Chapter 338 Space Discovery

As soon as he came out of the regiment headquarters, he saw Ye Wenhui standing in the snow: "How long have you been standing here?"

"Not long after, I went to the clinic to look for you. They said you had come to the regiment headquarters to open a letter of introduction. You were waiting there anyway, so I came over."

 “Let’s go, I’ll turn on the small stove for you tonight, and let’s have a good meal.”

 “Okay, I’ve been craving for the food you cooked for a long time.”

Ye Wenhui thought about the scene at the filming site these days: "How did you persevere in such a cold weather? In the past, I only thought it was wonderful when watching movies, and I thought the actors were infinitely beautiful. Only after seeing them with my own eyes did I realize that it was not easy for them."

After the two returned to the courtyard, Yun Yi dug out a prepared rabbit from the snowdrift outside and said, "Let's stew rabbit meat for dinner tonight."

 When we were sharing grain in Songling Village, we also shared some potatoes. I ate some a few days ago and the rest will be used to stew rabbit meat tonight.

Ye Wenhui helped Yun Yi: "Yun Yi, are you leaving with them tomorrow?"

Yun Yi kept moving and said softly: "Yes, the arrangements have been made over there. We are just waiting for the film crew to come over. We are very pressed for time."

Ye Wenhui looked worried: "But the snow has just stopped, so it may be difficult to walk on the road."

Yunyi took the potatoes and washed them in her hand: "But the director said that the shooting progress has finally been advanced. We can't delay it because of the snow, so we have to leave early. At worst, we will drive slower on the road."

Yun Yi thought to herself: Fortunately, the roads are now dirt roads. Even if the car slips somewhere, you can still find some soil on the side to put under the wheels. In addition, the drivers are all experienced drivers, so driving slower should not be a problem for safety.

Ye Wenhui went to the cafeteria to get some rice. When she came back, Yunyi's stewed rabbit meat with potatoes was also out of the pot. The two of them ate to their satisfaction.

Ye Wenhui helped Yun Yi clear the dishes, knowing that she would be on the road tomorrow: "Then you should rest early and pay attention to safety when going out."

Yun thought of Ye Wenhui's desire to change dormitories: "By the way, how is your change of dormitories going?"

Ye Wenhui put on her hat and walked out, saying: "The person agreed. She doesn't want to stay in that dormitory anyway. We are in similar situations and it's time to change dormitories. I went to see her dormitory and the people in it were pretty good. It’s easy to get along with. If she doesn’t have any objections, she can switch over in a few days.”

After hearing this, Yun said with some regret: "That's good, but I have to leave tomorrow and can't go over to help."

Ye Wenhui laughed: "If you hadn't told me the news about that person, I wouldn't have been able to change to a dormitory. You have already helped me a lot."

 After sending Ye Wenhui away, Yun Yi simply packed up some things to take with him and went directly into the space.

 Yesterday, she had already made a trip to Nanbai Village and delivered a lot of supplies. She also told them that they were going on a long trip and asked them to take care of themselves.

I also made a simple ladder for the master to make it easier to sweep snow on the roof when it snows.

Now there is only Fu Chenyi's screen that needs to be repaired and some finishing touches. He will work overtime tonight to repair the screen.

 She had already called Ning Junlan in the afternoon and asked them to pick it up early tomorrow morning.

 Fortunately, she had the cheating tool Space, otherwise she would have been busy to death.

Now she has figured it out. As long as she has merit, the space will not only gradually become larger, but the proportion of time with the outside world will also gradually increase, which makes her very happy.

After receiving her call, Ning Junlan quickly told Fu Chenyi the news. This man had been living in the county and was waiting for Yun Yi to complete the repairs and return to Beijing with his things.

So Yun finished packing the next day and as soon as she opened the door, she saw Fu Chenyi waiting outside.

 (End of this chapter)

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