Chapter 449 I believe in you, please help me

 Maybe the warning worked, and we also knew that such confusion would be a waste of time, and it would not be safe for pregnant women with a big belly.

At this time, both pregnant women and family members were sweating on their foreheads.

 Pregnant women are in pain and cannot stand the sweating, but their family members are anxious.

As soon as Dr. Qiu settled the pregnant women, someone from the security team came over to report: "Doctor Qiu, the pregnant women from the forest farm are already on their way here. The situation is the same as ours. Qiao Tuan asked me to Come here and tell me, get ready to pick someone up."

Doctor Qiu had just finished his work. He was planning to take a rest, but now he had another task: "Okay, I'll make arrangements right now."

There is only one ward in the back that is empty now, so we can only tidy up the clinic room in front: "Nurse Chen, please tidy up the two clinic rooms first, and later use them to accommodate the patients sent from the forest farm."

When Nurse Chen heard this, she was a little unhappy and said: "If there is no health room in the forest farm, why are they still sending it to us? Are you trying to exhaust us to death?"

Doctor Qiu knew that she meant what she said, but what time of the year was it, and he had no sense of dedication at all: "Now is a special situation. I know that everyone is working hard, so please overcome it."

 After saying that, he walked to the back ward.

Yunyi is checking a pregnant woman: "Breathe in, yes, don't be nervous, everything will be fine."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the family members on the side: "Her due date was originally these days, and because it happened so early today, she was somewhat frightened. You should pay special attention to it."

 After inspection: “The situation is good now, don’t worry too much.”

 Putting away the stethoscope, he saw Doctor Qiu entering.

Looking at Doctor Qiu's expression, you can tell that he has something to tell her.

As he walked outside, he heard Doctor Qiu say: "Doctor Chu, take a rest first. The people from the forest farm will be here soon."

 After all, he couldn't cure these pregnant women's diseases at all, so they had to rely on Dr. Chu.

Yunyi understood that he meant well: "I understand, thank you."

She really had to maintain her strength. She returned to the office, made herself a glass of milk and drank it, listening to what was going on outside.     After a while, I heard the sound of a tractor.

 Getting up and walking out, I heard a man shouting from outside: "Don't crowd, get off one by one, our safety comes first."

Soon the first pregnant woman got out of the car, and her family members said in panic: "Doctor, doctor."

Yunyi is already waiting in the consultation room. Nurse Chen may also be very tired: "Stop shouting and follow me."

Although his tone was not too friendly, he still extended his hand to help the family members support the wailing pregnant woman and walked to the clinic: "Hold on a little longer."

Helping the family members put the person on the bed, Nurse Chen left to give Yun Yi a hand: "Family members, wait outside the door."

The man was very stubborn: "I want to stay with my wife. He will be afraid if I leave her."

Yun kept moving her hands: "Let him stay, at least he can comfort the pregnant woman."

After all, the pregnant women sent from the forest farm had seizures for a longer time than the pregnant women from the agricultural reclamation group. Their current situation is not very good, and their emotions are on the verge of collapse. If there are no family members by their side, they may be even more uneasy. It is very harmful to the child in the belly.

The family member heard Yunyi's words and said gratefully: "Thank you, thank you."

Just when he saw Yunyi's face clearly, he asked with confusion: "Is she the doctor who treated my wife?"

Nurse Chen nodded and said: "Yes, our Dr. Chu, despite his young age, has nothing to say about his medical skills, so don't worry."

The man wanted to say something else, so Yun said: "If you want to stay here quietly with the pregnant woman, if you dare to make trouble here, please get out. Of course, you can also choose not to be treated and take your wife away." ”

The man didn't know what to do for a moment. He looked at his wife who was in pain and sweating on the bed, and then looked at Yunyi. He was very confused.

At this time, the pregnant woman on the bed said: "Doctor, I can't bear it anymore. I believe in you. Please help me."

Yunyi was already ready. Nurse Chen helped untie the pregnant woman's clothes. Yunyi didn't ask for the man's opinion and started acupuncture directly.

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