In the East District of Bangkok, inside a small Chinese restaurant

Zhang Kai looked at the video on the phone, his face flushed and his eyes sparkled.

The domineering and powerful Chennawa, the incomparably cool exoskeleton armor, all these deeply attracted him, a nineteen-year-old boy.

What’s more, there is that villa and three million dollars.

“Villa, three million dollars? How many years do I have to wash dishes, and how many years do I wash dishes to earn it?”

He was moved.

Yes, he is also a supernatural person.

His supernatural ability is very strange.

He can make metal stronger.

Ordinary pig iron can become as hard as steel after being affected by his ability.

He didn’t know the principle of this, nor did he know what the use of this ability was, and he didn’t dare to discuss it with others.

I’m afraid of being treated as a different kind, or being caught by scientists for experiments.

He is very thankful for his caution.

In those days, the people in black caught people with supernatural powers everywhere, and there was a lot of panic.

Many supernatural beings were captured by them. Since then disappeared without a trace.

“Fortunately, there is His Excellency Chennawa, and the super power alliance.”

Zhang Kai looked at the recruitment information on the website, and the fire in his heart became more and more intense.

He tore off the apron abruptly and left it on the ground.

The fat chef cursed loudly: “Asshole. What are you doing? Don’t you want to do it? If you don’t want to do it, just get the hell out of here?”

Zhang Kai pushed the dead fat man away, and strode out: “I won’t serve you anymore!”

The fat chef froze in place.

. . . . . . . . . .

Chiang Mai City, Taiguo

Nandina returned to the rental house with her exhausted body.

The cramped rental house was dark and damp, just like her mood.

He took off the gorgeous dress on his body, carefully folded it and put it in the storage box.

Nandina lay on the bed and took a deep breath.

After dancing all day, her legs are really tired.

She is a low-level dancer, active in every bar in Chiang Mai.

He needs to go to several bars every day and dance for eight or nine hours in order to earn a salary of more than twenty dollars.

Thinking of those ugly colorists in the bar, she felt nauseated in her heart.

Today I slapped another old pervert, and was kicked out of the bar without any accident.

“It seems that this bar has not sent it. This is already the fourth bar. If it continues, I will be blacklisted by all the bars in Chiang Mai.”

“When will this day be the end?” She sighed, and flicked her right hand casually in the air.

Time! ! !

In an instant, the space split open, and a black hole the size of a watermelon appeared.

Nandia dumped the trash can into the black hole, then swipe it casually to close the black hole.

It’s like zipping on a zipper.

The garbage disappeared without a trace.

This is the ability she awakened when she was ten years old.

It can open a different-dimensional black hole and put the garbage in life into it.

She didn’t know what the use of this ability was, and she didn’t dare to tell others casually. When she was a child, her mother warned her seriously: Don’t tell anyone about this.

For ten years, she kept it a secret and never told anyone. She has listened to her mother since she was a child, except that she dropped out of school to become a dancer for her mother’s medical expenses.

Turning on the phone in boredom, a recruitment message attracted her full attention.

Alliance of superpowers, against the evil army of men in black?

She doesn’t care about justice or evil, she cares about the treatment provided by the other party:

Villa, three million dollars! !

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The Alliance of Power Users is located in the western suburbs of Bangkok, next to the umbrella company.

The entire building and the land were bought by Chennawa from the umbrella company at a huge sum of money.

The building has seven floors and looks elegant and delicate.

This was originally the newly built factory building of the Umbrella Company, and it is now used as the headquarters of the Super League.

At this time, there was a lot of voices below the building, and there were hundreds of people standing on the small playground.

“‘ Don’t worry, everyone, come one by one. Get your number first, fill out the identity information and ability information form. Then wait for your number to be called. Go in and test when your name is called.”

Zhang Kai looked at the crowd around him curiously. He never imagined that there are so many lockers of supernatural beings in the world.These people are male and female, old and young.

Zhang Kai even saw a four or five-year-old boy with a snotty nose, which turned into a ball of icicles just as the snot flowed out of his nostrils. (Qianma Zhao) The child pulls the icicle down with his hand, and then plays with it in his hand.

There is also an old man in his seventies with white hair and birds on his shoulders and head. A little bird flew in front of him, chirping non-stop.

The old man smiled all over his face: “Oh, so that’s the case. I know, I’ll hit it when I get back, and I will definitely vent your anger on you.”

The tone seemed to be coaxing a child.

Zhang Kai was very surprised, and felt that everything was full of novelty.

He suddenly saw a girl standing in front of her. She was 1.75 meters tall, with fair skin and a graceful figure.

Just as Zhang Kai wanted to take another look, the other party was called in for a test and disappeared in the square, which made Zhang Kai very regretful. .

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