Chapter 483 The Ye family knows what happened

In Beijing, Ye Binglin and Shi Jingfang all had dark faces after receiving the letter sent by Huo Jingrui and learning what Ye Wenjuan had done.

 The couple couldn't help but feel scared for a while.

If Yun Yi hadn't taken action in time, his daughter's life would have been ruined. As well as Qiao Shaoguo's subsequent help to her daughter, the couple remembered this.

No matter what Ye Wenjuan's psychology was, she did lie to people, and this account cannot be ignored.

When this happened, the third wife naturally couldn't stay out of it. Even if she couldn't do anything, she still had to let them know about the disgusting things Ye Wenjuan had done, so as not to embarrass people in front of them in the future.

Just as she said it, Shi Jingfang called Ye Bingkun, Ye Wenjuan's adoptive father: "Hey, Bingkun, do you have time now? I have something to do with you."

Ye Bingkun heard the voice of his second sister-in-law: "Second sister-in-law, what's the matter? Can't we talk about it on the phone?"

Shi Jingfang thought about how her daughter was almost destroyed, so her tone was no better: "Looking for you is of course an important thing, hurry up and come over, we will wait for you at home."

 After saying that, she hung up the phone directly. She knew that her brother-in-law was not to blame for this, but thinking that Ye Wenjuan was related to their third roommate, she felt uncomfortable.

Ye Bingkun naturally heard the unhappiness in his second sister-in-law's tone, and knew that something must have happened that he didn't know about again. He couldn't help but feel annoyed. He handed over his work, picked up his briefcase, and left the office.

Just when she arrived at her second brother's house, she saw her uncle, her eldest brother, and her eldest sister-in-law were also there. She knew without asking that something serious must have happened. She felt a little in her heart. Could it have something to do with her family?

The reason why Shi Jingfang didn't call her third sibling, Zhang Baoxiang, was because there was something she didn't want Zhang Baoxiang to know about, so as not to cause trouble later.

As for the fact that this matter was carried on my second uncle’s back, it was because he was not in good health and I was afraid that he would not be able to bear it, so I did not invite him over. Seeing Ye Bingkun coming, Shi Jingfang handed over the letter written by Ye Wenhui: "Read this letter first."

Ye Bingkun took the letter with a confused look on his face. When he saw clearly what was written on it, his face was so dark that ink dripped from his face. He really didn't know how to face the person in his uncle's room.

He was so angry that the veins in his hand holding the letter were bulging, and you could see how angry he was now: "I'm sorry, I"

No matter what he said, he felt deeply powerless.

The Ye family has never told Ye Wenjuan about her life experience. They thought it was not her fault after all, so they should wait until she comes back to tell her.

Looking at this situation, it was the Zhang family who spoke out first, but he couldn't figure it out. What was Ye Wenjuan's purpose in doing this?

At this time, Xia Dongxue said at the right time: "If my guess is correct, it was the Zhang family who came to find her. As for why she did this, she just wanted to take advantage of Ye Wenhui and threaten Wenhui to help her achieve what she wanted."

I have to say that Xia Dongxue is smart, but she still missed one point, that is, Ye Wenjuan not only wanted to take advantage of Ye Wenhui, but also wanted to use it to get Chu Yunyi to write a letter of understanding.

Of course, she did not do it to help Wu Bingjie, but more importantly to help her biological mother and the Zhang family. After all, Fang Zhichun and Qin Lijuan's situation was different.

But she never expected that she would be in vain, and if she said anything in the future, even Ye Wenhui would not easily believe her.

With Ye Wenhui's temper, it is impossible for her to suffer the disadvantage of being dumb. Their relationship was normal before, but after this incident, they may not only avoid her like a snake or a scorpion, but also break up with her.

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