It was too hot in the house.

Zhou Ke'er felt that wearing a down jacket was like being roasted in a stove, which was extremely uncomfortable.

She didn't care that Zhang Yi was pointing a gun at her, and quickly took off her thick down jacket to cool herself down.

She gasped heavily.

The tears in her eyes showed the excitement in her heart at this time.

Warm, so warm!

Such a comfortable indoor temperature is the environment suitable for human life.

And she hasn't felt such ordinary happiness for too long.

"Did you forget something? For example, this is my home, and you haven't fully passed my test yet."

Zhang Yi said to her coldly.

At this time, Zhou Ke'er remembered that there was a man in front of him.

Zhang Yi's gun was still aimed at Zhou Ke'er.

Zhou Ke'er tried to force a smile, "You are really cautious. I have already done what you said and solved your enemy. Isn't this enough to win your trust?"

Zhang Yi said lightly: "Those people are also a big trouble for you. It's not all because of me that you got rid of them. You also have the need to live."

"Getting rid of them is just to prove that you have some effect and meet the basic requirements to be my helper."

"But next, you have to prove your harmlessness!"

Zhang Yi pointed out the crux of the problem.

After experiencing a long life in the last days, he was unwilling to trust anyone easily.

Because no matter what kind of person they were in the past, they may lose their humanity in the last days.

He can only believe in himself, and only by doing so can he survive in the last days.

Zhou Ke'er was a little helpless, she had already followed Zhang Yi's request, and she didn't know how to make Zhang Yi believe her.

However, she must not want to leave this warm house!

"Then what do you want me to do to believe that I am harmless to you?"

Zhou Keer looked at Zhang Yi eagerly, with pleading in his eyes, almost a humble pleading.

Zhang Yi looked at her and asked vigilantly, "You don't have any weapons hidden on your body, do you?"

Zhou Ke'er raised her hands speechlessly, "Look, with my appearance, it's impossible for me to hide any dangerous weapons, right?"

Zhang Yi's expression was indifferent, and he shook the gun in his hand.

"Raise your hand!"

What Zhang Yi meant was to do a body search to make sure that Zhou Ke'er was not hiding a weapon.

Zhou Keer was a little embarrassed.

But she also understands that she is not qualified to bargain now.

Zhang Yi's home is too warm!

Compared with the environment she lived in before, it was simply heaven.

If people want to get something, they must pay an equal price, which she understands very well.

"Okay, I see."

Zhou Ke'er summoned up her courage and had to follow Zhang Yi's request.

She is a smart woman who knows what to give in order to get what.

Zhang Yi fixed his eyes on her to prevent her from suddenly pulling out any deadly weapon.

This is entirely for safety, an honest gentleman like him would not have other ideas.

Zhou Ke'er slowly raised his hands, put them behind his head, and stuck his body against the door as described in the TV series.

Zhang Yi cautiously walked over and searched.

"Is this okay now?"

Zhou Ke'er waited until Zhang Yi had searched before asking.

Zhang Yi confirmed that Zhou Keer was not carrying a weapon.

Then he glanced at the medicine box on the ground, and said to Zhou Keer: "I suggest you take a shower first!"

Zhou Ke'er's face turned even redder. It's true that she hasn't showered for a long time, and she might smell a little, but that's something she can't help!

Embarrassed, she ran into the bathroom as if fleeing.

Zhang Yi found some women's clothes from a different space and threw them outside the bathroom for her.

"There is a change of clothes here, you can wear them yourself later."

"I picked a set according to your size. You can try to see if it fits. If it doesn't work, I'll find you another one."

Zhang Yi has been in charge of the warehouse for so long, and he has developed a good eye.

He could tell at a glance the size of Zhou Ke'er's clothes.

Zhou Ke'er was in the bathroom, and said "hmm" in a low voice.

Then, there was the sound of splashing water.

Zhang Yi came to her medicine box, stretched out his hand and carefully opened it, and checked it carefully.

It was found that there was no medicine in it, only a few rolls of gauze that were almost used up, and two unopened needle tubes.

Zhang Yi thought for a while, picked up the needle, threw it into a different space, and closed the medicine box for her.

He sat on the sofa unhurriedly, waiting for Zhou Keer to take a shower before continuing to chat with her about other things.

In the bathroom, Zhou Ke'er turned on the shower, and when hot water sprayed on her head, her excited eyes were filled with tears.

People only understand what happiness is after they lose it.

She didn't feel the importance of everything in daily life back then.

But after the end came, she realized how precious those things were.

With the development of human civilization for thousands of years, the convenient and quick products brought by them have made them more and more delicate.

Since she didn't take a shower for half a month, Zhou Ke'er washed it extra carefully this time.

After she took a bath for half an hour, she suddenly realized that this was Zhang Yi's family, so she speeded up the bath.

After all, water resources are also very precious now.

Zhang Yi didn't make any comments, nor did he urge her.

Because he reserves a lot of water.

And even if an extreme situation occurs, there is still a lot of ice and snow outside that can be used.

Human activities have pressed the pause button, and the natural snow water is very clean and even drinkable.


The bathroom door opened.

Zhang Yi looked over and saw a steaming lotus root protruding from the door, picking up the clothes he left outside.

Not long after, Zhou Ke'er came out in her pajamas.

The wet hair hangs loose behind her, exuding a thrilling beauty.

With a gun in his hand, Zhang Yi turned a blind eye to this beauty, his eyes still full of caution.

He will not let his guard down until he is sure that this woman is reliable.

Whether it is a seemingly weak woman or a child, they may become a deadly threat in the last days.

"Thank you, Zhang Yi. I haven't showered for a long time and wasted your water. You...don't blame me?"

Zhou Ke'er looked a little embarrassed.

When she came to a strange man's house, she was still very cautious in her heart.

Especially now, she has no idea what kind of person Zhang Yi is.

It's always right to be careful and respectful at this time, she doesn't want to anger Zhang Yi and be thrown out.

It is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but difficult to go from luxury to frugality. After experiencing the beauty of the safe house, who would want to go back to the ice and snow?

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