Soon, the waiter called them to serve the dishes.

Huo Jingrui didn't let Yun move. He ran twice to bring over all the food he ordered: "Come here, try the pork stewed vermicelli here. It tastes very authentic."

He helped her put some into the bowl, watched her eat it, and then asked: "How is it?"

Yun nodded and said: "Yes, it is indeed delicious."

Seeing that she liked it, he helped him put the dishes Yunyi had ordered into her bowl: "Eat more."

The two of them chatted about recent events. Huo Jingrui thought about the call his mother made a few days ago: "By the way, have you received the package from Beijing?"

As soon as Yun heard the question, she also thought about it. She came here today to tell him this: "I got it. Did you tell your family about us?"

Huo Jingrui looked at Yunyi very seriously: "Yes, I told my family about our situation, and my mother asked me about your preferences."

Since it was the future mother-in-law’s wish, she couldn’t offend her face. Yunyi didn’t show any pretense, saying, “Say thank you for me and say I like those things very much.”

She was not prepared to ask for these things for nothing, so she naturally wanted to give them gifts in return: "After receiving so many things, I naturally prepared some gifts in return. Please tell me what your parents and sister like."

Huo Jingrui was naturally happy when he heard Yunyi's words. He said everything he knew. When Yunyi asked him something, he told him as carefully as possible.

 At the end, he also said: "Then do I have any gifts?"

Yun Yi glared at him coquettishly: "What do you think?"

Huo Jingrui saw her like this and knew that he must have it too.

 I don’t know why, although he and Yunyi have not known each other for a long time, they always feel like they are very familiar. He can understand everything she says and does.

The two of them had dinner and then went to the courtyard of the machinery factory together.

Along the way, Huo Jingrui introduced him to the situation of the family home. He was assigned a separate home with three main rooms and two adjacent wing rooms on the west, which were the kitchen and storage room. There is only one wing in the east, but it is larger than the one in the west. The other place is the courtyard gate.

 The people living in this area are people with high rankings, or those who have worked in the factory for a long time and have made outstanding contributions to the factory.

Along the way, many people greeted Huo Jingrui: "Hello, Deputy Director Huo, who is this?"

Huo Jingrui showed rare gentleness and took the trouble to introduce everyone: "This is my fiancée."

 A woman came up to her and said, "Your fiancée is so beautiful."

When Huo Jingrui heard this, he responded with a smile: "Thank you for the compliment, she is indeed pretty."

Yun Yi felt a little embarrassed and couldn't help but speed up her pace.

Huo Jingrui was in a really good mood.

The two of them quickly arrived at the yard. Huo Jingrui pointed to the yard not far from them and said, "That's the home of Director Feng of the Machinery Factory. The yard over there is the home of another deputy director named Lu of the Machinery Factory. "

When Yun thought of the Finance Section Chief Lu whom he mentioned earlier, she couldn't help but ask: "Is this Deputy Factory Director Lu related to the Finance Section Chief Lu?"

Huo Jingrui answered while unlocking the door: "It doesn't matter, Deputy Director Lu is not a local."

Yun Yi asked casually, but didn't take it to heart and followed Huo Jingrui into the courtyard.

There is still a lot of snow in the yard that has not been shoveled. Huo Jingrui explained: "There are a lot of things going on during this period, so I didn't bother to shovel it. I will clear the snow out of the yard later."

Huo Jingrui pointed to the main room: "I made the middle room the living room. We will live in the east side of the houses on both sides from now on, and the west side will be the guest room."

Yun Yi is quite satisfied with this house. It is not very big, but it is enough to accommodate them.

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