Chapter 252 Report the crime

Li Rongjuan moved quickly and ran out after taking the key: "Check it out, is it right?"

Qiao Yuxiang still knows Li Rongjuan: "No need to read it."

Nothing is as important as her legs now. She looked at the captain with eyes full of urgency.

The captain did not delay any longer: "Wang Zhiqing and Li Zhiqing, please accompany her. After all, she is one of your educated youths."

 The captain has already said it, so the two of them naturally cannot refuse.

As soon as the bullock cart left, everyone started talking about it: "What on earth is going on?"

"We weren't too sure. We called her to eat in the morning, but she didn't wake up. We thought she didn't have to go to work, so we left the food for her. Who would have thought, when we came back, we happened to hear her shouting. "

“This is too strange. Could it be that she went out last night? But if so, you didn’t hear anything at all?”

"I don't think it's possible. If she really went out and broke her leg, how did she get back?"

 “Why don’t you say this is strange.”

“This Qiao educated youth doesn’t have much contact with people in our village. How could such a thing happen?”

"I've noticed that she always goes south. Is she provoking someone?"

 “It’s hard to say.”

“She must have provoked someone she shouldn’t have provoked, or maybe her legs were broken without anyone noticing, and she didn’t even know it?

How can this be? "

"This is too scary. That person can let people enter and leave the educated youth center at will. Isn't that too unsafe?"

"That's right. There are other female educated youths living in that house. Fortunately, nothing else happened."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of all the educated youths turned ugly, and they hated Qiao Yuxiang in their hearts. The expression on Deng Xiaojie's face after receiving the news was scary. Finally, someone like her had her reputation ruined.

She thought pervertedly in her heart: Why are they all educated youths who went to the countryside? She is the only one living in hell. Now other people in the educated youth area will not have an easy time.

So she changed her clothes to cover up the scars left by Zhang Mazi beating her last night, and hurried out the door. She wanted to drag everyone to **** to keep her company.

On the other side, the team leader took Qiao Yuxiang to the commune health center. After the doctor checked her, he said: "After the operation, the doctor went to the city to study. The injury is too serious. You should go to the county hospital."

 There was no other way but to ask Old Man Suo to turn the ox cart to the county hospital.

Hurrying the person to the county hospital, he didn’t dare to delay for a moment, so he went to the public security bureau and reported the case directly. After all, this was not a trivial matter.

 He is the captain of the brigade. If something like this happens to the captain, she must give an explanation to the Educated Youth Point and the members.

Anyway, something happened to Xu Wenchang in the village, and there was no hope for the advanced brigade.

The old police officer who received him had never seen a case like this in so many years of handling cases. He could actually injure someone without anyone noticing?

They followed Captain Qiao Yougen to the hospital. They first asked Li Rongjuan and Wang Jianhui who had followed them. After all, one of them was an educated youth and the other lived in the same room as the victim.

There is no useful information at all. I only know that Qiao Yuxiang doesn't like to get close to others, and she never gets close to people who are educated youths. She is a bit lonely.

 After that, in order to find out the facts of the case as quickly as possible, I first went to Songling Village. I just walked around and the stories were basically the same. However, several members said that they saw Qiao Zhiqing going south alone several times.

The police officer handling the case thought that this could be a breakthrough point, but he could only get the answer to this matter from Qiao Yuxiang.

 (End of this chapter)

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