The middle-aged woman is smart, and now she realizes that something is wrong. She nods to Yun with a horrified look on her face: "I understand."

Doctor Qiu is a military doctor. He naturally understands that if something like this happens, it may not be simple.

The three of them returned to the ward, but Dr. Qiu did not come forward. Firstly, his acupuncture skills were passed down from the Yun family, and secondly, it was not convenient for him to come forward.

Yunyi asked a middle-aged woman to help open the pregnant woman’s cotton-padded clothes, in order to distract the pregnant woman: “Tell me what good things you secretly ate?”

At this time, the middle-aged woman was also a little angry and said: "Juanzi, at this time, you still haven't said anything, and you haven't looked at your own situation."

The little pregnant woman named Juanzi's face was already pale from pain. It took her a long time to say, "Shunzi's wife gave me some turtle soup to drink. I don't know if it has anything to do with that?"

As soon as Yun heard about Shunzi's wife, she couldn't help but feel nervous: Could this Shunzi's wife be one of the people hiding in the dark?

She said calmly: "Where did she get the turtle in this cold weather?"

It may be that the silver needle Yun Yi inserted has already taken effect. The little pregnant woman Juanzi is not having as much trouble talking now: "She said it was sent by a distant relative."

Another distant relative was brought up: "Her distant relative is quite nice. He is still thinking about her in this cold weather."

The middle-aged woman next to her also came up and said, "Juanzi, have you seen the distant relative of Shunzi's wife's family?"

As he spoke, he took out his handkerchief and helped his daughter-in-law wipe the sweat from her forehead.

The little pregnant woman might be a little flattered, and she stuttered when she spoke: "I've seen him a few times, but his face is so smelly that I don't dare to look at him more."

As soon as Yun heard what she said, she quickly asked, "Is his distant relative really diligent enough to come here?"

 While raising and lowering the needle, do not forget to observe the expression on the face of the pregnant woman. I heard the little pregnant woman murmur: "He does come very diligently. I even saw him a few times before leaving even after dark."

The middle-aged woman may be afraid of being misunderstood: "Don't talk nonsense."

The little pregnant woman's stomach felt much better now and she felt energetic: "I'm not talking nonsense. Once, I saw the man touching Shunzi's wife's buttocks. Shunzi was chopping firewood in the yard with her back to them. ”

Hearing what she said, the middle-aged woman coughed slightly in embarrassment: "Okay, don't talk about this anymore. Is your stomach feeling better now?"

The middle-aged woman was afraid that her daughter-in-law would say something inappropriate again, so she quickly stopped her. She was afraid that if the words reached the ears of Shunzi's daughter-in-law, the neighbors would be estranged.

But Yunyi already had the information she wanted, so she naturally wouldn't ask any more.

 The movements of his hands sped up a lot.

After a while, the little pregnant woman felt something was wrong with the arm she was leaning on Yunyi, so she quickly turned her head to look.

She saw that the color of her arm had turned brown, and the doctor had already taken a knife on the tray and made a cut on her middle finger. She was startled and was about to scream.

The mother-in-law on the side covered her mouth and eyes: "Don't shout and disturb the doctor's treatment. I'm helping you. Mom will explain it to you later."

 The little pregnant girl was not stupid. Now she understood that her mother-in-law must have hidden something from her. She nodded lightly and said nothing.

After waiting for the blood to become a normal color, Yunyi helped her bandage her finger: "Okay, nothing will happen for the time being, but it's best to stay in the hospital for observation tonight. If there are any problems, we can deal with them at any time." ”

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