Huo Jiayuan heard her mother laugh, and her heart finally fell back into her stomach.

 He raised his head slightly and glanced secretly at his mother. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that her mother showed no signs of going crazy.

 When Huo Weiyu and Lu Fengning returned to the dining table, Huo Jiayuan gave her niece a thumbs up on the table.

Lu Fengning won the admiration of her aunt, like a sneaky cat, she directly exposed her gap teeth.

Seeing her uncle staring at her, she thought of something and quickly raised her hand to cover her mouth.

This action directly made everyone at the table laugh.

Lu Fengning was really angry now: "Don't laugh."

I heard a voice coming from the gate: "Hey, what are you laughing at?"

People at the dining table looked at the door in unison. Gao Ruyi, the second daughter-in-law of the Huo family, walked in with her youngest son Huo Xiaoxi: "Sister, are you and Xiao Ning back too?"

Huo Weiyu pointed to the place next to her: "Yes, come and sit down."

Huo Jingrui also raised his head and greeted Gao Ruyi, the second sister-in-law: "Second sister-in-law."

Gao Ruyi was also surprised. She didn't expect her brother-in-law to be at home today. After saying hello, she took her son to sit down.

 Huo Xiaoxi looked at her cousin Lu Fengning, with a look of curiosity on her face: "Sister Xiaoning, why aren't you allowed to smile?"

Seeing Lu Fengning's expression change, Gao Ruyi hurriedly stepped forward to rescue his silly son: "Didn't Mom tell you not to laugh while eating? It would be bad if you choked on the food. It must be my sister-in-law. If you don’t obey, Sister Xiaoning is reminding her.”

 Huo Xiaoxi looked at this, then at that, then nodded and said: "Sister Xiao Ning is right, you can't laugh while eating."

Aunt Zhang was obviously used to having people come back for dinner at short notice. She quickly ordered noodles for two people and brought the noodles over to them as soon as they finished talking and sat down.

The little guy Huo Xiaoxi was very polite: "Thank you, Grandma Zhang."

Aunt Zhang laughed: "You're welcome, our little Xi is getting more and more sensible." Huo Xiaoxi raised her head and said, "The teacher told me to be a polite child."

Huo Jiayuan touched her nephew's head and said, "This education class is not in vain."

As he spoke, he put a meatball in his nephew's bowl: "Eat quickly, these meatballs are so delicious."

Of course, my niece was not left behind: "Xiao Ning, you can eat too."

Huo Jiayuan looked at her second sister-in-law Gao Ruyi: "Second sister-in-law, why are you back today?"

Gao Ruyi helped her son mix the noodles: "Eat slowly."

After taking care of his son, he glanced at his brother-in-law and then said, "I heard that my brother-in-law is having **** with someone. Your second brother asked me to come back and have a look. Is it true?"

Huo Jingrui raised his head and looked over: "You also know?"

Jiang Jingya was busy picking up vegetables for her granddaughter and grandson to cover up her guilty conscience.

But in the end, she was defeated by her son's direct gaze: "Didn't you say that the marriage application has been approved? Although we can't hold the wedding banquet yet, it is still settled. I naturally have to share such a big happy event with others. It didn’t take long for anyone to realize it, and it spread all of a sudden.”

Gao Ruyi looked at his brother-in-law with a gossipy look on his face: "Did you get married before retiring?"

Huo Weiyu also geared up and said, "Xiao Si, do you have a photo of that girl?"

Huo Jingrui naturally had it, but he didn't want to take it out: "I didn't bring it with me."

Just as he finished speaking, Jiang Jingya and Huo Weiyu stood up at the same time, and then Huo Jiayuan, who saw the way, also stood up, and the three of them rushed forward and rushed towards Huo Jingrui.

Had it not been that Gao Ruyi, the sister-in-law, wanted to avoid suspicion, she would have wanted to join.

 Obviously, they know Huo Jingrui’s son/brother/brother too well. How could they not have photos with them? (End of chapter)

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