate, Hank knew that if this shot went down, the other party would definitely die.

Unless equipped with thick bulletproof armor, no one can withstand the power of the M9 bullet.


After Leng Feng was hit again, Shen snorted in pain twice, and then raised his head again to look at him coldly like a person who was fine.

At the Leng Feng position, the bullet did not enter at all, but was stuck on a thin coat.

“Fuck! How is it possible, what kind of clothes is this…”

Hank’s eyes almost widened, looking at all this in disbelief, a thin coat, can actually block pistol bullets!

Soon, he thought of the recently popular Zuzu costumes, known for their beauty and protection…

Bang, bang, bang…

Knowing that hitting the shen body is completely useless, Hank directly prepares a headshot with a triple shot.

However, Leng Feng had already disappeared in place like a ghost, and instantly came behind Hank, and a clean hand knife directly destroyed Hank’s hand holding the gun, and the other hand slashed into the back of his head.

Everything is too fast.

Hank had no chance to react at all, and his heart was terrified. He feels that he is not facing a human being, but a Grim Reaper from hell!

The captain of a squad has such strength … Paradise Island, what kind of existence it is!

He suddenly found that he didn’t know anything about Paradise Island and Su Cheng.

“Haha, Paradise Island, no matter how strong it is, it is still not ZERO’s opponent, I hope that the omnipotent ZERO can judge Paradise Island and judge Su Cheng as soon as possible!”

At the moment when he felt death approaching, Hank said with a look of resentment.

It can be seen from Leng Feng that the strength of Paradise Island is far beyond his imagination, maybe only ZERO can sanction Paradise Island!

Leng Feng suddenly stopped his hand and said a little playfully: “ZERO? I think you misunderstood, ZERO’s real body is the owner of Su Island on Paradise Island. ”

“What, what, it can’t be…”

Hank’s expression instantly petrified.

The one who killed General Adubi in front of everyone, sank the destroyer Kaga, and killed 750,000 patients with terminal cancer, almost god-like ZERO, turned out to be the owner of Su Island, who just appeared at the United Nations General Assembly today.

This, too, is too bizarre!

Who would have thought that a super rich man with unlimited scenery in the real world would be ZERO in the secret trial world!

At this moment, Hank suddenly laughed again, with a bitter smile.

He had always regarded Su Cheng as a lifelong enemy, and now it seemed that he was not even qualified to become the other party’s enemy. No wonder, Hathaway will abandon herself and fall in love with this ** man…

At this moment, he suddenly grabbed his mobile phone and prepared to tell ZERO the true identity of Jushen Company!


Leng Feng slashed down with a hand knife, shattering the back of Hank’s skull, and then with a pop, Hank fell to the ground, blood flowing from his facial features and staining the clean wool carpet, and there was still a deep shock in his lifeless eyes.

Hank, die.


Early morning.

Sunlight streams through the glass windows in the Presidential Suite on the 42nd floor of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel.

Su Cheng rubbed his eyes and woke up, in front of him, there was a woman’s exquisite face, delicate facial features, and black eyelashes.

Su Cheng opened his mobile phone and saw Leng Feng’s report.

All right……

Su Cheng has never put a small police officer like Hank in his eyes, and he has never been too lazy to move him. But anyway, the other party has been biting himself, and this fell into the hands of Leng Feng, who has the second limit, and it can be said that he played himself to death.

In fact, the windows of this room have been converted into bulletproof glass, and even if Hank shoots at it, he will not succeed.

“Well, what are you looking at?”

Hathaway woke up.

“It’s nothing, it’s just that an old man has died.”

Su Cheng closed the phone with a slight smile, well, although Hank died, he left the beautiful Hathaway to himself…

“Even, people can’t be resurrected after death…”

Hathaway sighed

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