Qiao Wenyu's expression was very strange: "Brother Huo, no, Uncle Huo, are you a generation behind us?"

Huo Jingrui took Yunyi's hand and walked around him: "Now you know how to call me uncle. Yunyi is not from the compound, so there is no need to rank according to our relationship."

 Qiao Wenyu really didn't expect that Uncle Huo, who had always been indifferent to girls, would actually fall in love with someone. It was an old cow eating young grass. This was huge news.

He quickly chased after him: "Uncle Huo, oh, no, Brother Huo, where are you going?"

Huo Jingrui was too lazy to pay attention to him: "Your generation has changed, can you still be normal?"

Qiao Wenyu looked at Yunyi on the side: "Of course it's Brother Huo. I can't really call you Aunt Chu Zhiqing if you really succeed in the future, right?"

Huo Jingrui glared at him: "If you don't know how to speak, just shut up. What does it mean to be true? If you are convinced for a lifetime, there is no way to say whether it is true or false."

 Qiao Wenyu gave Huo Jingrui a thumbs up: "You are still awesome. I admire you the most in the compound."

He knows that many people in the courtyard want to marry Brother Huo, but the Huo family cannot be the boss of their younger son, so the girls in the courtyard who like Brother Huo are just showing off their talents.

It's a pity that no matter how hard you try, it's all in vain. Brother Huo has always been polite to those girls, and they can't catch his eyes.

It’s really strange that Brother Huo actually fell in love with Chu Zhiqing, haha, he was finally accepted.

Seeing that he was following us, Huo Jingrui said angrily: "Why are you following us?"

Qiao Wenyu slapped his head and then remembered: "Look at me, I have forgotten all the important things."

 He looked at Yunyi: "Chu Zhiqing, I'm here to find you."

Yun pointed at herself: "Why are you looking for me?"

Qiao Wenyu rubbed his hands: "I originally wanted to take you around the group today, but I just sent word that the whole group is going to participate in the construction of the reservoir. Today we have to go over and set up a warm tent to rest." Yun Yi asked in confusion: “It’s snowing here, can we still build the reservoir?”

When I was in Songling Village before, I heard the captain say that some people in the village wanted to build a reservoir. I don't know if they were talking about the same thing?

Then he asked: "When I was in Songling Village before, the brigade cadres also said that the members will build a reservoir next. Is it the same reservoir as the one built by our farming group?"

Qiao Wenyu nodded and said: "Yes, not only Songling Village and Hua'an Farm Reclamation, but also the commune next door will join us. I heard that the construction of the reservoir started last year. During the slack season, the county will ask each commune to organize people to go there."

I'm afraid Yun Yi doesn't understand: "The rocks to be excavated need to be blown up, so the cold weather won't affect it too much."

While talking, the three of them also arrived at the regiment headquarters.

Qiao Wenyu wanted to go there with the car to build the group's greenhouse, so he didn't stay long. He just said he would come back to have dinner together in the evening and ran away.

Huo Jingrui took Yunyi into the regiment headquarters, and the comrade in charge of reception at the door said, "Who are you looking for?"

 Huo Jingrui handed over his ID: "I'm looking for your Captain Qiao."

After reading the certificate, the man returned it. He didn't expect that he was already a battalion-level officer at such a young age. What he didn't know was that the man in front of him was actually a deputy regiment-level cadre, but the document had just been issued.

The man led the way and tapped the office at the back of the corridor: "Captain, someone is looking for you."

The door of the office was opened from the inside: "Jing Rui, why are you here?"

Huo Jingrui smiled and pulled Yunyi over: "I came over to see the person, and stopped by to see you."

  Qiao Shaoguo heard what he said: "You have a good sense." (End of this chapter)

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