How about Chapter 464, how is the situation in the county?

By the time Yunyi returned to Hua'an Farm, it was already dark.

She went to the health room first and saw that everything was in order, so she felt relieved and returned to the small courtyard at the back.

 After returning to the house, I closed the doors and windows and entered the space directly.

I took a set of clothes and went to the hot spring pool in the stone house. I was tired after all, so I took a dip in the pool and felt so comfortable that I almost fell asleep.

 After changing clothes, I came out, drank a glass of spiritual spring water, and then went outside to sit on the kang. As for the rest, I just waited until I woke up and saw Huo Jingrui.

 But he failed to do so in the end. Just as he was sleeping soundly, someone knocked on the door outside: "Doctor Chu, Dr. Chu."

As soon as Yun heard the movement outside, she quickly stood up and opened the door: "What's wrong?"

Zhang Jiaqiao's anxious voice came from outside the door: "Doctor Chu, there are two women giving birth at the same time, and the front is a bit busy. Doctor Qiu asked me to come and call you."

Yun looked at the time and saw that it was almost nine o'clock: "Okay, I'll be right back."

He took a glass of spiritual spring water from the space and drank it, **** his hair, wetted a towel and wiped the corners of his eyes, put on his coat and walked out.

Doctor Qiu and the two remaining doctors from the commune health center saw Yun coming and quickly waved her over.

Doctor Qiu looked at Yunyi: "Doctor Chu, I originally wanted you to rest for half a day, but now I have to call you over."

Yun saw them gathered here and said, "Why are you still here if two pregnant women are going to give birth at the same time?"

Doctor Liu from the commune health center said at this time: "Although the medicine on them has been cured, the medicine has indeed affected the body, especially the remaining medicine, which I suspect has the effect of inducing labor."

As soon as Yun thought of something, she quickly said: "Let them drink more water and try to eliminate the remaining medicinal properties from the body through urine." Several doctors looked at each other and nodded: "This is the only way now."

 I hope that those pregnant women who are younger in pregnancy will not be unable to keep their children because of this incident.

 One morning, except for these two pregnant women who were almost due to give birth, there were no other unexpected events for the other pregnant women, which made everyone feel relieved.

However, some pregnant women and their family members are worried that the medicine will have an impact on the child in their belly, and they all look worried.

When Yunyi came out of the delivery room, she checked the pulses of all the pregnant women. Except for one who was already in poor health, there was nothing wrong with the other pregnant women.

I was busy until dinner, and those younger pregnant women and those who had given birth last night were taken back by their families one after another. After all, there was nothing wrong with their stomachs, and they couldn't stay in the clinic all the time.

The pregnant women on the other side of the forest farm were picked up by the forest farm leaders. There were only two pregnant women left in the clinic who gave birth today. They thought they would be observed in the clinic for one more night. No problem, and they would be discharged tomorrow.

Qiao Shaoguo prepared a thank-you gift for each of the doctors from the commune clinic who came to support them, and arranged for tractors from the Farm Reclamation Corps to be sent back.

Seeing that nothing happened at last, Yun Yi was about to go to the canteen to get food when she saw a jeep coming from a distance.

Huo Jingrui got out of the car, holding several lunch boxes in his hands: "Yier."

Qiao Shaoguo saw him and hurried forward: "How is it? How is the situation in the county?"

 Huo Jingrui looked around and said with a heavy tone: "The conspiracy of the enemy agents was crushed in time. Unfortunately, two comrades from the public security team were lost."

I had just breathed a sigh of relief, but after hearing the second half of the sentence, my heart suddenly became heavy, and my heart was gnashing my teeth at those enemy agents.

 (End of this chapter)

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