The visitor saw that the entire back of his battalion commander’s clothes was covered in blood, and he choked with a choked voice: “Don’t worry, battalion commander, the finishing touches are already being made over there, and we haven’t let anyone go.”

Huo Jingrui endured the severe pain in his back: "That's good."

Yunyi said at the right time: "Help your battalion commander over there."

It was too close to the explosion site, and she was afraid that floating objects would fall on the wound when treating it, which would be troublesome if it caused infection.

 The two of them worked together to help Huo Jingrui up.

Huo Jingrui cooperated and walked towards the place pointed by Yun Yi.

 But he didn’t ask him to help him deal with it immediately: “Take out the medicine, and I’ll help you deal with the wound on your neck first.”

The soldier beside him quickly opened the kettle he had just brought over and said, "Battalion Commander, use this to rinse your hands."

Huo Jingrui rushed over and used the remaining water to help Yun Yi clean the area around the wound. Then he handed the empty water bottle to his comrades: "Bring me another pot of water."

After sending the people away, he endured the burning pain in his back and helped Yunyi treat his wounds first.

Yunyi's eyes suddenly became wet, with tears welling up in them. He may have forgotten the past, but the consciousness of putting her first in everything may have been engraved deep in his soul.

  Huo Jingrui noticed something strange about her: "Did I hurt you?"

Yunyi shook her head: "No, I just remembered some past events."

Huo Jingrui investigated her life experience and thought she was frightened by such a cruel scene today: "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

As soon as these words came out, Yun Yi burst into tears. Thinking of his experiences in his previous two lives, every time he encountered difficulties, he would say, "Don't be afraid, I'm here." She wanted to reach out and hug him and cry loudly.

 But at this moment, the soldier trotted back: "Batalion Commander, the water has been brought back."

Yunyi quickly calmed down her emotions, knowing that their affairs were not urgent at this time.

Huo Jingrui knew how to deal with some simple injuries, so it didn't take long to help Yun clean the wound, apply medicine, and bandage it again without worry.

Yunyi used the water in the kettle to clean her hands and pointed at the big stone: "Lie down on the stone and I will help you take care of the injury on your back."

 Seeing Huo Jingrui lie down, he took a flashlight from his backpack and handed it to the person next to him: "Help me turn on the flashlight."

After all, the fire caused by the explosion there was too small to be used as lighting. In addition, his back was seriously injured and his clothes were torn. There must be tiny sand and gravel particles on his flesh and blood.

Using her backpack as cover, she took out a pair of scissors. She actually came out of the space and neatly cut off Huo Jingrui's clothes.

After cleaning the wound repeatedly with the debridement water I made in the space, I used a homemade cotton swab to carefully remove the tiny sand and gravel particles, and then used the debridement water to clean the wound again: "Be patient. ”

 Then she started to apply the ointment she made, but there was not so much medical gauze prepared in the space, so she didn't know what to do for a while.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in my mind. I made a long-sleeved white handmade muslin dress a few days ago. I randomly put it in the space when I left. I originally thought that in case I couldn't find someone for a few days, I would have some clothes to change. Now, It comes in handy.

I still used my backpack as a cover, took out my clothes, tore them open and bandaged several serious injuries.

The physiques of the two are so different that it is unrealistic to bandage them all, so that's all. (End of chapter)

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