“Seed seed!”

After a night of getting along, well, in fact, sleeping in Qi En’s house, and then after washing up the next morning and eating another energy cube, the intimacy between Miao Frog Seed and Qi En has risen to 70.

Although it is far from the limit of 255, it is also a good start.

After breakfast, Qi En also returned to the elf game world with the little fire dragon and the Miao Frog Seed, and this time with the grass attribute elf, Qi En specially took the Miao Frog Seed to a flower bed in the eastern country of Tokiwa City.

After walking around, the frog seed found a very beautiful feather here.

This feather is called the beautiful feather, in fact, this play should be useless, long-winged gulls and large-billed gulls will carry, the only function of this thing is valuable, can be sold for 500 yuan.

However, Qi En is not in a hurry to sell it now, just talk about it later.

Then he also rode a small electric donkey that was fully charged, with a small fire dragon behind him, and a mysterious frog seed in the frame in front of him, and rode towards the Tokiwa Forest.

Walking the second road again, Qi En also focused on letting the Miao Frog Seed practice more leveling here.

Because after entering the Tokiwa Forest, the Miao Frog Seed is not very good at leveling.

Because most of the Tokiwa Forest is full of insects, and the worm grass, but it is fired, so it is obvious to deal with insects, or the little fire dragon is better at it, and the mysterious frog seed mainly has to deal with the Nibi Dojo and the Hualan Dojo.

It took more than three hours for Qi En to return to Tokiwa Forest.

After returning with the little fire dragon and the seeds of the magic frog to regain a bit, Qi En also followed them into the Tokiwa Forest, and as soon as he walked in, Qi En saw a lot of green caterpillars and unicorns, and the number of walking grass and trumpet buds under the bushes was also quite a lot.

There are still waves flying above the sky, and there are also quite a few of them.

Qi En actually also considered the question of whether to catch a bobo, although it is not particularly strong than the eagle, but it is also okay, the most important thing is that it can be super evolved!

But after thinking about it for a while, Qi En still gave up, because he didn’t seem to need the eagle, because his future elves, Charizard is inevitable, and then the fast dragon is also inevitable, and the three stupid birds should also be caught, so the eagle is useless in him.

So he just glanced at it now, and then gave up, focusing on the little fire dragon and the magic frog seed to fight these elves that suddenly appeared.

Of course, the biggest difference between Tokiwa Forest and No. 1 Road and No. 2 Road is that here there is finally a small pot friend who wants to challenge Qi En.

It was like this when playing the game, and it is also the case now, not long after Qi En left, several small pot friends jumped up to challenge, but their elves are either level four little Lada, or level three unicorns, green caterpillars, iron shell kun, iron armored chrysalis or something.

Leng Buding touched a Nidoran, and Qi En was stunned for a moment before reacting.

However, the elves of these little pot friends are no threat to Qi En.

Qi En’s little fire dragon can be described as a fish in water, basically there is no flame that cannot be solved, if there is, then come again.

But there are also advantages to fighting against these small pot friends, one of which is that after the elves of these small pot friends have finished fighting, Qian’s elves will gain more experience points.

Qi En’s little fire dragon had barely reached noon, and had already risen to the twelfth level, comprehending a new skill, Dragon Breath.

And the Miao Frog Seed, although it is not the main force, but with the battle of Road 2, and if you run into Little Lada or something here, Qi En will still let the Miao Frog Seed fight, so its level was quickly raised to level 9 and learned to parasitize seeds.

In this way, stop-and-go, from time to time Qi En will go to pick up some good things.

There are more good things in the Tokiwa Forest, not to mention the tree fruits, there are almost all the tree fruits that Qi En knows….

Qi En is not an energy cube master, and he really has no interest in these tree fruits.

That is, pick a few at random and eat the seeds of the little fire dragon and the magic frog as snacks and fruits.

In addition to the tree fruit, on the first day alone, Qi En picked up more than twenty spirit balls, more than a dozen bottles of wound medicine, and then picked up an insect perfume.

After this perfume is opened, it will attract a large number of elves to come over, but Qin naturally will not use it here, this play should at least be used when fishing for mini dragons in the elf conservation area, in addition, he also picked a few small mushrooms.

The little mushroom is very useful in the game, because this thing is for the move teaching freak to make the elves recall the moves, the elves only have four skills in the game, but this is the real world, and the elves can use as many skills as they want.

So the little mushroom is really useless, but Qi En still picked, useful or not, let’s talk about it later, the devil knows that the world has become like this, will there be some changes in this game!

Soon, as it got late, Qi En was ready to go home to rest.

Don’t look at the game world, Tokiwa Forest is not big, but in fact, Tokiwa Forest, especially large, is a huge forest that spans the Kanto and Johto areas.

In the anime, Ash walks here, and although he stops and goes, he walked for eight days to get out of the forest.

Why eight days? Because on the first day, he subdued the green caterpillar, and then when he fought Team Rocket on the second day, the green caterpillar evolved into the chrysalis, and then until he defeated the samurai trainer and left the Tokiwa Forest, the chrysalis evolved into the butterfly.

The iron-armored chrysalis is transformed into a big butterfly, relying on experience in the game, but in the real world, it depends on time, and in a week, the iron armored chrysalis will evolve into a big bus butterfly.

Although Qi En has a little electric donkey, he fights more than Ash, so in his estimation, he will have to walk for three or four days to get out of the Tokiwa Forest.

This is not in a hurry, just come slowly, he is not walking alone here, he is also leveling, it is very likely that when Qi En walks out of the Tokiwa Forest, maybe the little fire dragon has reached level 16 evolution, so Qi En is not in a hurry at all.

In this way, the first day passed quickly, and Qi En returned home with the little fire dragon and the seeds of the magic frog, first recovered, ate a supper, then took a bath, and then went to sleep.

This kind of life may be a little boring for a young man, but for an uncle’s soul like Qi En, it is just right!

After a night without a word, it soon came to the next day, and Qi En was going to continue visiting Tokiwa Forest today, but his calculations were disrupted by a phone call early in the morning.

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