Chapter 12 Cleaning up the dregs

Qin Hongling, the boss of the Qin family, didn’t know what his old man said to Yunyi, but he always made his attitude clear: “Yunyi, from now on you have to face life alone.

As the old saying goes, it is better to rely on yourself than to rely on anyone else. I want to arrange a job for you as a little compensation for you. What do you think? "

Yunyi felt that this man was a bit hypocritical, shook his head and said: "There is no need for work, my grandfather has arranged everything for me."

 After speaking, he took out a jade pendant from his schoolbag: "This is a token given by the Qin family back then."

Before Mr. Qin could say anything, Wu Lijuan neatly took out a jade bracelet wrapped in velvet from her coat pocket and handed it to Yunyi: "Please put the things away. You will have nothing to do with our Jiang Huike from now on." ”

Yun Yi ignored her nonsense and put it away after confirming that it belonged to the Chu family.

 Seeing that everything that needs to be done has been done, I politely declined Mr. Qin’s invitation to stay for dinner, said goodbye and left the Qin family.

 Finally, another thing has settled on my mind.

 Next, it’s time to get down to business!

Yunyi changed her clothes in advance and found a secluded place to stay. Not long after, she saw the pair of scumbag men and **** walking in one after the other.

Looking at Su Aiyu, Yunyi was a little confused, what did Sun Ruiming see in her?

Although she can be considered a Xiaojiabiyu, she is really incomparable to the original owner.

Let’s talk about family background. Su Aiyu’s father is an ordinary worker in the steel rolling mill. Her mother works as a temporary worker in the canteen of the textile factory. The family has five children to support, so their life is very tight.

 Could it be that this is the tortoise and the mung bean, and they see each other correctly?

Hearing Su Aiyu speak, Yunyi remembered that the girl who spoke in front of the mourning hall that day was her. That's it!

 Confirming that they were getting better and better, they quickly left the place.

There was no need to find anyone else. For the sake of convenience, she made preparations early in the morning.

First she ran to the committee meeting at the street corner in front, and happened to see a few teenagers coming out of it. She pretended to be panicked and out of breath: "Comrade, the dilapidation of Fengjia Lane in front of us is Someone is playing hooligans in the courtyard.”

When a few people heard this, they thought it was okay. Their attention was focused on the words "Someone is playing hooligans" and they didn't even pay attention to who was reporting the news. One of them waved his hand: "Let's go and have a look."

Yun saw them running away, and then ran to the police station in front. Of course, she had to use two prongs to make them die on the rack of shame.

Seeing that the police were also dispatched here, I hid my merit and fame, clapped my hands and walked to the department store. I could imagine their fate without looking.

It’s not that she doesn’t want to watch their misery from a distance, it’s just that her time is limited and she still has many things to do before going to the countryside, so she can’t waste time.


Sun Ruiming and Su Aiyu on the other side were in dire straits.

 While the two were busy having a selfless passion, they were surrounded by a group of people. You can imagine the scene.

Su Aiyu, who was the first to notice something was wrong, screamed, which frightened Sun Ruiming.

Su Aiyu's face was full of panic, and two words "It's over" flashed in her heart.

Sun Ruiming was also frightened. He never thought that he had had so many private meetings with Su Aiyu here without any problems. How could he be discovered today?

Before Sun Ruiming could quibble, those people took action directly. The two of them were punched and kicked while they were naked, and the curses were as unpleasant as they could sound.

Those who took action were not only people from the committee, but also people who followed to watch the excitement. There were many people who took the opportunity to vent their anger and take advantage.

 (End of this chapter)

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