When they saw a car coming, someone had already gone to notify the branch secretary and the team leader.

 After they entered the team headquarters gate, the party secretary and the team leader also hurried over.

Just in time, Lu Dahai, the accountant in the room, also came out to welcome him.

The branch secretary and the team leader had just returned from handing over the public rations and were placing the sacks they had brought back in the warehouse. They were a little embarrassed and dusted themselves off outside before coming in.

Is the brigade captain newly appointed and has no experience in reception, or is it the party secretary who stepped forward to fight: "Comrade, I am Yang Gengtian, the party secretary of Songling Village, and this is Qiao Yougen, the brigade captain. What are you doing in the village?" ?”

 The leading man took out his ID from his pocket and handed it to them: "Let's come to see Comrade Chu Yunyi."

When the village cadre saw that he was the leader of the Municipal Health Bureau, he more or less guessed something. The branch secretary smiled and said, "Hello, Director Zhou."

Then he said to the two comrades behind him: "Hello, comrades, if you have anything to say, please come to the office to talk."

While welcoming the three of them to the office, he turned to the man who was busy carrying things and said, "Zhuzhu, please run over and call Chu Zhiqing over."

The man who was called Zhuzi quickly unloaded the things on his shoulders to the ground aside: "Okay, Uncle Yang."

Yunyi was quickly called over.

The branch secretary and the captain saw her coming and waved to her: "Chu Zhiqing, come in quickly."

As soon as Yun approached, he quickly introduced her: "Director Zhou, this is Chu Yun, Chu Zhiqing."

Then he introduced to Yunyi: "Chu Zhiqing, this is Director Zhou of the Municipal Health Bureau, and those two comrades are officers of the Health Bureau."

Yun Yi nodded to them in a neither humble nor overbearing manner and said hello: "Hello." While sizing Yun Yi up, Minister Zhou explained his purpose: "Comrade Chu Yunyi, we are here to give you certificates of honor and awards.

On behalf of the people of the city, I would like to thank you for applying to rush to the disaster area on behalf of the city as soon as possible. Your unhesitating spirit is worth learning from all of us.

We have learned about your outstanding performance in the disaster area from the email sent by the fraternal units in Beijing. Thank you again for your righteous deeds. "

 Speaking, he took the certificate of honor and an envelope from the hands of the two officers at the back and handed them to Yunyi.

After a while of greetings, the party secretary and the team leader wanted to stay with the leaders for dinner, but Minister Zhou said that they still had official duties to attend to, so the three of them left without staying much longer.

As soon as the car left, the onlookers once again exploded: "Oh my god, this Chu educated youth is incredible, this is a golden doll. In just a few days, two groups of people came to see him off." bonus."

"Whoever wants to marry him will not have a good life."

As soon as these words came out, someone's mind became active, and the eyes he looked at Yunyi were frighteningly hot.

 After the branch secretary and the brigade captain watched the car go away, they both turned to look at Yunyi: "Chu Zhiqing, you have given face to our Songling brigade captain."

Now they will go to the commune for a meeting to see who dares to look down on their Songling Brigade again. This is the glory of their Songling Brigade alone.

 But he suddenly thought that Chu Zhiqing would be transferred from their Songling Village soon, and he felt regretful.

Thinking that no matter how many achievements Chu Zhiqing made in the future, it would have nothing to do with them, the glare in his eyes dissipated visibly: "Chu Zhiqing, tomorrow the village will distribute grain. Do you want grain or convert it into money?"

After all, there is a canteen at Hua'an Farm, and he also wants to sell it well before Yunyi leaves.

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