Hua'an Farm was very lively today. In the morning, several trucks arrived, saying they were here to deliver movie props.

  When Yunyi went to the canteen to get food at noon, everyone was talking about this matter.

Ye Wenhui came over and whispered into Yun Yi's ear: "Yun Yi, Qiao Wenyu said that they still need some extras. It's eighty cents a day. Do you want me to give it a try?"

  After all, it’s snowing heavily today, and work at the reservoir has been temporarily suspended, so nothing is idle.

Yun looked at Ye Wenhui with a smile: "You can go if you want, but I have to remind you that being a group performer in this weather is not an easy task. Just to endure the freezing weather in this cold weather, you have to make preparations in advance. Mental preparation.”

Ye Wenhui glanced outside and shivered when she thought of the scene of standing in the ice and snow and freezing: "Then I'll think about it again. If I don't make any money, I'll be out of the cold again."

 After the two finished eating, they left the canteen together.

Yun Yi looked at Ye Wenhui and said, "Would you like to sit at my place for a while?"

Ye Wenhui thought about having to face Ye Wenjuan when she returned to the dormitory, so she nodded and said, "Okay, it's a good thing you took me in."

Thinking of what Ye Wenjuan had done in the past few days, she couldn't help but complain to Yun Yi: "My aunt is really like that, she just patted her **** and left, and asked me to take care of her more.

Ye Wenjuan has a long face all day long and always talks in a weird way. If no one had changed dormitories with me, I would have wanted to stay away from her. It is really annoying. "

Hearing Ye Wenhui's words, Yunyi suddenly thought of the girl from a few days ago: "Do you really want to change dormitories?"

Ye Wenhui nodded fiercely and said: "Really, really, I don't want to go to the countryside with Ye Wenjuan at all. It was Ye Wenjuan who saw that there was no hope of staying in the city, so my aunt found a relationship to be assigned to me."

Ye Wenhui has long regarded Yunyi as one of her own, so she did not hide the things that Ye Wenjuan did. She also told her about Ye Wenjuan's robbery of her cousin Ye Wenyue's cultural troupe position.

Yunyi never thought that this girl was so selfish that she would do anything to achieve her goals. She never thought about how embarrassing it would be for her relatives to meet her once the matter was exposed, and what would happen in the future.

As soon as the two of them arrived at the door of the health room, they heard someone in the distance calling her: "Yun Yi."

Yun turned around and looked over, and saw Ning Junlan coming through the snow: "Aunt Ning, why are you here?"

Ning Junlan was a little embarrassed: "I want to ask you for help."

After saying that, she also looked at the jeep parked not far away: "Can you take a step to speak." Yunyi followed her line of sight and looked in the direction of the jeep: "If you don't mind, then come to my house and sit down and talk. Bar."

Because she saw clearly that there was a man in the car, she grabbed Ye Wenhui who was about to leave and said, "Go back with me."

Ning Junlan hurriedly walked towards the jeep.

Yun Yi said to Ye Wenhui: "I'll go in and talk to Doctor Qiu."

 When Ning Junlan came with someone, Yun Yi also walked out of the bathroom.

  They nodded to each other to say hello, and the group headed to the small courtyard behind.

Kong Jiaqiao came from the cafeteria and happened to see this scene. He stared at the backs of the group of people until they disappeared around the corner, and then entered the health room with a curled lip.

After taking the people back to the place where they lived, Yun opened her mouth and said, "You guys sit down and I'll make a pot of tea."

 The tea was brought from home in Jingshi: "It's too cold today. Let's drink a cup of tea to warm up first."

Ning Junlan introduced: "Young Master Fu, this is Chu Yunyi, she helped repair the fan."

Then he said to Yunyi: "Yunyi, this is Mr. Fu Chenyi. Let me tell you the truth. He has a double-sided embroidered screen in his hand that was seriously damaged. He has been looking for someone who can repair it. When he saw the round fan, he I couldn’t wait to rush over with my stuff, could you help me repair it?”

Yunyi originally thought that Ning Junlan brought people here to help her embroider, but she didn't expect that she also repaired the embroidery.

Fu Chenyi saw that Yunyi did not agree immediately: "Comrade Chu, as long as the screen can be restored to its original state, remuneration is not a problem."

Maybe he was afraid that the chips were not enough, so he added: "Just think that Fu owes you a favor, and also make more friends."

As soon as Yun saw Fu Chenyi's temperament, she knew that she was not an ordinary person. She wanted to have one more friend and more avenues, not to mention that it was not difficult for her: "Have you brought anything?"

Fu Chenyi nodded: "It's in the car. I'll go get it right away."

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