Chapter 0093 – Rainbow Dojo!!

“Walking grass, highly toxic!”

“Magic reflex!”

As the poisonous slime came towards the shelling ninja, the shelling ninja also waved his claws, and a barrier shining with multicolored light also appeared in front of it.

The highly toxic slime that was about to hit it was completely blocked by this barrier, and while this barrier blocked the highly toxic slime, the figure of the shelling ninja also flashed, flashed in another direction, a shadow sneak attack, instantly disappeared in place, and appeared behind this walking grass.

“Walking grass, be careful!”

Looking at the shelling ninja that suddenly appeared, the miniskirt Yako in front of him couldn’t help but shout, but unfortunately, when the walking grass reacted, a shadow claw had already called over, and only heard a crackling sound, and the walking grass was directly slapped out, and after landing, it had already lost its combat effectiveness.

“You won!”

Seeing that the walking grass fell, the mini skirt Yazi here also sighed, and after taking back the walking grass, he also gave Qi En’s bank card 560 yuan.


Although after saying that after playing the money, the mini skirt Yazi here became a cold NPC again, but Qi En still subconsciously said a word before walking to the trainer NCP below.

The Rainbow Taoist Hall, may not be powerful, not very capable, except for selling perfume, there is almost nothing worthy of outsiders.

But there is one thing to say, the girls in the Rainbow Taoist Hall are really beautiful! At present, the most beautiful girls that Qi En has seen are peonies, calamus and cherry blossoms, perfect appearance, and the figure is even more violent, others like Joey, Nanami, Aunt Hanako, although they are also very beautiful, their appearance is similar to that of the three peony sisters, but in terms of figure, after all, it is slightly worse.

What the? Symmetry? Qi En didn’t care too much about this, he cared more… Ahem Audit.

And in the Rainbow Taoist Hall, there are many big sister-level trainers, Mai, Riko, and Ah Hitomi, these three big sisters are worthy of their big sister name.

The blonde hair was draped over the shoulders, and the upper body was wearing a tight kind of clothing, Qi En did not understand, anyway, there were no sleeves, and he also exposed his navel and bones, just around the middle, and then he could see the kind of clothes in the ravine.

The lower body is a pair of hot pants, with a pair of leather sandals that go to the calves, but show a lot of legs, this dress seems to be no worse than Peony’s swimsuit.

“Phew, the heart is clear, the sky is not falling, I am not an adult, I will talk about it later, I will talk about it later…”

Looking at the costumes of these big sisters, Qi En muttered in a low voice.

But what he didn’t know was that there were still many big sisters waiting for him, such as Road 13, Road 15, Road 17, Road 19, Road 20.

In fact, Road 8 also has a big sister called Taohua, using a level 26 Pippi, if not for Qi En’s hurry yesterday, he might really stay with this big sister for a while…

Shaking his head, Qin continued to challenge the NPC forward.

These NPCs are very average threat to Qin, and the only thing that threatens Qin a little is the elite trainer Ayaka, oh yes, the elite trainer also has to explain.

Because this NPC is not only second only to the dojo master in the game, but also these elite trainers are also beautiful, the elite trainers that Qi En has met at present have three appearances.

One is the girl with blonde hair and wearing that kind of suit and JK skirt, well, very beautiful, and then the girl in the tracksuit, the girl with green hair is also beautiful.

And the girl I met now, wearing the brown hair of the orthodox JK, is also beautiful.

And the purple-haired girl in hot pants is also beautiful… What the? Elite trainers and men? Didn’t pay attention…

In this way, in the Rainbow Dojo, Qian’s shell ninja easily solved the elves of these sister NPCs, and then stood in front of the last dojo owner, Erica.

Alijia’s official name is actually Lijia, and in the anime it is called Alijia, and Qi En is also used to calling, so it’s called that.

Elicia is also very beautiful, with short hair that is ear-length, showing very well-behaved, not tall, long and cute, a little childlike, the most important thing is her hidden body in the kimono, which is indeed quite good.

Don’t get me wrong, Qi En is not too changed, starting in three years, the maximum death penalty and so on, he is not interested.

Alijia has a total of three identities, in addition to the dojo trainer in Rainbow City, she is also a perfume shop owner and a university teacher, and the rest is difficult to say, but the college teacher must at least graduate from college!

So when Qi En looked at Alijia, there was no psychological pressure.

“I’ll challenge the dojo!”

“Okay, let you see the power of the grass system!”

As Qin stood in front of Elika and spoke, Alicia also took out the Poké Ball and prepared to start the challenge, but before the fight, Qin changed the shell ninja back.

He changed into a fire-breathing dragon, and he had attributes to refrain from using it, and Qi En was not so stupid.

“Go, Charizard!”

“Go, Vine Monster!”

As the two Pokeballs were thrown, a level 43 fire-breathing dragon appeared on Qin’s side, while a level 33 vine monster appeared on the other side.

Well, in fact, you don’t need to fight to know who will win, but in the game, there is no admitting defeat, so the elf has just landed, and the vine monster starts to attack first.

“Vine Monster Vine Whip!”

“Air chop!”

With Qi En’s order, Charizard instantly flew into the sky, and then flicked its wings, and countless air blades flew towards the vine whip.

These rattan whips are not opponents of the air blade at all, and when they touch, they are directly cut as if they were touched by the blade.

Then instantly smashed on the body of the vine monster in the distance, the powerful impact force, the vine monster flew backwards, although it was said that it did not lose its combat effectiveness for a while, but it was almost the same, and Charizard also chose to chase luck here by victory!

“Charizard, jet flames!”

“Vine monster, flash away!”

Although Lijia launched a special move to dodge, it is a pity that the vine monster no longer has this ability, and with a thick flame, it accurately hit the body of the vine monster, and also directly took away the remaining physical strength of the vine monster.

Looking at this scene, Lijia sighed helplessly, picked up the Pokeball, withdrew the vine monster, and then released the second Elf, a dumbfounded.

“Dumbfounded, poisoned!”

With the dumbfounded flower, it directly chose to attack with the skill of the poison system, this elf, is not to win Qi En, just to let Qi En’s fire-breathing dragon hang a special state, but how can Qi En let his fire-breathing dragon hang a special state.

“Smoke screen, then hot air!”


Thank you Eternal ME Tianrui for your reward, plus more to send, and please support more!

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