After separating from Liu Pianjiang and others, Gu Cheng did not rush back to his residence.

He climbed on his horse and let the dragon horse under his crotch lead him to wander around the streets and alleys of Tieyun City.

Since he destroyed the three major gangs one after another with thunderous means, this "Night City" that was once full of blood and killing seemed to have changed its appearance.

Those gang members had long been frightened and fled or scattered. Even those brave and fierce martial artists in the rivers and lakes on weekdays have restrained their arrogance in the past.

The streets that used to be full of swords and bloodshed have now regained some rare calmness, with a long-lost smell of fireworks, which makes people feel more peaceful.

The dragon horse walked slowly, and Gu Cheng felt the rare tranquility around him, with a lot of thoughts in his mind.

The appearance of the two colleagues from the Demon Suppression Division was just in time for him.

With them going to the City Lord's Mansion to investigate the truth, he saved a lot of effort.

Moreover, one of these two people is a great master of body refining, and the other has a rare treasure. Even if they really encounter any danger, they will be able to escape unscathed, so he doesn't need to worry too much.

But with the intervention of the Demon Suppression Department, the crazy people of the Rebirth Sect will definitely jump off the wall.

Tonight, Tieyun City is destined to be restless...

"When that time comes, it will be time to come on stage to harvest life."

Thinking of this, Gu Cheng couldn't help but curl up a cold smile at the corner of his mouth.

The daytime in winter is always particularly short.

Gu Cheng rode a dragon horse in the city for two hours, and the sunset slowly sank, and the night fell quietly.

The shops on both sides of the street lit up lanterns one after another, and the dim lights swayed in the cold wind, adding a bit of warmth to this city that was about to fall asleep.

Just as Gu Cheng was about to return to his residence, a cold murderous intent suddenly locked him.

This killing intent was undisguised and extremely arrogant.

Just like a hunter showing his fangs in the dark, with a bloodthirsty cold light, he loudly announced to his prey:

[I am coming to kill you! ]


Gu Cheng's mouth curled up with a playful arc, and his eyes flashed with cold light.

The previous information about the collusion between the Rebirth Religion and the Evil King Pavilion quickly flashed through his mind, and he had already guessed the identity of the visitor.

He turned over and dismounted, gently patted the head of the dragon horse, and signaled it to go home first.

The next moment, his figure rose from the ground and turned into a black stream of light. In the shocked eyes of the passers-by around him, he disappeared into the night of Tieyun City.


The sound of breaking through the air broke the silence of the night. Gu Cheng was like a black night owl, shuttling in the sky at an astonishing speed. In the blink of an eye, he had flown several miles.

However, the cold killing intent was like a thorn in the flesh, following him closely and relentlessly.

"What a fast speed..."

Gu Cheng was slightly surprised. His "Xiaoyao Chengfeng Jue" was already the best in speed, but the opponent was still able to pursue him closely. Obviously, his body skills were also good, and the newcomer was definitely not an ordinary person.

His eyes were filled with fighting spirit, and he deliberately slowed down and led the pursuers to a deserted forest outside the city.

The moon was dark and the wind was high, and the shadows of the trees were swaying.

The biting cold wind was like the howling of ghosts and wolves, playing the prelude to the upcoming killing.

Gu Cheng landed in an open space, stood with his hands behind his back, and quietly waited for the prey to come.

The night wind blew his robe, making a rustling sound, like the whisper of the god of death, foreshadowing that a bloody storm was about to come.

The next moment.

A dark figure appeared silently in front of him.

The black robe hood covered the face of the visitor, revealing only a pair of cold eyes, flashing with indifferent murderous intent.

"Why don't you run away?"

A cold female voice came from under the mask, without a trace of emotion.

"Run away?"

Gu Cheng chuckled and shook his head:

"I'm just choosing a suitable cemetery for you."

Before he finished speaking, a red light flashed in his eyes, and the burning light magic was activated instantly!


Two red high-temperature rays shot out like lightning, cutting off the "body" of the black-clothed killer and several large trees ten feet behind him!

The terrifying high temperature instantly ignited the cut of the tree, and a raging fire shot up into the sky, illuminating half of the night sky.

However, under the reflection of the fire, the afterimage of the black-clothed killer slowly dissipated, but her body was suspended in the air without any damage.

"Not a bad magical power, but it's too slow."

The black-clad killer's voice was still cold, and a hint of blood flashed in his dark eyes.

A three-meter-long black chain appeared out of thin air, floating beside her, wandering like a spirit snake. The chain was entangled with wronged souls, exuding a creepy evil aura.

"Soul-catching chain?"

Gu Cheng raised his eyebrows, glanced at the iconic weapon, and made a conclusion in his heart.

EyeThe assassin in black robe and ghostly figure in front of him was indeed the notorious Ninth Destiny of the Evil King Pavilion!

However, he never thought that the arrogant and ruthless character who dared to go to Chongshan County to assassinate the demon-suppressing division Tianjiao would be a woman?

However, it made no difference to Gu Cheng whether it was a man or a woman.

He had promised the Xiao brothers and sisters before that he would avenge the blood feud of the Xiao family for them.

Since we just happened to meet today, let's make a conclusion today!

A fierce murderous intent flashed in Gu Cheng's eyes, and he stretched out his hand.

The powerful bloody aura rushed out of his body like a volcanic eruption, and quickly condensed into a four-foot-long blood-red long sword in his palm.

Before the blade arrived, the fierce murderous aura had cut the surrounding air with bursts of sound.

Gu Cheng held the Buddha's sword and slashed at the black-clothed figure in the air!


A ten-foot-long blood-red blade light, like a roaring blood dragon, with the power to destroy the world, roared towards the Ninth Destiny.

Facing this terrifying slash that was enough to kill the high-level demon in the innate realm with one blow.

The Ninth Destiny's eyes did not fluctuate at all, his hands flew, and black light flashed on his fingertips.


The originally dark soul-catching chain suddenly glowed with evil light, and the chain body suddenly expanded, extending several times in an instant.

Then it flew out like a spirit snake, and arrived first, tightly wrapping the attacking blood-red blade light!


The Ninth Destiny shouted coldly, and the soul-catching chain suddenly tightened. The terrifying blood-red blade light was actually shredded and turned into a blood-killing aura that filled the sky and exploded!


Bloody evil spirit and knife energy raged, and the nearby forest was razed to the ground in an instant. For a moment, dust flew, trees collapsed, and the scene was in a mess.

"What a weird weapon..."

Gu Cheng frowned slightly. He had fought so many enemies, but this was the first time he had seen such an evil weapon.

Before he could think about it, the Ninth Destiny pinched the magic formula again.

The dancing soul-catching chains were connected end to end, forming a weird circle in the air. The ghostly air seemed to open a door to the netherworld!


Amid the shrill howling of ghosts and wolves, countless ghosts and wild ghosts swarmed out of the circle.

With the biting cold wind and the disgusting stench, they rushed towards Gu Cheng frantically!

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