Yun stepped on the pedals and stopped again: "Sister, what's wrong?"

The eldest sister may have had her leg pinned down by the bicycle when she fell, and was hit by a hard object in the ditch. She didn't notice much before, so she walked with a slight limp.

Yun Yi looked at her legs: "Are your legs okay?"

The eldest sister waved her hand and said, "It doesn't matter if I got knocked a little bit."

Walking up to Yunyi, the eldest sister looked back and forth: "Girl, are you from the village below?"

Yunyi didn't understand what the eldest sister meant, so she didn't say she was an educated youth and nodded: "Yes."

The eldest sister grabbed Yunyi's handlebar: "My name is Cui Tanghua. Thank you for your help today. I am most afraid of owing favors and letting you know some gossip."

Yun Ben originally wanted to wave her hand and refuse, but Cui Tanghua would not allow her to refuse: "My man works in a machine factory in the county. The factory will recruit a group of temporary workers recently, and there will be a recruitment exam in three days.

However, the application requirements must be high school graduation. If you have a suitable person in your family, you can ask him to come over and try. "

After saying that, she let go of Yunyi's handlebars: "Okay, I won't waste your time anymore, go back quickly."

Yunyi didn’t expect this eldest sister to be so sincere: “Sister, thank you.”

After saying that, he waved to the eldest sister named Cui Tanghua, got in the car and drove to the village.

If she remembered correctly, the party secretary’s youngest son should have graduated from high school. If she didn’t go to Hua’an for farming, she might consider it. Naturally, she has no idea now. After all, it’s not convenient to go to the county town to go to the mountains.

 She still likes to be more free.

I cycled all the way to the village entrance. I got off the car and found a hidden place to recover the bicycle. Then I took a small road to avoid the news gathering place at the village entrance and returned home.

 She was not in a hurry to go to the party secretary's house, as there might not be anyone at home at this point.

 After putting away the things, I took the backpack and walked directly to the back mountain. The main reason is that her hands are itchy. Now that she has carving tools, she wants to find wood that can be used now.

  He used Qinggong as he entered the inner circle, and soon he arrived at the cave where he had found the bacon.

 She quickly hung up all the meat to be smoked, lit the pine branches she had prepared in advance, and then sprinkled a circle of animal repellent powder around it.

Originally I wanted to hang the bacon too, but the place where the bacon was dried is no longer exposed to sunlight. I thought it would be better to hang it when I go up the mountain to practice tomorrow.

 After adding enough firewood, he left to look for suitable wood for carving.

 She had seen ginkgo trees in the mountains before and was going to take a look.

Unexpectedly, before arriving at the place, she saw peach trees first. She directly collected three of them into the space. The peach wood ornaments also have a very good meaning. You can also plant and eat peaches, killing two birds with one stone.

Feeling hungry, I returned to the space to fill my stomach. Then I left the space and continued walking into the mountains.

 When she found the ginkgo tree, she went back to the space to take a look, but she could only put one in because it took up too much space.

I chose a leafy tree to add to the space. I thought about using my inner strength to blow down a branch and let it dry naturally. After it dries, it will be convenient to carve any ornaments I want to use in the future.

 After returning home, I have to go to Carpenter Yin’s place to see if there is any wood that has been dried and suitable for carving.

While walking back, she also found a lot of Hericium erinaceus. She picked nine of the fist-sized ones, but she didn't pick the smaller ones.

 Written down the place and thought about picking it up again in a few days.

Going back to the place where the bacon was smoked, I checked that there was no big problem. I built several layers up and down, added enough firewood to burn until tomorrow morning, and then blocked the hole and left.

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