Zhang Yi evacuated the entire warehouse of Wal-Mart South China Warehouse!

Materials worth tens of billions have all entered his different space.

And he pretended not to know anything, and immediately reported to Wal-Mart's top management.

Soon, the news spread throughout Wal-Mart's South China executives.

Shocked, a large group of executives rushed to the scene and called the police to deal with the matter.

Tom Watson, general manager of South China Warehouse, saw the empty warehouse, and his face became whiter than snow.

"Oh my God! How am I supposed to tell headquarters?"

In fact, the headquarters of Wal-Mart Rice has issued an order, requiring them to transfer all materials back to China in the shortest possible time.

It is said that this is an instruction from the high-level officials of the rice country, and the ship they sent will arrive at Tianhai Port soon.

Now, everything is over!

On the other hand, Zhang Yi is not worried about his affairs being exposed at all.

After all, in just two hours, all the tens of billions of materials in the entire warehouse disappeared. This kind of thing is too unimaginable.

Even if the police investigate with all their strength, they will not be able to find out in a short time.

Furthermore, Wal-Mart is a foreign enterprise after all, not a state-owned enterprise. So there is no need to say much about the strength of this investigation.

However, he still pretended to be nervous and scared, and cooperated with the police investigation.

After a night of interrogation, Zhang Yi was released.

The police are also very suspicious of this matter.

Because they investigated the footage inside and outside the warehouse.

Although the internal video recordings have been turned off, it is impossible to steal millions of cubic meters of supplies without leaving any traces.

However, through the video inspection around the warehouse, no trace of any vehicles passing by was found.

In other words, the tens of billions of supplies either disappeared out of thin air, or... it was a trick played by Wal-Mart itself.

But if it is inferred by logic, it is obvious that the latter is more reasonable.

After all, unless there is a supernatural phenomenon, it is impossible to explain how the millions of cubic meters of materials disappeared without a trace in just two hours.

As for ordinary employees like Zhang Yi, although it also aroused certain doubts.

However, the logical problem of the disappearance of materials cannot be explained. Even if there is a problem with the internal staff, it is not the main contradiction.

Since Wal-Mart is a foreign company, there is no official Huaguo background involved.

The case is too big, so the police's action efficiency is naturally not so fast.

He even played a game of kickball with regard to the investigation because he was worried about the international impact.

If you want to find out about this matter, let alone three days, it may take three months!

Zhang Yi here, he was ordered not to leave the city of Opening Heaven for a short period of time.

And must cooperate with the police and Wal-Mart's internal investigation at any time.

Zhang Yi was very cooperative and was released.

After Zhang Yi got home, he glanced outside through the shutters of the French windows.

Today is December 10th, and there are still 2 days before the ice age comes.

For the next time, he only needs to stay at home and not go anywhere, and he can lie down and win the rest of his life.

Thinking of the tens of billions of value in the different space, which includes almost all the necessities of life, Zhang Yi's heart is very at ease.

He went back to the bedroom and lay down. After a busy night and cooperating with the interrogation, he was also a little tired.


At this time, Zhang Yi fell asleep until the evening, and turned on the TV to see that the news was broadcasting the theft of the Wal-Mart South China warehouse.

Because the material lost in this theft was too much and too bizarre, all major news stations across the country rushed to report it.

"Such a large warehouse was emptied within a few hours. Someone must have guarded it!"

"It must have been done by an insider, most likely by Wal-Mart executives themselves, in order to defraud insurance."

"That's millions of cubic meters of material. Even if it's pulled by a big truck, it's impossible to pull it all in one night."

Zhang Yi smiled slightly. No one will know the answer to this matter until the end comes.

For the next two days, Zhang Yi stayed at his home and didn't go anywhere.

He knew that the time left for this world was running out.

For safety's sake, he won't leave his room without authorization.

During the period, investigators from the police and Wal-Mart headquarters called him over again and questioned him.

Although they also suspected that there was something wrong with Zhang Yi's behavior that night.

But firstly, the investigation time was short, and secondly, there was no conclusive evidence, so they suspected nothing, but it was impossible to arrest Zhang Yi.

During the period, some acquaintances sent messages to inquire about the inside story with Zhang Yi, but Zhang Yi fooled them all.

Finally, the day of December 12th came.

The gamma rays passed through the blue star at two o'clock in the morning, and it only passed for a moment, but the impact on this planet was devastating.

Zhang Yi sealed the room completely a few hours in advance, and then the fireplace started to light a fire.

Because before long, things like air conditioning and heating will fail completely as the energy source dries up.

All heating methods can only be done through the most primitive means.

At two o'clock, he was sitting on the sofa in front of the huge French windows, holding a bottle of beer, staring out the window.

Suddenly, a white light appeared at the end of the sky. It was clearly midnight, but the earth became brighter as if at dusk.

But this kind of light only lasted for a short two seconds, and then fell silent.

Most people have already fallen asleep at this time, so they didn't notice this momentary change.

But Zhang Yi, who knew what this meant, felt a chill run down his back.

He gulped down the beer, and the refreshing Budweiser brought him a little calm.

Thinking about it, Zhang Yi threw a few more high-quality logs into the fireplace.

He reached out and turned on the TV. While watching the programs on the TV, he waited for the changes in the world.

After only a few minutes, dense snowflakes began to float in the sky outside.

At first, the snowflakes were only as big as a fingernail, but after less than two minutes, they started to turn into heavy snowflakes!

The wind outside the window began to howl, and the snow outside seemed to become terrifying in an instant!

Over the entire city, heavy snow suddenly appeared!

That's the power of nature not to say hello to you when it changes.

Zhang Yi began to feel a little nervous.

Although the safe house he built was perfect, after all, he had experienced the icy doomsday, so he would inevitably be a little worried.

I don't know if this safe house, which costs up to 8 million yuan, can completely withstand the next big drop in temperature!

However, as the flames blazed up in the fireplace, the temperature in the room became extremely warm.

Even a little hot.

Zhang Yi glanced at the indoor temperature and found that it had reached 32.6°.

Looking outside again, the entire city has been submerged by the overwhelming snowflakes.

Zhang Yi felt more at ease.

He reduced some charcoal, after all, the temperature in the room was too high and uncomfortable.

Zhang Yi was not in a hurry to sleep, he still had to continue to observe the next changes.

As for rest, there will be plenty of time in the future, and I don't have to go to work anyway.

In less than half an hour, a thick layer of snowflakes had accumulated on the balcony outside.

Zhang Yi turned on his mobile phone to watch the news, and found that the news about the sudden drop in temperature had spread all over the Internet.

The Internet is full of voices complaining about the sky. Netizens are clamoring that this year's winter has come too early, and they have not had time to prepare winter clothes.

"This hellish weather, why is it more than ten degrees below zero!"

"Tomorrow, the road will be frozen, how can I go to work?"

Others expressed their delight.

"With so much snow, I don't have to go to work tomorrow, haha!"

In particular, some friends from the south excitedly posted a photo of themselves and Daxue.

Said that they had never seen such a heavy snow in the south.

Zhang Yi shook his head, this is just the beginning.

The heavy snow will continue for at least three months, and the temperature will get lower and lower.

At that time, they will not be in such a good mood to enjoy the snow.

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