Yunyi observed the eldest sister’s expression and saw that she had no bad intentions: “How many do you want?”

Hearing Yunyi's tone, the eldest sister suppressed the expression of surprise on her face, looked around, and then asked in a low voice: "Do you have ten pounds?"

Yun nodded: "I'll send it to you later."

As soon as these words came out, the eldest sister immediately smiled and said: "Sister, you have helped me a lot."

Yunyi raised her hand to stop her and said, "Seven cents per catty, no two prices."

The eldest sister thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll prepare the money right now."

She has never eaten wolf meat, but she has heard that if it is not cooked well, it will be very fishy, ​​but there is no other way at the moment.

If the younger brother gets married, there will be no trace of sex. I am afraid that not only will the eldest brother and the younger brother fall out, but it will also be difficult for the younger brother's in-law family to deal with, and they can't care about that much now.

Yunyi pointed in the direction of the alley next to her: "In fifteen minutes, you can wait for me in the alley next to me."

 The eldest sister nodded happily, turned back to her work station, and went to find someone to ask for leave.

After all, she couldn’t mention the meat to her work unit. When someone asked for an explanation, she thought of sending the meat back to her parents’ home first, so that her family would no longer have to worry about having a wedding banquet without meat.

Yunyi originally planned to find the black market to sell the wolf meat today. After all, there was a lot of wolf meat in the space. A total of thirteen wolves were brought in twice, and less than 900 kilograms of wolf meat was harvested.

However, only five wolf skins were intact, and three were damaged, but the problem was not serious.

The other two are seriously damaged, but they need to be repaired, and some cloth can be used to make linings, so they can be used as mattresses.

The rest won't do, but Yun Yi doesn't plan to throw them away. It's still okay to cut some insoles, and she will do it when she has time.

  Seeing that it was almost time, she carried the basket on her back and entered the alley. The elder sister had been waiting there for a long time.

Yunyi also took the opportunity to inquire about the number of black markets in the county.

For the sake of wolf meat, the eldest sister naturally knew everything and told Yunyi all the locations of the two black markets she knew. He also told her that one of the two places could be entered during the day, but the other was only accessible at night.

When Yun Yi went there, she realized that the most dangerous place was the safest place, and that place was not far from the Public Security Bureau.

Just two alleys apart.

Yunyi did not go in directly, but stood nearby and observed for a long time, and found that they even had to match the passwords, and after matching, they had to pay a ten cent entrance fee.

 After turning it around, there was no meaty smell inside. I can’t blame the post office lady for not dissing the wolf meat.

I was selling coarse cloth that I spun at home. Thinking of Yuan Yuxun and the others, I bought two colors, enough to make two coats for my grandparents, and then bought some needlework.

 Looking at someone selling cotton shoes, I prepared two pairs for each of my grandson and grandson, thinking that they would be worn when the time came, so that she would not have to do it herself.

I saw someone selling buckwheat noodles and asked for three kilograms, so I asked casually: "Sir, do you have any buckwheat seeds?"

The uncle looked up at Yunyi, took out a small cloth bag from the backpack behind him, opened it and put it in front of him: "There is only this much, is it enough?"

Yun took a look and saw that there wasn't much. She only caught two handfuls, but it was enough for her. After all, she didn't have much place to grow.

I just want to add some when making noodles, so that if the family entertains outsiders, it will not be so noticeable.

I have planted some wheat, rice, sorghum, corn and soybeans in the space before, which will be harvested soon. I will plant more in the free space. I don’t grow much, but it is enough to feed myself.

And she also discovered a surprise a few days ago, that is, when planting things in those gaps, there is no need to consider the distance between the plants. Planting them closely will not affect the yield.

Of course, she still has to conduct experiments to confirm.

I saw a mung bean seller and bought some, but I didn't find what I needed anymore. Just as I was about to walk out, I heard a low-pitched curse coming from the other side: "You little bastard, you already said no, you Not leaving yet.”

As soon as Yun looked over following the sound, she saw a teenage boy being pushed to the ground. He was holding a rag bag in his hand that made a jingling sound.

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