Yunyi has always been unwilling to owe favors: "Thank you for your help today. My cooking skills are not bad. I invite those who helped today and come over for a light meal in the evening, and they will help me warm the house."

Wei Zijia hesitated and said, "How about another day? You just came here today and have been tired for most of the day. Do you want to take a rest first?"

Yun waved her hand: "It's okay. I've settled this matter today, so I won't worry about it anymore."

 Qiao Wenyu saw Yunyi's belongings, including vegetables, meat, eggs and grain, and thought this would be a good way to help her integrate as soon as possible.

So I didn’t refuse: “Okay, then it’s settled.”

Yunyi naturally put those meat, vegetables, grains and eggs in plain sight. After watching the two of them leave, she closed the courtyard door.

She just noticed that in addition to the health center, there is also the regiment warehouse not far away, as well as the material management station.

 The dormitories and family residences are not in this area. Just as she intended, it is quiet.

They fetched water and scrubbed the house again. What pleased her the most was that the floor was completely paved with bricks used in house repairs. This was much better than the mud floor.

What she didn't know was that originally this house also had a mud floor, but Ji Rongjia, who lived there before, was from the city. She bought bricks with her own money and asked someone to come over and lay the floor.

Not only the floor, but also the fire wall in this house were renovated by Ji Rongjia at her own expense a few years ago. She really got a big deal.

 Walking around once, the only drawback is that you have to go outside to get water, but it's not too far away.

 Fortunately, she has moved all her things here, so there is basically no need to buy anything else.

  Hung up the curtains I brought, closed the door and entered the space.

Thinking of having a treat for the evening, I didn’t plan to stay inside for too long. I picked a few ripe fruits from the trees and put them in the warehouse. I gnawed an apple before taking a bath to get some space. According to the dishes prepared for about ten people, there are potatoes, Chinese cabbage and radishes shared by the team.

Yunyi thought about making a stewed chicken with radish and cabbage, a stewed rabbit with potatoes, and the salted fish that had been pickled before. Then she would just stir-fry the salted fish with pickled cabbage, and then have a pot of two rice. It was perfect.

It doesn’t look like mountains or dew, and it doesn’t make people feel shabby.

Having decided that, she had just finished preparing the dishes when she heard a knock on the door.

Yunyi came out quickly: "Here we come."

 Opening the door, he saw Wei Zijia and Qiao Wenyu standing outside, holding two fresh fish in their hands: "Where did the fish come from?"

Qiao Wenyu picked up the fish with a smile: "Look, you are so lucky. Just when you said you were going to treat me to dinner tonight, someone came back from fishing. I quickly exchanged two fish for you and sent them over, just in time for extra food tonight."

Yunyi laughed: "I divided two fishes in Qingtang in Songling Village. I was afraid that they would be spoiled, so I marinated them with salt. I was also thinking about frying salted fish with pickled vegetables.

Since there is fresh fish, thanks to you, I will give you pickled fish, which will definitely make you want to eat it again. "

A few people entered the yard chatting and laughing. Wei Zijia saw the vegetables cut in the kitchen: "I also said I would come over to help you prepare it, but I didn't expect you to move so quickly."

Yun Yi laughed: "Everything is ready-made, and there is no need to go out to buy it. I thought it would be ready and stewed in advance. It should be almost ready when people arrive."

She was chatting and laughing here, but little did she know that Huo Jingrui also entered Songling Village carrying a large bag of food prepared for her.

When we arrived at the small courtyard, the person who opened the door was an unknown girl. After asking, we found out that the little girl had actually been transferred to the Hua'an Farm Reclamation Group next door.

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