I knew that the child had no injuries except for the red marks on his wrists, so I didn't pay much attention to him.

 As for Qiao Yuxiang who was still unconscious on the ground, she didn't care.

This kind of person just depends on her own luck. Even if she is picked up by a wild beast in the mountains, she is asking for it.

Although Yun was walking forward, she was observing her grandfather and grandson with her mental power.

If the old man takes Qiao Yuxiang away or wakes him up, he will not sympathize with her if anything happens. Life or death is their fate.

The old man looked at Qiao Yuxiang with a troubled expression. Thinking that his grandson almost died, he took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and pulled his grandson away.

It seems that the old man is not too confused.

As soon as I regained my mental strength, I heard the little boy's voice: "Pretty sister, thank you."

Then the old man also expressed his thanks.

Yunyi raised her hand and waved it to indicate that she heard it, but she did not stop.

  What kind of day is it today? I saved two people in a row. Thinking of the grandfather and grandson following me, I couldn't help but slow down.

It was not until they were about to go down the mountain that the grandfather and grandson turned to the other side of the path, and Yunyi quickened his pace.

I guess they are the people who live in the small thatched house at the foot of Nanshan Mountain.

 After arriving home, I washed my hands and cooked a pot of rice, then packed up and headed to the party secretary's house.

  After all, there is an exam in three days, and you need to prepare for it. If you get the news early, you can read more books.

After crossing the river, I heard Zhao Guihua’s hearty smile. I thought about how many times I had stood up for myself during the time I came to the village, so I was ready to tell her.

 Anyway, once the news is sent, it’s up to them whether there is a suitable person and whether they can pass the exam.

When she arrived at the party secretary's house, the party secretary had just come back from outside: "Chu Zhiqing, why are you here?"

Yun Yi pointed to the courtyard: "Secretary of the Party Committee, come into the hospital and say." The Party Secretary thought that Yun Yi was leaving the village early, so she couldn't help but sigh in her heart. She didn't have anyone with good medical skills in the village, so she had to leave now. .

After entering the courtyard, the branch secretary said: "Let's talk inside the house."

Yun thought it was not appropriate to expose this matter now, so she nodded in agreement.

 After the two of them entered the house, they saw the wife of the branch secretary rummaging through the kang cabinet: "Auntie."

Hu Shanmei turned around and saw her old man and Yunyi following him: "Chu Zhiqing is here, come in and sit down."

Seeing the things he put on the kang, he felt a little embarrassed and said, "Look at how sloppy I am, don't laugh at me."

Yun waved her hand and said, "How sloppy is this mother-in-law? Everything in the house and outside the courtyard has not been tidied up properly."

When Hu Shanmei heard this, she smiled all over her face: "Sit down and talk."

The branch secretary filled a pot of tobacco for himself: "Chu Zhiqing, why are you here?"

Yunyi did not circle around: "Secretary Party Secretary, I remember you said that your youngest son graduated from high school, right?"

 The branch secretary nodded and said: "Yes."

After finishing speaking, he asked with confusion on his face: "Why did you think of asking this?"

Yun said straight to the point: "Secretary of the Communist Party of China, it's like this. I got a piece of news today. The machine factory in the county is recruiting workers recently. There will be a factory entrance exam in three days. You can let your youngest son take the test."

When the branch secretary heard this, he answered directly: "Chu Zhiqing, is this news reliable?"

Yun Yi did not hide anything: "I also learned about it accidentally, but that person should not tell lies. If it is true or false, you will know if you go there and take a look in three days, but you can't miss the opportunity."

 Now the branch secretary and his wife are not calm anymore.

The branch secretary’s wife didn’t even bother to clean up the things on the kang, and hurriedly went down to put on her shoes: “I’m going to get the guard back right away.”

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