On the roof of the hotel, three people were standing and watching.

At this moment, Hai Wuya stood on the edge, observing the situation in the city.

Behind Hai Wuya, Wang Yan and Xia Xiaoyu had different expressions.

Wang Yan was still as cold and silent as ever, while Xia Xiaoyu had some worry in his eyes.

After receiving the prompt from the system, Hai Wuya immediately began to prepare a plan.

The reason why he brought Wang Yan and Xia Xiaoyu was because both of them were useful for this plan.

At least in Hai Wuya's imagination, they were useful.

Wang Yan could be used to block Ye Fan, and Xia Xiaoyu could solidify the magma.

As for Ye Xue, Hai Wuya decided not to bring her.

After all, it was an action against Ye Fan, and bringing Ye Xue would definitely affect the subsequent results.

"Wang Yan, are you sure that Donghai City really has only one park with hot springs, and it is two kilometers east of our hotel?"

Hai Wuya finally confirmed with Wang Yan again, even though he had asked several times just now.

Wang Yan nodded after hearing this, and then said in a heavy tone:

"Master, the situation outside is very dangerous now. Are you sure you want to go to that park?"

"Although I will definitely obey your orders, I still don't recommend you to do anything. After all, you have just appeased everyone in the hotel..."

Wang Yan was not afraid to accompany Hai Wuya, but he didn't understand.

He didn't understand why Hai Wuya risked his life to go to an ordinary park.

Hai Wuya pondered for a moment after hearing this, but still said to Wang Yan:

"There is an important thing there that can make me stronger!"

"I know, Master!"

Wang Yan nodded and said nothing more. Since Hai Wuya has made up his mind to go, Wang Yan will obey.

After communicating with Wang Yan, Hai Wuya turned his head and looked at Xia Xiaoyu.

Seeing the fear in the other's eyes, Hai Wuya was also a little helpless.

But there will be many times to go out in the future, so the highly talented people in the base must overcome their fear!

Pulling Xia Xiaoyu into his arms, Hai Wuya didn't say much, but gently stroked her back.

After the other party's breathing frequency stabilized, Hai Wuya slowly spoke to comfort her:

"I brought you out this time because your talent helps me, and at the same time let you know that the deformed are not scary at present."

"You don't have to do anything after you go out, just stay behind me, I will eliminate all dangers."

"But you can also try to kill the deformed, so that you can increase your practical experience."

Hai Wuya's words were effective for Xia Xiaoyu.

Xia Xiaoyu thought about it, and finally broke free from his arms, and said to Hai Wuya seriously:

"Mr. Hai! I am very happy to help you, you don't have to worry about me, I won't hold you back!"

Seeing Xia Xiaoyu's sincere tone, Hai Wuya thought that the other party was ready.

So Hai Wuya pulled one person with each hand, took the two people to use space transfer, and quickly went to the destination.

At the same time, he used the energy crystal placed on his chest to transfer and restore his physical strength.

During this period, some zombies also discovered Hai Wuya and others, but when they were about to attack, the original prey suddenly disappeared.

This made the zombies confused. Am I dazzled?


Just as Hai Wuya and others were heading to the park, someone was also heading to the park at a high speed in another direction.

This person held a machete in his hand and chopped down the zombies he met along the way.

And his body skills were amazing. The zombies could not touch him at all when he dodged.

With passionate slashing all the way, this person finally came to the gate of the hot spring park.

Ye Fan exhaled heavily, as if all his strength had been drained.

There were some zombies lying around him, all of whom were defeated in the passionate fight with him just now.

Ye Fan looked at the gate of the park, and the depression that had been accumulating in his heart was finally relieved.

Since his rebirth, many things that shouldn't have happened have happened, so Ye Fan even suspected that his memory was confused.

But fortunately, the location of the great opportunity in his memory was correct and had not been changed!

After Ye Fan woke up this morning, he awakened the same talent and ability as in his previous life, which was a B+ level ability called "burning fire".

Although Ye Fan's talent in his previous life was not low, his upper limit was much worse than that of an S-level talent.

Ye Fan thought that this was fate, because talent could not be changed in any way.

But when he was out on a mission, he accidentally heard a secret.

That was one of the three strongest men in Wucheng Base City, Xuanhuo ZunThe S-level talent of the supernatural being evolved from external objects?

At that time, Ye Fan thought it was ridiculous, but when he met the Xuanhuo Venerable and heard about it from him, Ye Fan finally believed it.

In his memory, Ye Fan knew that the Xuanhuo Venerable obtained the evolution crystal two months after the outbreak of the apocalypse.

But the evolution crystal was formed at the moment when the hot spring lake turned into a magma lake, so Ye Fan was not worried about not finding the evolution crystal.

At this moment, the apocalypse broke out only a few hours ago, and the crystal that could make the supernatural power evolve must still be in this park!

