After some thinking, Zhang Yi got a satisfactory answer.

That is, as long as he sticks to 25# and does not go out, using the firepower in his hands and the strength of the safe house, even the people from the other 29 buildings can't do anything to him.

To put it bluntly, in today's situation where food is extremely scarce and the temperature is extremely cold, it is a huge torment for a person to go out and take two steps against the biting cold wind.

Twenty people can't do what one person used to do.

"My personal safety is not a problem. No matter how bad it is, I can ride out the siege on a motorcycle and use the weapons in my hand to fight guerrilla warfare with them, and I can slowly consume them to death."

"It's just that it's too troublesome to do so. When will I have to kill the people in Building 29?"

"But if I don't kill them, they will definitely come and attack me."

Zhang Yi pondered carefully in his heart.

Should he spend some time and energy to kill all the people in the community who are a threat to him, or should he find another way.

In a short time, Zhang Yi didn't make up his mind.

He glanced at his phone and decided to have a chat with Li Jian as well.

He has to see if all the landlords think this way.

Zhang Yi opened the chat box with Li Jian.

He ignored Li Jian, but Li Jian took the initiative to introduce their situation to Zhang Yi.

"Mr. Zhang, I am here with sincerity, and I hope to cooperate with you to build a harmonious home, a doomsday utopia."

"So far in our 18#, only five elderly people have died, and they died of complications caused by extremely cold temperatures."

"Everyone distributes materials through reasonable planning and gets along very harmoniously."

"I think this is the best way to survive in the last days. It preserves the fire for human civilization. It is also conducive to the reconstruction work after the snow disaster."

"Now, we lack effective food sources. Because we hope to cooperate with you, as a price, we can provide manpower and material resources to meet your requirements as much as possible."

"And it can coordinate the relationship with other unit buildings for you to avoid conflicts."

Zhang Yi felt much more comfortable after seeing Li Jian's introduction.

As expected of the chief financial officer of a large group, his EQ is much higher than that of Chen Lingyu, who is a micro-businessman.

The organization is clear, the statement of interests is concise, and the tone of speech is neither humble nor overbearing.

But what Zhang Yi cares most about is the harmonious home he mentioned.

It has been more than 20 days since the end of the day, and none of them died in the conflict!

Zhang Yi looked at Zhou Ke'er who was pinching his feet, "Ke'er, do you know anything about the situation at 18#?"

Zhou Ke'er thought for a while and said, "I've heard of some. It is said that the building manager of their building is a very charismatic person. After the end of the world, he united all the residents and adopted a unified distribution of materials, so that most people Some of them are alive today."

Zhang Yi sighed: "As expected of a chief financial officer, management accountants not only need to know how to manage, but also need to know how to maximize profits."

In fact, Li Jian's approach is the most reasonable.

In other buildings, such as 25# where Zhang Yi is located, due to conflicts and internal conflicts, a lot of materials were wasted.

Theoretically, if a person does not exercise (including mental exercise), the energy consumed in a day is very small, and only one meal is enough.

"Li Jian, he is a talent."

Zhang Yi sighed with emotion, but then said: "However, it is still impossible to survive for a long time in the apocalypse."

Li Jian's ability lies in establishing order. Through his influence in 18#, he united everyone early.

However, what should you do if you face an attack from the outside world?

The group of people who are used to being comfortable, if they meet villains like Tianhe Gang or Chen Zhenghao, they will probably only be slaughtered.

This is the same reason that the ancient Central Plains civilization lost to nomadic civilization many times.

Without the protection of force, all stability and harmony are false.

Zhang Yi asked: "If I disagree, what will you do?"

Li Jian thought for a long time before replying to Zhang Yi.

"We uphold the spirit of friendship and cooperation, and invite you to cooperate."

"I am deeply sorry if you refuse. But this does not mean that your thoughts will not change in the future, and I am still looking forward to the next opportunity to cooperate."

Zhang Yi smiled, this official way of reply seems very comfortable.

"Why, don't you choose to attack our 25#? Or don't you choose to join when other units attack?"

Li Jian's reply was also very frank.

"Our military force is only used for self-protection, and we will not take the initiative to attack others."

"It's not that we don't have strength, but because of useless internal friction, the final result can only be a loss for both sides."

Zhang Yi wanted to applaud him.

Look at him, he is obviously cowardly, but he wants to say it so righteously.

Then again, the Harmonious Homeland of 18# spent half a month in the last days in a peaceful way, and indeed did not have the courage to fight with others.

Li Jian is a sensible person.

He also knew that if Zhang Yi really got into a fight with others, they would not get much benefit even if they passed.

It's better to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

In case Zhang Yi loses and the snowmobile falls into the hands of others, he can still find other people to cooperate.

"Wait for my answer."

After Zhang Yi sent this message, he went to the friend request list to find other people.

Before, because there were too many people who wanted to be friends with him and asked for supplies, he ignored all friend applications.

But now it seems that everyone in the whole community and every building wants to talk to him and ask him to help collect supplies.

Sure enough, Zhang Yi added the heads of several floors later.

What they expressed was almost the same as that of Chen Lingyu and Li Jian.

They all hope to cooperate with Zhang Yi, and then ask Zhang Yi to help them collect supplies to keep them alive.

However, the conditions they can give are extremely limited.

Only labor, women, and commitments don't get in trouble when they collide.

The difference is just a good attitude and a bad attitude, nothing more.

Zhang Yi lay on the sofa, looked up at the ceiling, and murmured in a low voice: "There are only two choices now, war or peace."

"War, then I have to kill all those who threaten me. It's not impossible to do this, it just takes too much time and ammunition."

"To kill a large number of residents in the 30 buildings in the entire community, the ammunition I stored will be exhausted. The ammunition reserves I obtained from the police station are not too much, just over a thousand rounds."

"This is still an ideal consideration. I can kill them all when they come to attack, but in case they hide in the building and cannot come out, I dare not venture in."

"What's more, although I don't have any psychological shadow on killing people. But I'm not a perverted butcher."

"Most people in the community don't have much hatred against me. It would be a little bit unbearable to kill them all."

"Gah, maybe I'll make myself mentally troubled by then."

Zhang Yi rubbed his temples, he didn't think killing the whole neighborhood was a good option.

That was too much trouble.

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