When Huo Jingrui heard Yunyi's question, the hand holding the chicken leg froze in the air, and he was unable to answer for a moment.

When he came to his senses, he took his hand back in embarrassment and said, "Well, I think you like it. If you don't, I'll help you change it to something else."

Yunyi smiled and waved her hands: "No, I really like chicken legs."

However, after saying this, Yunyi still carefully asked the question in his heart: "You can go down the mountain with a few torches, why do you have to rest in the mountain overnight before going down the mountain?"

Huo Jingrui didn't want to say it at first, but he was afraid that she would let down her guard, so he lowered his voice and said, "For such an important matter, are the people behind them willing to send just this team here?"

Yun suddenly understood: "Do you think someone will come out to rescue them?"

Huo Jingrui nodded lightly: "Give them enough time and give us time to repair. The most important thing is that this is a deep mountain. If it happens as I guess, it will not affect the villagers down the mountain."

Yunyi didn’t expect that Huo Jingrui, a grown man, was quite attentive.

 That's not right either. Rather than saying that he is careful, it is better to say that he is gambling.

 He bet that those people would appear, that rescuing people was false, but silencing them was true.

The two of them didn't talk anymore. Yun ate the chicken legs in small bites, while Huo Jingrui gnawed on two rabbit legs.

Yun glanced at Huo Jingrui, who was eating elegantly, and couldn't help but think of bits and pieces of the past.

Huo Jingrui saw her staring at him and thought she wanted to taste the rabbit legs: "Do you want to eat it?"

As soon as Yun heard the question, she shook her head in embarrassment: "No, I'm just thinking about something."

Huo Jingrui didn't ask any more questions, but thought of something. He quickly stood up and took out a few apricots from his pocket and handed them to Yunyi: "Take these and eat them."

Yun Yi smiled and took it: "When did you pick it?"

Huo Jingrui raised the rabbit legs in his hand: "When I picked the rabbits, they were from wild apricot trees. I didn't know if they were delicious or not, so I just picked a few. They taste good. You can try them."

Yunyi looked at the apricot in her hand, and the corners of her mouth curved up: "Thank you."

Huo Jingrui saw that she was happy and a smile appeared on his lips. He himself did not realize that his behavior was abnormal.

 Thinking of something, he also explained: "It's been washed."

But after saying that, I felt a little awkward, so I quickly turned around and ate the roasted rabbit leg in my hand.

Seeing him like this, Yun smiled and took a bite of the apricot: "Well, it's a little sour, but it's just right to relieve the greasiness."

Huo Jingrui said nothing, but the smile in his eyes betrayed his mood.

After filling his stomach, Huo Jingrui divided the people into groups for the night, and then found a place to sit down not far from Yunyi.

Yunyi was leaning against a tree, preparing to meditate with her eyes closed.

 Hearing someone coming towards her: "Can I sit with you?"

Yun Yi raised her head and looked at the lame Wei Zijia. She didn't expect that instead of staying with her partner, she came to find her. However, her impression of this girl was pretty good: "Sit down."

Wei Zijia had not recovered before, and due to the injury on his ankle, he never bothered to give Yun a proper thank you.

 Mainly because I didn’t find any opportunities.

She came over after a long period of mental construction: "You saved my life last time, and I haven't thanked you properly yet. I didn't expect that you would save my life again."

Yunyi looked at her and smiled slightly: "It seems that we are quite destined."

Wei Zijia smiled back at Yun.

Thinking of the gossip that I will face tomorrow, I can't help but sigh.

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