As soon as Yun saw him like this, she knew what he was thinking: "Before life and death, what does dignity mean? Only living can have infinite possibilities."

The boy's nose turned red, and he actually lifted the cloth bag next to him: "I won't give you Wowotou for free. You can choose any of the things in this."

Yun saw his firm eyes and knew that if she didn't choose, he might not accept these two cornbreads, so she looked down the bag he opened.

It doesn't matter. Yun's heart beat faster. There were several jade ornaments in the bag.

Yunyi quickly reminded: "Put it away quickly. Don't show this thing to others easily."

The child didn't care, and just looked at her: "If you don't choose, I can't accept it."

With the bag open like that, Yun Yi had no choice but to reach out and take out the most inconspicuous piece of jade pendant: "I have chosen, Wotou, you can take it, and go home quickly."

This time, the child did not refuse, took the bag, picked up the bag and ran away.

Occasionally, you can still hear the sound of the jade ornaments accidentally colliding. Yunyi is a little anxious. Is this child careless or something?

I quickly followed him and saw the boy turning into the alley in front of me. When I chased him, the boy had already stopped at the door of a house and just opened the door.

Hearing the footsteps, the boy looked over and said nervously: "You have already chosen, I will not return the wowotou to you."

Yun looked around and reminded: "You can't take those things out again. Even if you have to, you have to wrap them in rags. Didn't you hear the noise?"

 Hearing Yunyi's words, he knew that the person in front of him meant no harm: "Thank you."

 After saying that, he walked into the courtyard. As soon as Yun saw what was said, she turned around and was about to leave, but she heard a voice coming from the courtyard: "Brother, my sister is very hungry."

As soon as Yun stopped and looked into the courtyard with her mental strength, she saw a child of seven or eight years old talking anxiously, and there was an even smaller girl lying on the bed in the room.

Seeing that the boy didn't care about his hungry body, he quickly broke the dough into pieces with a bowl, poured some hot water into it from a thermos, and stirred it into a paste.

Going to the bed, he lifted the little girl up, leaned against him, and fed spoonfuls of paste into the little girl's mouth. The little boy standing on the ground swallowed greedily.

Yunyi stopped a passer-by, handed over a piece of fruit candy, and inquired about the situation of these children.

Only then did I find out that the parents of these three children were sick and passed away. Their grandmother had been taking care of the three children here some time ago.

But grandma's family is not local, and is still hundreds of miles away. Grandma thought that the children were too young to take over her father's class, so she sold her job, thinking that the money would be used to support these three. child.

Unexpectedly, there was an uneasy daughter-in-law at home who came over and stole all the money, including the food rations for the children at home.

Grandma got anxious and got sick, so she chased her back with her sick body. The three children have been relying on neighbors for support these days. It has been almost half a month and they haven't seen grandma back.

 After the man left, Yun Yi also left.

I found a hidden place, took out five kilograms of white flour and ten kilograms of corn flour from the space, returned to the door of the courtyard, secretly opened the door, put the things in, then closed the door, and patted the door hard. , when I heard someone coming out of the house, I trotted away to do a good deed that day. (End of chapter)

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