Chapter 182 Beware of trouble coming from your mouth

When Qiao Shaoguo received the news, he dropped what he was doing and hurried to the foot of the mountain.

 Seeing the three educated youths, including my nephew, all come back in full, I was filled with excitement: "It will be good to come back, it will be good to come back."

  After walking around the three of them for a few times, the excitement had almost dissipated.

Thinking of looking for the injured people in their security team, he kicked his nephew in the butt: "You bastard, what are you doing wrong? Take them into the mountains."

Qiao Wenyu was caught off guard and staggered, almost kneeling: "Second uncle, I was wrong."

Qiao Shaoguo wanted to kick someone again, but Wang Qianjin, the deputy captain of the security team nearby, stopped him: "Captain, we can't kick him again. Although they got into trouble this time, they also made meritorious deeds."

Qiao Shaoguo was confused and said: "Where did they do their meritorious deeds?"

Wang Qianjin said with a smile: "A few of us have been quite frightened in the mountains these days. If you have anything to say, please go to the regiment headquarters and tell us."

 Actually, there are some things that are difficult to say in front of so many people in this group.

 Qiao Shaoguo glared at his useless nephew and strode towards the regimental headquarters.

Wang Qianjin looked at Zheng Xuewen: "I haven't helped him up yet to keep up."

After several people entered the large conference room at the regiment headquarters, Wang Qianjin hurriedly spoke: "We met them on the mountain, and the three of them strayed into the mountains chasing a rabbit.

As a result, they were discovered by enemy agents operating in the mountains and tied up, hoping to use them as hostages at a critical moment. "

Qiao Shaoguo immediately became angry when he heard this: "Look at the good things your kid has done."

Thinking of something, he glared at Wang Qianjin: "How could you excuse them in front of so many people in the regiment and lie about it? Where is your party spirit?"

Seeing that the group leader was angry, Wang Qianjin pushed the enamel water glass on the table towards him: "Commander, don't be anxious, just listen to me." Qiao Shaoguo picked up the water cup and drank a large amount of water: "Tell me, I think you can still name flowers."

Wang Qianjin glanced at the three educated youths who had their heads lowered and pretended to be quail: "They really shouldn't lie to the group, but they can't predict what's wrong. Who would have known that they would be so unlucky to encounter enemy agents in the mountains.

However, this kid Qiao Wenyu deserves to be your nephew, the leader. This kid is really smart and knows how to leave a mark whenever he finds an opportunity.

It was precisely because of his marks that the people in the army found him, so it can be regarded as a disguised meritorious service. "

Hearing this, Qiao Shaoguo finally felt a little better. At least this kid was calm in the face of danger and knew how to use what he learned when he was thrown into the army for training during the previous vacation.

It didn’t take long for the news of the return of several people who had been missing for several days on the mountain to spread throughout the Hua’an Farming Reclamation Corps.

  After hearing the news, Ye Wenjuan, who was working in the fields, said: "It's really a good fortune."

Ye Wenhui on the side heard her words and said displeased: "What are you talking about?"

Ye Wenjuan is most annoyed by Ye Hui always lecturing her: "Did I say something wrong?

It's been a few days, and so many people have been sent out but they haven't been found. Now that I'm back, I said they were lucky. What's wrong with me? "

Ye Wenhui really couldn't understand. Her cousin was acting like a bug day by day, always looking down on other people. If her surname hadn't been Ye, she would have really not wanted to care about her: "When I'm away from home, I don't have that many habits. You, be careful that trouble comes from your mouth.”

 After saying that, she ignored Ye Wenjuan's glare and sped up her hand movements. She had been in the countryside for almost a month, and she didn't want to be ridiculed and messed around all day long.

 (End of this chapter)

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