Qiu Baolin, who was startled by the cold well water and the screams, cursed directly: "Who, who the **** poured water on me?"

 Have you completely forgotten what you did before?

The captain said angrily: "Qiu Baolin, who are you?"

Qiu Baolin's brain briefly short-circuited and he didn't understand what was going on.

After he felt that he couldn't move, he thought of something in hindsight, and his mind was spinning very fast: "Let me go, who did it?"

The captain went up and gave him a kick: "You don't know what you did, and you still dare to be arrogant here?"

After all, Qiu Baojuan was not as courageous as her brother, and because she was splashed with water, she was trembling all over. After screaming, she started playing quail.

 The branch secretary opened the door of the office and asked someone to take them into the house: "Tell me, what are you doing at Chu Zhiqing's house in the middle of the night?"

Qiu Baojuan quickly shook her head and said, "I didn't, I didn't go.'

Yun sneered straight away: "You didn't enter the hospital, but you helped your brother keep watch outside."

Qiu Baojuan was very flustered: "I didn't, you are talking nonsense."

Yun Yi was too lazy to tangle with them: "It's not up to you to decide whether it's true or not. Of course, it doesn't count for my decision. I believe that when the police come, they will naturally investigate it."

As soon as these words came out, Qiu Baojuan was so frightened that she trembled: "I, I, I was just passing by."

Don’t say that the people in the room don’t believe this, I’m afraid even she herself doesn’t believe it.

The captain looked at Qiu Baolin with a cold face: "What about you, should you explain yourself, or should you let the police come to investigate?"

Qiu Baolin naturally knew that he could not report the matter to the police, otherwise he would be doomed.

He was still young after all. Although he didn’t reply, his hand holding the corner of his clothes revealed his inner tension and struggle. Yunyi didn't want to waste time with him here: "I think it's better to report to the police to save wasting time here."

 The brother and sister said at the same time: "No."

Qiu Baolin had already thought clearly at this moment. He couldn't let his sister speak first. If she said something she shouldn't have said, they would really be doomed.

He closed his eyes and opened them again: "I said, let me confess, I just heard that Chu Zhiqing had money in his hand and wanted to steal some, but I just entered the yard and didn't even enter the door. Really, If you don’t believe it, you can check it out.”

Secretary Zhi was so angry that he had a toothache, so he went over and gave him a kick: "You are doing something bad and being a thief. In your current situation, if you don't behave honestly and still dare to come out to make trouble, I think you have really been kicked in the head by a donkey." ”

Indeed, something like that happened before. If the party secretary and the brigade captain hadn't come back for a meeting to suppress it, the people in the brigade who were looking for trouble wouldn't have jumped out to deal with them.

This is great, something happened again.

He was really angry. The last time something happened to Xu Wenchang, he, the branch secretary, was so disgraced that he was thrown into the county. The commune leaders came back so angry that they wanted to fire him.

 Though they thought that Xu Wenchang was still appointed by them, they couldn't attack him as a branch secretary, so he escaped a disaster.

But he also warned himself that if anything disgraceful happened again in the village, it would be the end of him as branch secretary. Thinking of this, he frowned so much that he could kill mosquitoes.

 He sighed and looked at Yunyi: "Chu Zhiqing, tell me, what do you want to do?"

She has heard what the commune cadres warned the branch secretary before, so naturally she would not send people in regardless.

Even if she didn't send him in, she wouldn't make it easy for the two of them: "Either keep it private or report it to the police. Let them choose."

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