After checking his pulse and looking at the child's eyelids, the little boy murmured: "Cold, cold."

When the old man heard his grandson's words, he hurriedly covered the child's clothes with all the tattered clothes on the bed: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. Grandpa will hold you for a while and you won't be cold anymore."

Yunyi didn't expect that the grandfather and grandson lived such a hard life. Except for the tattered quilt on the child, there was no other bedding. The bed underneath them was straw, and her nose couldn't help but feel sore.

There was a hint of choking in his words, but he quickly adjusted himself: "What did you eat at night?"

The old man quickly picked up a casserole with a missing mouth next to the kang.

Yun Yi went over and smelled it, then frowned: "Where do you usually cook?"

The old man pointed to the back of the room: "The stove is set up in the back."

 After saying that, he walked out.

Yunyi followed him outside the room and went to the back of the room.

  After seeing the scene clearly, I felt even more uncomfortable. They used corn stalks as a roof and built a half-man-high wall with stones around it.

It’s okay to cook in the summer, but you shouldn’t freeze to death in the winter.

Without thinking about what to say, she stepped forward to check.

Sure enough, she also found some white powdery substance on the stove. She put a little on her finger and smelled it, and she knew it. It seemed that her suspicion was correct.

He looked at the thinly dressed old man and said, "Let's go back to the house and talk."

As soon as he entered the house, the old man asked anxiously: "Comrade, have you found out the reason? What happened to my Zining?"

Yun took the medicine out of the medical kit and said, "From now on, when cooking outside, it is best not to leave. Your food tonight has been drugged."

The old man was obviously frightened by Yunyi’s words: “What?”

As soon as he said these words, he realized something: "It's really despicable. How can you use such a mean method?"

He had a look of pain on his face: "It was all me who hurt Zining, he was still so young."

Yun put the medicine into clean brown paper and wrapped it, then used a broken bowl at the end of the kang to grind it into dough. Then she asked: "Is there a spoon?" A very rough spoon cut out of wood: "This, is this okay?"

Yun Yi took it: "Hold the person up, I will feed him the medicine first, and then I will give him a few injections. It won't take long for the symptoms to be relieved."

However, the child's body is too weak. If he wants to fully recover, he may have to get a few more injections. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The old man hurried forward and took the child into his arms: "Ziyu, be good. Let's take the medicine and it won't be uncomfortable."

The child was obedient and very cooperative, but he kept saying: "It's cold, grandpa, it's so cold."

Yunyi's heart felt as if she was being grabbed by someone, and she felt very uncomfortable.

  I fed the child with the humble wooden spoon first, and then asked the old man to lay the child down. Except for the place where the needle was inserted, the rest was covered with a tattered quilt and those clothes.

Yunyi moved very quickly and finished inserting all the needles in a short time.

He cleaned it up and said: "Look at him, don't let him touch the needle. I'll come as soon as I can."

The old man was now focused on his grandson, and without thinking too much, he responded: "Okay."

As soon as Yun went out, she ran back quickly and returned to her small courtyard in a few minutes. She didn't even take the key to open the door. She jumped up and entered the courtyard.

 After returning to the house, I took out a bed from the space that was an old bedding that I had received from the space in Beijing. I also took out a small bag of whole grains and an unopened can of malted milk and put them together.

I found an old blue jacket and a pair of blue trousers of my own and stuffed them into the quilt. I also found an oilcloth and wrapped everything in them.

Just then he went out and crossed the wall to the south hut.

The time was stuck just right, and it was time to remove the needle.

The old man heard the door being pushed open and saw Yun Yi walking in with a package in her arms: "Comrade, you, what are you?"

The child can no longer catch a cold, and I happen to have a quilt that I don’t need.

The old man was framed and sent here without crying. There has been no news from his family. He has never shed tears. But at this time, he could no longer hold back. Looking at his grandson who was lying there and kept saying "cold", he was Tears flowed freely.

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