In fact, Qi En’s side is very money-burning, and these elves can’t be blamed.

Because the development of Qi En is actually a leapfrog development.

Generally speaking, eighteen-year-old high school graduates, let alone before going to college, even if they graduate from college, the level of elves rarely exceeds level thirty.

Unless it is the kind of national college league, the top existence in the country will raise the elves to the elite level, that is, 41-50 during the school.

Senior, that is, level 31-40 elves, are rare in the college league, and 99% of the college league players are at the intermediate level of 21-30.

And the elves eat energy cubes, and the levels are different, and the food is different.

Eggs do not say, level 1-5 is best to drink milk, of course, not milk in the real world, but moo milk, within level 6-20, you can eat poor energy cubes, is the kind of 500 yuan a bag that Qi En bought at the beginning, if it is some functional elves, it may not matter if you eat this in this life, but above level 20, you need to fight, you need to evolve, then you need to replenish enough energy.

Elves below level 30 need to eat elementary energy cubes.

Taking the three main forces as an example, one eats eight pieces a day, three eats twenty-four pieces a day, and the primary energy cube, the most expensive 30,000 yuan, the daily food cost is about 70,000, and the annual cost is 26.28 million.

From this figure, it can also be seen that if you want to raise a trainer, the initial investment is really exaggerated, of course, there are many ways for trainers to make money.

Most of the top university varsity teams, a year to the varsity team members of the subsidy is also about 20 million, in the school energy cubes are also sold at a discount, plus if you play results, the school will also have bonuses, so in the school to raise elves, most of them do not cost, after leaving the school, applied for a senior trainer.

The subsidy of senior trainers is 10 million yuan a year, and then you can also go to the local dojo to go on missions, go to local secret explorations, etc., how to earn 60 or 70 million a year for senior trainers, and there is no problem in raising six elves.

Elite trainers have more subsidies and more income.

The income of the gym-level trainers is linked to the local finance, and every year they have to take 0.2% of the local provincial budget as their own income.

Take Qi En’s province as an example, this province is not a large financial province, with an annual income of only 1.5 trillion yuan, while local Taoist gym trainers have an annual income of 3 billion.

If those financial provinces have a GDP of more than 10 trillion yuan, they will have 20 billion yuan in revenue that year, which is enough to buy four mini dragons.

Well, of course, they wouldn’t be so stupid to buy it, and they wouldn’t be able to buy it.

If you upgrade according to this standard step by step, Qi En’s money is enough.

After all, there is a world’s materials to supply him to improve.

But the problem is that Qin’s upgrade speed is not based on this standard.

He has graduated now, less than twenty days, he already has a level 98, almost sweeping fast dragon, a level 34 fire dinosaur, a level 34 magic frog flower, a level 27 Kami turtle, a level 27 iron-masked ninja and a level 27 shell ninja, he is now in addition to the fast dragon, other elves, go to any university to challenge the junior, the main force of the senior varsity team is no problem at all!

The gap is really not ordinarily large!

So without help, he was a bit stretched.

“Carry it!” Muttering in his heart, Qi En also bought energy cubes and returned home, and then went to the game world.

Entering the game world, today he is not ready to level up here, but directly return to Hualan City, and then take the fifth road.

According to the progress in the game, it should be to take the fifth road, and then you can’t reach the end of the fifth road Golden City, but you need to take the underground passage, to the sixth road, and then go to the dead leaf city, and then from the dead leaf city you can choose to reach Ziyuan Town from the eleventh road and the twelfth road, or you can choose to return to Hualan City, and then take the ninth road and the tenth road to reach Ziyuan Town.

Encounter the ghost of Gala Gala in Ziyuan Town, go to Rainbow City, and then get hot tea in Rainbow City, you can go to Golden City, and then return to Ziyuan Town to complete the task.

Then walk along the sea road, walk all the way back to Light Red City, and then you can also walk around the wild wilderness area of Light Red City, what? A kabi beast in the way?

Qi Enlian Kan and saplings can climb over, but can’t the Kabi beast climb over?

So he can go as long as he wants!

With this thought, Qi En spent almost a day today, riding the little electric donkey, crossing roads 25 and 24, and returning to Hualan City.

When he arrived in Hualan City, it was already past five o’clock in the afternoon, thinking about tonight’s agreement, Qi En did not show up when he arrived, equipped the elves, and after bringing things, he dared to carry his backpack and left the house.

By subway, they reached the city’s high-speed rail station directly.

When he left the station here, he saw Luo Wensen and Feng Xuejia from a distance, waiting for him on the square of the subway station.

And in addition to the two of them, there are three men and two women.

These five people Qi En also knew and were also their classmates, but they were not in different classes.

There is a man who should be called Hang Shuo, who is in the thirteenth class like Feng Xuejia, and one of the two men should be called Xu Xinxing, and the other is called Deng Yu who is from the twelfth class.

Two girls, one named Shi Jia Qi and the other named Cai Meimei, are both from the thirteenth class.

In this group of school elites, there are two more students in the first class, Qi En and Luo Vinson, which is indeed a little abrupt, and it can be seen that these people are either vice or expensive.

Qi En really couldn’t figure out what they had already formed a five-person team, and what else they had to ask themselves to come over.

“Boy, you’re late.” Seeing Qi En coming over, Luo Wensen naturally greeted him as soon as possible, but before he could speak, Hang Shuo over here suddenly said coldly.

Glancing at the time, they agreed on six o’clock in the evening, and now it’s just five fifty, which is considered late?

“Oh, don’t you have a watch? If there is no watch, or if the table is not correct, you can also go first. Looking at this guy, Qi En also smiled, if they go directly, and then take Luo Vincent with him, anyway, he just needs to go to the secret realm to find a source for his things, and by the way, take Luo Vincent to practice his supersonic bat.

Listening to Qi En’s words that did not give face at all, Hang Shuo’s face turned red all of a sudden.

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