The captain outside the space stood in place for a while, and then went back a while. He checked left and right again and again that there was nothing suspicious, and then continued to move forward.

Fortunately, I could see the scene outside from this space. When I saw him walking forward, I left the space and continued to follow him.

 After walking out of this cemetery, the captain Xu Wenchang went directly into the forest in front.

Yunyi's kung fu was not in vain. With the cover of the big tree, she dared to follow him even closer. Even though she entered the forest, she didn't make any sound.

When the captain occasionally stopped to conduct counter-reconnaissance, Yun Yi would immediately dodge into the space.

 The captain stopped when he reached an old elm tree.

At the moment when he turned around again to confirm safety, Yun stepped up to a sand pine tree behind and entered the space first.

 After carefully checking it again, the captain put his finger to his mouth and whistled a few times.

 If you listen carefully, you will know that this whistle is not a random whistle, but a secret message.

After a while, two people walked out from the opposite side, and one of them asked: "Why did you arrive so late?"

The captain quickly explained: "I met someone when I went out, which delayed me for some time."

As soon as Yun heard his reply, she couldn't help but complain a few words in her heart.

I heard the man opposite say: "We have been wandering in the mountains for so long but we haven't found a place. Are you sure there is nothing wrong with that thing?"

The captain was afraid of being misunderstood: "As soon as I got the box, I immediately notified the superiors, and someone came and took away the box that day."

I just heard the man say: "There is only one possibility. What we got is only part of it, otherwise it would be impossible to keep wandering in that forest and not find the place."

The captain was a little puzzled and said: "Isn't it that the map in the box coincides with the one sent by someone from above? How could it be only part of it?

Moreover, the man who was left behind at the beginning is dead, and he doesn’t know the direction even if he wants to look for it. "

At first, he was afraid that the man would take credit for his work, so he resorted to resorting to tricks when he got the things. The man died not long after.

Yun Yi heard their conversation clearly and confirmed her suspicion. It turned out that there was really a problem with the captain.

 It seems that I need to pay a visit to his house as soon as possible, at least I need to know it well.

I just heard another person say in Japanese: "Go to the place where you originally picked up the things and see if there is anything missing. You can't wait any longer. Someone is already watching us."

Don't blame me for not reminding you, if you can't find something, not only will we be doomed, but you will also end up badly. "

The man next to him saw that the captain did not understand what his companion was saying, so he translated it for him.

The captain knew that they were threatening him, because they were afraid that he would hide his secrets, so he couldn't help but feel resentful. After taking the things, he notified people to take them away as soon as possible, but now they were suspicious of him, and he was really angry.

 But he understood that a word from these people could put him in danger: "I know, I will go there again in the next few days to see if I missed anything."

As soon as Yun watched them separate, she changed the tracking targets and followed the two people who were meeting the captain all the way into the mountains.

 She is now certain that these two people are the same group of people she met before.

In order not to alert others, she decided not to follow these two people for the time being. After all, they could not find anything and would keep moving in the mountains.

 She wanted to inform Liu Chenglin and the others about the matter as soon as possible to see what they thought, but she didn't want to mess up their arrangements because of herself.

Also, before the identity of the captain's enemy agent is exposed, he wants to take the Qiu family out for a walk. If he dares to make his own ideas, he will naturally not let them go.

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