As long as he obtained the evolution crystal and made his talent become S-level, he could save Xiaoxue and avenge Hai Wuya!

Hatred rose in his heart, and Ye Fan felt that his body was no longer tired at this moment.

After observing the left and right and confirming that there was no emergency, Ye Fan quickly stepped into the park.

According to the description of the Xuanhuo Venerable in his memory, the evolution crystal was in the magma of the park, and the magma was the original hot spring.

So as long as he goes to the location of the hot spring, he will definitely be able to find the evolution crystal!

Ye Fan ran while looking for the hot spring according to the road signs.

The few zombies along the way were also chopped to the ground by Ye Fan.

Anything that dared to stop Ye Fan was chopped down by him.

Soon, according to the reminder of the landmark, Ye Fan came to a door frame.

The door frame was very large, with a few big words "Endless Hot Spring Lake" written on it.

Seeing these big words, Ye Fan's face finally showed ecstasy.

Although he had not confirmed the scene inside, Ye Fan was standing in front of the door at this moment, and there was already a hot breath blowing in his face.

No need to think too much, the hot spring inside must have turned into magma!

Ye Fan took a deep breath, and then quickly stepped into the destination that was close at hand.

Not far from the door to the hot spring lake, Ye Fan soon came to the side of the "hot spring lake".

At this moment, the hot spring lake has become a magma lake. It is an irregular oval lake with a diameter of about ten meters.

But looking at the bubbling magma lake, Ye Fan felt that the depth of the lake should not be shallow.

According to his memory, Ye Fan roughly knew the location of the evolution crystal.

In the center of the magma lake, where the frequency of bubbling is the fastest and the intensity is the highest.

If I guessed correctly, the evolution crystal is in it!

Ye Fan thought in his heart, he was seriously thinking about what method to use to take out the evolution crystal.

The temperature of the magma is too high, and Ye Fan can't reach out and touch it.

And Ye Fan's innate ability has no way to control the magma.

So Ye Fan fell into deep thought at this moment, and he was unaware of his upcoming blessings.


Outside the gate on the other side of the park, Hai Wuya brought Wang Yan and Xia Xiaoyu to this place.

Using the ability of space transfer, Hai Wuya did not encounter any obstacles along the way.

Therefore, in less than ten minutes, they arrived at the target park from the top floor of the hotel.

"Master, this is the only hot spring park in Donghai City. This is where you are looking for!"

After looking at the gate, Wang Yan confirmed that the location was correct, so he told Hai Wuya that he had arrived at the destination.

Hai Wuya nodded slightly when he heard this, and then he walked to the landmark map of the park.

After looking at the specific location of the hot spring, he continued to grab the arms of the two and prepared to use space transfer.

However, Xia Xiaoyu spoke at this time, and she hesitantly said:

"Master Hai, can you rest for a minute? I feel like vomiting..."

Xia Xiaoyu looked at Hai Wuya pitifully, but her palm had already covered her mouth to prevent herself from vomiting directly.

Hai Wuya sighed in his heart when he saw this, but he didn't want to refuse.

But thinking that he was alone, it would be good to go in and check the situation inside first.

At least it was very stable and not easy to be discovered.

So Hai Wuya turned around and said to Wang Yan:

"You and Xiaoyu wait for me here for a while, I'll go in and take a look."

Wang Yan nodded and said yes, without objection.

And Xia Xiaoyu smiled, and she didn't seem to be so dizzy anymore.

After Hai Wuya finished speaking, he ignored the two of them and used space transfer directly, arriving at the gate of the hot spring lake in a few moments.

As usual, Hai Wuya looked around, but when he saw several bodies of deformed people lying not far away, he guessed that someone had been here!

And the target was also the hot spring lake in front of him!

Hai Wuya didn't need to think too much at this moment, he knew that the person who came must be Ye Fan.

It seems that he is still a step late, letting Ye Fan get there first...

But in this case, thenI had no choice but to take it from Ye Fan.

Thinking of this, Hai Wuya smiled.

Then he used the talent of the Hurricane Walker to blend into the air.

This was very concealed. Except for the naked eye, no one could detect his position.

After all, Hai Wuya was ready to snatch it, and he had to do a good job of hiding.

Then he didn't waste any more time and used space transfer to enter the hot spring lake.

When he came to the periphery of the magma lake, Hai Wuya moved to the building in front.

Here you can see the whole picture of the magma lake, and Ye Fan, who was thinking beside the magma lake, has also been discovered by Hai Wuya.

Looking at Ye Fan frowning and thinking, Hai Wuya also held his breath and quietly waited for Ye Fan's next move.

Although Hai Wuya can currently beat Ye Fan, who can be sure that Ye Fan has no trump card?

So in order to snatch the evolution crystal steadily, Hai Wuya decided to wait and see.

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