Of course she left them behind because she knew the Sun family would not have a good life in the next few years, so she did it deliberately, but it was not because she was merciful.

 Looking at Sun Mu’s old face now, she knows that her goal has been achieved and she is quite satisfied.

 The family is scattered in various places and is isolated and helpless. Her purpose is to make them exhausted physically and mentally and live decadently.

  Seeing Yun Yi not missing her old relatives at all, and just leaving so casually, Sun's mother was trembling with anger, and no one noticed the subtle changes in her body.

Aunt Wei can be said to have used all kinds of cooking skills. When Yun Yi entered the hospital, the last dish had just come out of the pot.

Seeing the fruit in Yun Yi's hand, she said, "Come as soon as you say you will. Why are you carrying such a precious thing?"

Yunyi smiled: "I bought some because they looked fresh. Let's try them together later."

Hearing that they had a taste together, Aunt Wei stopped and said, "Come in quickly, let's start dinner right away."

Yun Yi and the Wei family were enjoying their meal happily when grandma, who was not feeling very well, was just about to take the cooked meal back to the house when she dropped the meal on her hands to the ground.

 It frightened the busy neighbors in the yard.

 After everyone scrambled to send the person to the hospital, the doctor concluded after examination that he had suffered a stroke.

Yun Yi only found out from Wei Hongyan the next day after shooting the poster and returned home. She couldn't help but cursed in her heart: "You deserve it."

She called and learned that there had been two heavy snowfalls in Ji Province. She had been worried about Yuan Yuxun and her grandson, and planned to finish the work here as soon as possible and return to Ji Province.

What she didn't know was that Zhang Xueyan had been busy since she knew she was following her back to Beijing to reshoot scenes in Beijing and shoot promotional posters.

On this day, Yunyi completed the shooting task, refused the crew's offer, and walked straight to the department store, preparing to stock up on things to return to Ji Province. Not long after she entered the department store, she felt someone following her. She let go of her mental energy and looked over, and found three people dressed as second-rate men following her not far away.

A smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. She didn't have many enemies in Beijing. She didn't need to think about it to know that this was probably the person Zhang Xueyan had found.

I bought what I needed step by step, put the small things in my pocket into the space, and left the department store with other things that were inconvenient for cheating.

Then he quickly ran to the alley next to him, turned two corners, checked that no one was nearby, put all his things into the space, clapped his hands and walked out.

Just after walking a while, we met the three people head-on.

One of the arrogant young men whistled at Yunyi: "Hey, this girl is really good-looking. Look at her thin skin and tender flesh, she must feel good to the touch."

 Another one echoed: "It's really easy for us."

The young man walking at the back had a lustful look in his eyes: "Then what are we waiting for? There is a dead end ahead."

The three of them looked at each other and wanted to kidnap someone.

But before Yun Yi could take action, a person hurriedly ran up from behind and kicked the three of them until they cried for father and mother. They were so frightened that they crowded together and begged for mercy: "Stop kicking, we don't dare anymore. Don’t dare anymore, just go around us.”

Fang Haibing put his feet back and turned to look at Yunyi: "Are you okay?"

Yunyi nodded slightly: "It's okay, thank you."

Why did she feel that this man was coming straight towards these people? There was a strange look in her eyes, and she pointed at the three people squatting there and shivering: "Do you know these people?"

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