If I remember correctly, today is Christmas?

In this early winter, the wind should be quite cold.

Hai Wuya looked at the shivering Li Wanting and thought in his heart.

But I don’t know if it’s because my physical fitness has improved, but I can’t feel any cold at this moment.

Hai Wuya doesn’t feel much about cold and heat, unless it’s in an extreme environment.

Otherwise, it’s really nothing to feel the ordinary temperature change of the season.

The cold wind is still roaring, and the school is full of zombies eating people.

Li Wanting, who was squatting on a high place, was a little worried at this moment.

She was worried that Hai Wuya would not come back. If Hai Wuya could not come back, then she could only wait to die here.

Li Wanting is very tired now, both physically and mentally.

Each of these sudden encounters today was enough to make her breathless.

Just when Li Wanting was in a daze, a figure suddenly appeared beside her.

She looked up and found that the person who came was indeed Hai Wuya.

"You are back!"

"How is it, did you find Teacher Xia, or has she already..."

Li Wanting's tone was very happy, but when she realized that only Hai Wuya came back, she thought that Xia Xiaona had met with an accident.

But Hai Wuya shook his head and said slowly:

"She is fine, I asked her to wait for me in the room."

"Let's not waste time now, continue to take me to another place."

Li Wanting nodded at first, but was stunned when she heard the following words, then she looked up at Hai Wuya and said in surprise:

"Where else are we going?"

"Didn't we agree that if I find Teacher Xia, I will eat braised pork..."

Li Wanting's tone was a little tearful, but she didn't dare to show her dissatisfaction, so she could only look at Hai Wuya pitifully.

Seeing this, Hai Wuya shook his head and said:

"It's a waste of time to give it to you now. Take me to the school hospital now. I will give it to you when I find the last person."

Hai Wuya's tone was decisive. Although Li Wanting complained in her heart, she still told him the route.

"The school hospital is in the southeast corner. You have to pass through the dormitory area and several large canteens on the way."

"Go south from this location, it's about three kilometers to get there."

After learning the route, Hai Wuya didn't hesitate any more and used space transfer to leave here directly.

Luo Danxia is the school doctor and is basically on duty at the school hospital, so Hai Wuya went straight to that place.

However, along the way, they had to pass through areas where zombies gathered, so Hai Wuya moved very slowly.

Only after confirming that the foothold was safe, Hai Wuya would use space transfer to move.

After a safe journey, Hai Wuya brought Li Wanting to the dormitory area.

There were too many people in the dormitory area, especially after the disaster, all the chaos started from here.

At this moment, Hai Wuya stopped on the roof of a building and observed the surrounding environment.

There were groups of zombies on the ground, and the dormitory was probably full of zombies.

Hai Wuya turned his head and looked at Li Wanting. He was going to the school hospital alone, so he said:

"It's dangerous to go to the school hospital. You will only be a burden if you take me with you, so wait for me here."

After Hai Wuya finished speaking, he took out a few packs of snacks and drinks, as well as a thick cotton jacket from the space.

Without waiting for Li Wanting to ask him to stay, he moved away directly.

Li Wanting pursed her lips, but looking at the empty environment, she could only nod.


If he was alone, Hai Wuya's speed would be much faster.

He could blend into the air, so he would not be discovered by the zombies.

Passing by the men's dormitory, Hai Wuya was still thinking in his heart whether he would meet Ye Fan.

But unfortunately, there was no trace of Ye Fan.

Shaking his head, Hai Wuya continued on his way and soon arrived at the cafeteria area.

The cafeteria door was closed, but there were many zombies attacking at the door.

It is estimated that there are survivors inside who have been discovered, which is why this situation has occurred.

Hai Wuya is standing on the roof of a large car at this moment, not far from the cafeteria door, only about 20 meters.

After watching the zombies attacking humans for a while, Hai Wuya was about to leave when a shout suddenly came.

"Hey! The man standing on the roof, can you help us make some noise! ​​!?"

"The zombie group has been attacking, and we can't resist it anymore!!!"

Hai Wuya turned his head and found a middle-aged man shouting at him from a small window on the second floor of the cafeteria.

When the middle-aged man saw that Hai Wuya's attention had been attracted by him, he immediately called out's voice got louder.

"We have old people and children here! But the zombies' attack is too fierce! We can't resist it any more!"

"So please, little brother, make all the cars under your feet sound the alarm, so that the zombies can be attracted over!!!"

"Little brother! Please!!!"

The middle-aged man's tone was very sincere, and his eyes looking at Hai Wuya were full of earnestness.

But Hai Wuya's heart was calm at this moment.

Even if they really helped the man, they would not have any good results in the end.

So Hai Wuya didn't want to waste his efforts, so he directly used space transfer and left the roof.

