Through Geng Erhong, the **** of retribution, the educated youth understood everything that happened these days.

 She was glad that the kang there was not enough to live in, so she kept herself away from that place of right and wrong.

Geng Erhong helped Yun chop the vegetables: "Anyway, the educated youth spot is a big stage. After you sing, he will come on stage. I really want to move out, but unfortunately I don't have the strength. It's really sad."

Yun Yi couldn’t answer this, so she pretended she didn’t understand.

Geng Erhong naturally had her own little thoughts when she said this, but she just tried it out. Seeing that Yun Yi didn't answer, she didn't dare to say anything more.

After dinner, the two chatted for a while before sending Geng Erhong out.

Just as she watched Geng Erhong walk away, and when she was about to turn around and return to the hospital, she saw a figure flash past not far away, heading south.

She couldn't help but look over there a few more times, and saw that the person was coming from the Educated Youth Point. Although the figure looked familiar, she couldn't remember who it was for the moment.

 Watching the figure disappear, he looked back thoughtfully and turned back to the yard.

 After closing the courtyard door, I couldn't help but glance at the side yard. Liu Cheng's yard was still dark.

 This man is injured and is not honest.

Shaking his head, he entered the house, closed the door and closed the curtains, and then entered the space.

 She collected a lot of shepherd's purse into the space in the past two days. When she came in today, she saw that it was already growing lush and green. She thought that when she came out of Jinqi, she would make herself a meal of shepherd's purse and meat dumplings.

As more and more plants are planted in the space, it feels like even the air in this space has become a lot fresher. I wonder if it is Yunyi's own illusion.

  It just makes people feel comfortable.

She had a mission when she came in today. She went to the kitchen of the stone house and took out a big basin. Then she fully armed herself and prepared to harvest honey.

 I lit the old bee nest that I had found on the mountain on fire and directly lured the bees out. Soon the queen bee also crawled out.

 She directly served those large beehives in one pot.

Anyway, as long as the queen bee is there, they will continue to work hard to build the nest.

During this period, she transplanted some nectar plants. However, the space for planting is limited, and it is impossible to plant a single plant in a large area. The honey harvested in the future will probably be mixed honey.

It is not easy to drink honey from a single pure species. After all, there are not only a small number of nectar plants planted in the space, but also a small number.

But the honey in these hives is because it was the flowering period of the linden trees when they were transplanted into the space, and they were all filled with snow honey.

 After working hard for a long time, I finally filtered out a small pot of milky white snow honey. For a while, the whole house was filled with the faint fragrance of linden tree nectar.

 After cleaning it up, she made herself a small bowl of honey water. It was not too sweet in the mouth and tasted very peaceful. She liked it very much.

  She drank a small bowl of honey and started her daily training. Fortunately, the space was big enough for her to work around.

 Two hours later, she took a change of clothes and went to the hot spring pool for a bath.

While scrubbing myself casually, I was thinking about going into the mountains tomorrow. In addition to collecting herbs, I also naturally wanted to collect as many species into the space as possible.

  In any case, the purpose of her space planting is not to have a large amount, but to have a variety of varieties.

 Just enough for her to consume alone.

 I packed myself up and went directly into the study. I was rarely in the mood tonight and wanted to start painting.

 As soon as he laid out the paper and was about to start writing, he heard a strange movement outside the space.

Without caring about anything else, he quickly left the space and went to the window in the dark to look out. (End of chapter)

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