Most of the educated youth from the Farm Reclamation Corps signed up to build the reservoir, and Yun Yi and the others became busy accordingly.

 Either someone injured his foot today, or someone’s shoulder was peeled off while pulling a cart.

Wearing a jacket, the skin on my shoulders was peeled off. Think about how much force it took.

Yunyi was busy this day when someone stumbled in with a child in his arms, crying and shouting: "Doctor, help me."

As soon as Yun raised her head and looked up, her brows instantly furrowed. This person she had met a few days ago was the aunt of the boy whose neck was injured by the glass that day: "What's wrong with the child?"

As soon as he finished asking, he saw the woman taking off the thin quilt from the child. The child's clothes were all wet and his little face was very pale.

Yun hurriedly helped the patient to deal with it, and then stood up: "Bring the child over."

While helping to check, he said to the woman: "Go back quickly and get some clean clothes for the child, and change out of the wet clothes."

 After saying that, he took the child and put it on the treatment bed, and covered the boy with the thin quilt he had just taken off.

Looking at the woman still standing in the same place: "Why are you still standing there? Why don't you go?"

Hearing Yunyi's cry, the woman woke up from her daze: "Doctor, you must cure him."

 The tangled expression on the woman's face surprised Yunyi.

It’s just that Yunyi has finished treating the child and giving him medicine, but the woman hasn’t come back yet.

There was no other way. Yun Yi couldn't bear to see the child suffer, so she made an excuse to go back home, went into the space and rummaged through the pile of things collected by the Shen family, and finally found clothes suitable for the child.

 Checked that there were no special marks, so there was just enough space left after packing.

 When I returned to the bathroom, the woman had not come back yet. The child was a little confused, but he did not fall asleep.

He was carried directly to the ward at the back, including the person and his clothes: "Do you have the strength to change clothes by yourself?" The boy nodded, but then shook his head and said, "I have no clothes to change."

He had heard what Yun Yi had told the woman to go home to get some clothes, but after waiting for so long, her aunt hadn't come back. He thought it must be her aunt's mother-in-law's family who wouldn't let her come over to give them away.

 His little face is full of loneliness.

Yunyi sighed softly: "I found a suit for you from somewhere else. You can put it on first. You are not in good health, so you can't wear wet clothes anymore."

 After saying that, Yunyi walked out of the ward door. After all, there were patients waiting in front.

 At the beginning, whether it was the educated youth in the regiment or the commune members from nearby villages, they basically came to see Dr. Qiu, and they all felt that Yun was unreliable at such a young age.

 But as time went by, several patients who had been taking medicine all year round improved significantly after Yun Yi’s treatment, and Yun Yi’s reputation also grew.

Coupled with the fact that there are people visiting relatives in Songling Village to promote Yun Yi's medical skills, there has been a steady stream of patients coming to the door these days, and Yun Yi really has no time to spare.

She was busy until she was about to get off work, but she still hadn't seen the woman who went home to pick up clothes. Yun Yi asked Doctor Qiu beside him about the little boy: "Doctor Qiu, the little boy's mother never came back. They What’s the situation like at home?”

Doctor Qiu was stunned for a moment and reacted for a long time. Only then did he understand who Yun Yi was asking, and then he remembered Guo Anyi: "The child's name is Guo Anyi, and the person who sent him here was his aunt Guo Shuiyu.

The old lady who sent him over when he hurt his neck that day was his aunt's mother-in-law. Guo Shuiyu's man is a retired soldier. His hometown is in Zhangjiacun, not far from our Hua'an Farm Reclamation, called Zhang Chunshan.

 After returning from job change, he worked as a driver for our Hua'an Farm Reclamation team. "

As he spoke, he glanced at the door. Guo Anyi was sent here by his family two years ago. Packages were sent every month. On the surface, the Zhang family did not let their children bully that child, but secretly they were afraid I was bullied a lot. "

The meaning of these words is profound: "Doesn't Zhang Chunshan's uncle care about it?"

Doctor Qiu shook his head with a smile and said: "Zhang Chunshan is the second eldest son in the family. He has an elder brother, a younger brother and a younger sister. He also has two sons and a daughter. The whole family lives together, and he has the intention to take care of it even if he wants to. Powerless."

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