The middle-aged man looked at Hai Wuya who suddenly disappeared, and his face was shocked.

Could that man be a monster too?

I shouldn't have said so much just now!

The man thought to himself, and at the same time turned around and discussed with other survivors.

In the end, they all agreed that they should continue to hold on and wait for rescue.

As for Hai Wuya, he had passed through several canteens and arrived in front of the last building in the southeast corner.

Looking at the unique building and the several ambulances parked in front of the gate.

You don't have to guess, you know where the school hospital is.

The school hospital is quite large, almost as big as a teaching building.

But it is not like other areas of the school, which are full of zombies.

At the entrance of the school hospital, Hai Wuya did not find many zombies.

And the gate of the school hospital is also closed at this moment.

The disaster broke out in the morning, so there are not many people in the school hospital, so there are not many zombies.

This is Hai Wuya's guess, but this guess is definitely right, after all, who would go to the hospital for no reason.

This is also good, and it won't waste more time.

Hai Wuya looked up at the sky, and it was almost dusk at this moment.

The daytime in winter is short, so Hai Wuya decided to speed up the pace of looking for Luo Danxia.

Thinking in his heart, Hai Wuya used space transfer directly and went to the gate of the school hospital.

This time, there was no specific location of Luo Danxia, ​​so he could only look for her while walking.

After taking out the hurricane blade to deal with several zombies at the door, Hai Wuya immediately entered the hospital lobby.

There were more than a dozen zombies in the lobby, including doctors in white coats and students in other clothes.

The zombies roared one after another, but none of them noticed Hai Wuya's arrival.

And Hai Wuya did not retain his energy, and directly used the wind blade to kill them all.

Hai Wuya checked the several consultation rooms next to the lobby on the first floor, and they were all empty.

It is estimated that they have become zombies in the lobby, but they have been killed by Hai Wuya.

"Is anyone there?"

Hai Wuya shouted in the lobby, although he did not get a response from humans, it caused the roars of other zombies.

Some zombies rushed out of the original area and came to the hall to look for the human who made the noise just now.

But unfortunately, they could not sense Hai Wuya, and were eventually killed by Hai Wuya's wind blade.

Hai Wuya walked around the first floor for a while, and after confirming that there were no living people in all the rooms, he turned and went to the second floor.

On the second floor, the hall here was the hanging water area, and there were also several zombies with hanging bottles wandering around.

After casually swinging a few wind blades, Hai Wuya skipped this place and went to the room with a door to check.

Pushing open a double-door room, the doctor zombie inside immediately turned his head.

But they didn't react yet, so Hai Wuya killed them all as usual.

Then he looked around casually, and except for the closed door of the single toilet, he could see at a glance that there were no living people.

Hai Wuya turned around and prepared to leave, but at this time a timid but recognizable male voice came from the toilet.

"Outside... Is there anyone outside?"

Hearing this, Hai Wuya's eyes lit up, and then he turned around and walked quickly to the toilet door, and said to the inside:

"I have killed the zombies, you can come out now."

After Hai Wuya's reply, the man inside immediately trembled with excitement.

Then he moved gently to the door and opened it slowly and carefully.

The toilet door opened, and a fat male doctor showed his head.

His face was horrified, and his whole body was soaked, but he didn't dare to take off his clothes.

But what was even more terrible was that as he opened the door, a smell of urine mixed with sweat directly hit Hai Wuya's face.

Hai Wuya frowned and was forced to take a few steps back.

Obviously, this male doctor didn't even dare to go to the toilet, so he had no choice but to urinate in his pants.

Seeing this scene, Hai Wuya was forced toResisting the urge to leave, he said to the other party:

"You are a doctor in this hospital, right? Do you know Luo Danxia?"

"Do you know where her duty room is?"

The fat doctor did not respond immediately, but stuck his head out and checked the situation in the room.

After confirming that all the zombies were dead, he spitted and turned to Hai Wuya and said:

"I am the director of the psychiatric department of the school hospital. The Luo Danxia you mentioned should be the deputy director of the nursing department. I know her!"

"The duty room of the nursing department is on the fourth floor, where she should be!"

Hai Wuya nodded and said:

"Then let's go, take me to find her!"

"Ah? Me!?"

"It's so dangerous outside, I won't go!!!"

The fat male doctor shook his head quickly to express his unwillingness.

But Hai Wuya was not negotiating with him. He raised the wind blade and pointed it at him, saying coldly:

"I will protect your safety, and I have killed all the zombies along the way."

"If you don't want to take me with you, then I will kill you first!"

The hurricane blade was against his throat, and the fat male doctor seemed to feel the coldness, so he could only agree reluctantly.

"Okay, I'll take you there, I'll take you there..."

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