She came here in a hurry, and was afraid that the Party Secretary would have to go to the pond soon: "Uncle Party Secretary, can you help me?"

The branch secretary was packing his things: "Chu Zhiqing, why did you come here so early?"

Yun Yi walked in with a smile: "Secretary Secretary, there is something I want to tell you."

 Zhi Shu motioned for her to sit down: "You say it."

After Yun Yi sat down, she said, "I want to leave the five hundred yuan as compensation from the Qiu brothers and sisters to the village."

The branch secretary heard her words: "What, you want to give money to the village?"

Yun nodded. She only wanted the money to punish the Qiu brothers and sisters. She was not short of money, and she didn't want to take possession of this kind of money: "Yes, but I want to use the money to the village primary school."

The branch secretary did not expect Yun Yi to do this. It would be false to say that he was not excited. After all, the house in the village primary school was indeed too simple: "Chu Zhiqing, I don't even know what to say. You... ah, on behalf of all the members of the brigade, thank you." you."

Yunyi laughed: "During the time I came to the village, everyone took good care of me. Being able to do something for the village can be considered a reward."

She thought to herself: What’s more, this money was given by others, so she was even more happy.

The branch secretary rubbed his hands: "Now the children in the village no longer have to worry about the house leaking rain in the summer and wind leaking in the winter. Chu Zhiqing, thank you very much."

Yun thought of Xue Zhidong: "Secretary of the Party Committee, can you allocate fifty yuan from this money to pay for the four-year tuition of Xue Zhidong's junior high school in the village?"

After hearing what Yunyi said, the branch secretary nodded and said, "Of course, with this money, the child won't have to worry about dropping out of school."

With things agreed upon, the two of them came out of the brigade headquarters and walked towards Qingtang. Work has started over there, and the surrounding area is surrounded by adults and children watching the fun.

The water in the pond has been drained. Many men put on high-waisted rain boots and went down to the pond. Fish were thrown up one by one. Some young men also jumped in. I heard many women nearby. Shouting: "You **** boy, come up here quickly."

 But those half-grown men didn’t care how cold their feet were and enjoyed catching fish.

Since the fish was strong, the fish was quickly thrown up. Afterwards, the party secretary organized people to clean and weigh the fish, and Accountant Lu came over to divide the fish.

 The men in the pond thought that they would be able to drink hot fish soup at noon, as if they had taken a stimulant, and they would be so happy that the water would clear up.

 Everyone was watching the fish, while Yun Yi was wandering around the pond.

I am thinking of coming over at night to put some into the space, and then send it back to the mountain to dry out, then get some quicklime to kill the poison and mix it with the soil, and then try to plant some aquatic plants in the space pond.

When she was done wandering around, she heard the branch secretary calling her: "Chu Zhiqing, come and get the fish."

The Party Secretary was in a good mood and picked two larger fish and handed them to her. Just as he was about to say something, he heard someone running over and saying, "Party Secretary, it's bad, there's a fight among educated youths."

At this moment, the branch secretary didn’t bother to talk to Yun Yiduo. He handed the fish to her hand and hurried to the educated youth point: “These are the careless ones.”

Yun Yi took some fish in advance and followed him, wanting to see what happened. Why was there still a fight?

When she arrived, the educated youth spot was surrounded by people on three levels inside and three outside. She happened to see Zhao Guihua in the crowd: "Auntie, what's going on? Why is there a fight?"

Zhao Guihua heard Yunyi's question and pointed to the oxcart with a smile: "The captain brought back three new educated youths. They had conflicts with the old educated youths because of accommodation issues. They dared to take action when they first arrived. There will be some troubles in the future. ”

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