Leader of the Los Angeles Speeding Party.

After Johnny Johansson was released on bail, he was taken to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Los Angeles.

This is the secret base of the Chinese gangster Hongmen.

Inside the warehouse.

Sitting was a middle-aged man in a green horse coat, sunglasses, and a murderous aura on his body, he was none other than Boss Huo of the Los Angeles branch of Hongmen.

Hongmen Level: Level 3, White Fan.

And Johnny, the leader of the Los Angeles Speeding Party, is also secretly a member of the Hongmen, a fifth-level Hongmen: Hongbao.

“Johnny, give you two choices.”

Boss Huo’s clean fingers were crossed together, and he said slowly:

“One, now chop you up and make California sausages. The second is to go to the ** person named Su Cheng and obtain his forgiveness. ”

“California sausage…”

Johnny remembered the sausage fried rice he had just eaten and almost vomited.

However, what shocked him even more was Su Cheng’s identity, could it be that even the world’s great gangster Hongmen did not dare to provoke him?

“Boss, I just want to know who that Su Cheng is?!”

Johnny asked, gritting his teeth.

“It doesn’t matter who he is, what matters is the old man in Hawaii who wants to see him.” Boss Huo was also a little shocked.

Hawaii, the headquarters of Hongmen!

That old man is the legendary figure of the world’s gangsters, the boss in charge of the Hongmen, the Hong gang master!

This old man, I want to see Su Cheng…

Johnny John King was pale, his body was cold, and his legs were almost unstable.

He actually provoked the main people of the Hong Gang…


This day.

Hollywood, Walk of Fame, Dolby Theatre doorstep, starlight!

79th Oss Awards.

Held here!

The Oscar classic “College Red” red carpet was laid 1,200 meters long on the Avenue of Fame, and the long guns and short cannons of the world’s media were aimed at this long red carpet.

Sky TV from France.

As well as the BBC of Ying Country, the CBS of the United States, the TBS of Yuben, the SBS of the Han Country, and the Huayang Four from the **.

These world’s mainstream TV stations have sent huge live broadcast teams.

Click, click…

The red carpet began, long guns and short cannons flashed non-stop, black Mercedes-Benz S600s drove from the red carpet, and the major nominated Oscar movie crews appeared.

There are major directors in the United States.

There are also Hollywood superstars who conquered the world, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett John News, Matt Damon, Jennifer Lawrence and so on.

The last to appear was the crew of 8 Oscar nominated foreign language films.

As the hottest one.

The crew of Han Guo’s “The Sun Sets in Busan” was the first to appear, countless magnesium lights clicked on, and the cameras of the world’s media turned on director Kim Cheol-cheon.

This moment.

Kim Cheol-cheon was very excited.

He felt like he was the center of the whole world, the universe.


He just wanted to make a few remarks in Han’s native language, when suddenly the camera in front of him turned over…

** “Ocean Princess” crew debuts!

As Director Zhang, who directed the 08 Yanjing Olympic Games, he has a huge influence in the world, in addition, the camera has focused on Su Cheng.

This is the king of topics in Hollywood recently.

Gangster tycoons.

Overnight, he took down the Los Angeles speeding party, discredited the Los Angeles police, and had personal assets of up to $6 billion!

And Su Cheng’s formation is really in line with people’s impression of gangsters.

Su Cheng himself, a pair of black super sunglasses, a high-necked black trench coat, looks cold and arrogant, and is full of aura.

Behind him are tall beauties dressed as several agents.

And murderous bodyguards.

“Even buy Ka, he’s still so young!”

A female CBS reporter in the United States was a little incredulous.

“Although I can’t photograph his face, the corners of his mouth are really handsome…”

The French beauty host exclaimed.

Then, Sky TV’s camera gave Su Cheng a big close-up of the corner of his mouth.

“Mr. Su Cheng has a gangster background, I can guarantee 200%, although there is no evidence at present.”

On the other side, a BBC presenter is serious.

The appearance of the crew of “Princess of the Sea”.

It caused a wave of commotion.

But Su Cheng was speechless, this group of media really loves gossip.

And right at this moment.

A figure suddenly rushed out of the crowd and rushed towards Su Cheng like a life.

It’s Johnny Johansen!

“Even buy Ka, who did I see…” said the CBS female reporter covering her mouth.

“Johnny Johnser, leader of the Los Angeles speeding party, what is he going to do…”

The audience was in chaos.

All the cameras were also focused on Su Cheng at the same time, and they felt that there was going to be big news!

“It’s terrible, is this a gangster vendetta?”

“Now, immediately, immediately, turn off the live stream!

In addition to large national media, some private media, online live broadcasts, completely present this moment on the screen.

Countless viewers were dumbfounded!

What happened, will it be a bloody Oscar…


Just when all the media are focused on this moment.

Johnny Johansen, the leader of the Los Angeles Speeding Party, suddenly made a move that surprised everyone.

Well, he knelt.

He knelt down in front of Su Cheng and cried bitterly.

It looks like a child who has done something wrong and asks his parents for forgiveness.

For a moment, all the media were stunned by this scene.

“Meow meow… What happened…”

“The infamous leader of the Los Angeles speeding party, Johnny Johansen, actually knelt down to a Chinese!”

“I think this proves that Su Cheng is a gang member, well, a very advanced kind.”

“What kind of situation, Smecta actually knelt down to a Chinese…” director Kim Cheol-chuan said in surprise and jealousy.

Exclamations arose one after another.


In the distance, Officer Hank scolded.

Johnny disappointed him so much, he thought that there would be a bloody vendetta, and he could successfully catch Su Cheng’s criminal evidence!

“Dear Mr. Su, please forgive me!”

“There is an old saying that someone does not know Tarzan, and I want to talk about people like me. There is also an old saying, so that adults do not remember villains…”

Johnny’s voice was a little hesitant, trying to scrape the words in his head and said.

“Let’s get up first.”

Su Cheng frowned and didn’t say anything more, just let a bodyguard drag Johnny out.

Well, he disliked this person very much.

At RedDoor, Johnny’s brother offended Tessaang, who should have erased on the spot.

As for forgiveness, what does not exist …

This is just a storm.

Soon passed.

But about the identity of Su Cheng’s gangster, it seems to be solidified, and he is also helpless!

The first report of the major media on the Oscars was also edited at this time, and the photo of Johnny kneeling to Su Cheng on the Oscar red carpet was transmitted to the world.

The title is mostly accompanied by the leader of the American Pilots Party, on the Oscar red carpet, kneeling to a ** man and other words.

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