Chapter 451 Discovering the secret underground passage

After Huo Jingrui rushed all the way to the clinic, he saw many people whose faces were pale with fear. Some pregnant women kept crying, and some were comforting those around them. He grabbed a nurse and asked, "Where is Mrs. Chu?"

That nurse was just transferred from the commune health center: "Who are you looking for?"

Just when Huo Jingrui was about to ask again, Yun Yi came out of the consulting room on the side: "Jingrui, I'm here."

The moment Huo Jingrui saw Yun Yi, he finally let go of his worries. After the two looked at each other in the distance, they nodded to each other and then went about their business.

As soon as Yun Yi continued his detoxification work, Huo Jingrui discussed the matter with Qiao Shaoguo and others who were following him: "We need to mobilize more people to the clinic, for fear that they will come again. After all, it is considered a dense place now." area.”

 Qiao Shaoguo nodded and said: "You are right, I will ask the security team to send more people over soon."

Huo Jingrui looked thoughtfully in the opposite direction of where the people were escaping, and at the comrades from the Armed Forces Department: "Send someone over there to search, and pay attention to see if there is an underground passage."

Hearing what Huo Jingrui said, the man nodded and said, "Okay, I'll take people there right now."

Next, the entire security force, public security, and armed forces comrades conducted a blanket search of Hua'an Farm, especially the area pointed out by Huo Jingrui, and searched even more carefully.

Not to mention, I actually found an underground passage.

Following the passage all the way out, there are actually bifurcated roads inside. After investigation, one leads to the back mountain, one leads to the regiment headquarters, and another leads to the canteen.

The people conducting the search were not calm now. How long have these underground passages existed?


On the other side, the scarred man knew this when he led his men to warn the health room, so he led his men to evacuate from the underground passage.

 Took the people directly up the mountain and prepared to go to the hiding place they had arranged in advance.

 It’s just that the public security personnel had set up defenses on the mountain before. As soon as they came into sight, someone followed them all the way. The man with the scar was very cautious and walked in circles until he reached the place.

 The people following them were almost discovered by Scar Man several times.

 So I never dared to follow too closely.

When it got dark, as soon as several people gathered together to get the news, Huo Jingrui suddenly thought of something: "Go to the canteen to investigate."

He was just thinking, how could those people withdraw so easily? They must have no good intentions.

When the group arrived at the canteen, there were already a small number of people queuing up to get food. The security team conducted an emergency evacuation of the people in the canteen.

The sharp-eyed Huo Jingrui noticed something was wrong with the cook at the second window of the cafeteria. The man's expression was pretty good, but the way he looked at his watch from time to time made Huo Jingrui suspicious.

He had been observing the man secretly, and he leaned over there calmly. Just when the man was about to bend over, Huo Jingrui kicked him away.

The man's "Ah" sound attracted a lot of attention, and the man shouted loudly: "Whoever kicked me, stand up for me."

Huo Jingrui stepped forward: "Who do you call me Lao Tzu?"

The man was very flustered when he saw Huo Jingrui, but he still pretended to be calm and said, "Who are you and why are you kicking me?"

Huo Jingrui was about to say something when, out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone quietly moving towards where the person was standing just now, trying to cover up something. After all, the person's expression was very stiff, which showed that he was nervous.

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