The cave is so big, and everything that needs to be seen has been seen. As for whether there are other dark rooms, she has not discovered them, and she doesn't want to bother with that.

But since she discovered it by herself, she had to receive some reward. In order to prevent others from finding out the clues, she first put the boxes on the top into the space, and then she also put the six boxes on the lower floor into the space. .

 He ​​used his mind to open the six boxes and put them into the space. After seeing that they contained gold bars, silver coins and jewelry as he thought, he put the top box that he had put in at the beginning back to its original place.

 She didn’t want to collect useless things or dangerous items into the space, but she didn’t want to be greedy and collect everything.

 After checking the boxes and putting them back to their original places, no flaws were found, and there was no need to put in any more effort to disguise themselves, then he turned around and walked out.

Without stopping, he returned directly to the entrance of the cave where he had fallen. With some luck and some protruding spots on the cave wall, he jumped out of the cave entrance with a few jumps.

In order to prevent others from discovering this place, we started to disguise and clean up the aftermath. To be on the safe side, we even marked the place along the way.

Of course, apart from herself, I am afraid only that person can recognize these marks. After all, they were created by the two of them together.

Thinking of the past, I feel sour in my heart. I wonder if he can really come with me, and where is he now?

Looking at the darkening sky, I sighed in my heart, put away my thoughts, and rushed down the mountain at full speed.

By the time she reached the foot of the mountain, it was completely dark.

She quickly took out a backpack filled with various medicinal materials from the space, then carried it and walked to the place where she lived.

But before she took a few steps, she saw a light coming this way.

They were still some distance away when they heard Liu Chenglin's voice: "Chu Zhiqing, is that you?"

Yunyi quickly replied: "It's me, you."

Originally I was going to ask, "Why are you here, but it turned out that there was another person following him."

When I walked in, I realized that it was the man I had rescued before in Beijing.

  But the man didn't say anything. Instead, he stepped forward and took the backpack from her back, and waited aside.

Not only Yun Yi was confused, but also Liu Chenglin glanced at their boss several times and thought: Boss, what does this mean?

Seeing the boss frowning, he withdrew his scrutinizing gaze and quickly looked at Yunyi: "Chu Zhiqing, why are you back so late?"

Yun glanced at them, fearing that the wall had ears, so she said: "This is the first time I went into the mountains to collect herbs, and I lost track of time."

Liu Chenglin saw something unusual in Yun Yi's expression. Naturally, Huo Jingrui, who had been paying attention to Yun Yi's expression, also noticed it: "Let's go."

Having only dealt with them a few times, they had a tacit understanding. Huo Jingrui opened the way, Yun Yi followed closely behind, and Liu Chenglin walked at the end.

Huo Jingrui didn't know what was wrong with him. He had been asking people for information about this girl before. He attributed his abnormality to just finding his savior.

 But when he saw this girl again, he realized that he seemed to be even more unable to control his heart. After finishing his work last night, he had been thinking about how to find an opportunity to contact her.

 As a result, when he arrived at Liu Chenglin, he found out that this girl had gone up the mountain after delivering the medicine.

 I have been feeling restless today and have been worried about her, fearing that something might happen to her on the mountain.

But after they all came down from the mountain, they realized that the little girl hadn't come back yet. It was getting dark when he saw it. It took a lot of effort for him to suppress his urge to go up the mountain to find someone.

 But he really couldn't wait any longer, so he asked Liu Chenglin to go up the mountain to find someone for the sake of the wounded.

 Fortunately, the little girl came back safely.

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