Just as Chu Xiaoju was about to say something, Jiang Yuli pulled her over and said, "Why bother? Since we are going to separate the family, it will be clear. Besides, your grandpa also let you see this account book."

Under his mother's murderous gaze, Chu Xiaoju had no choice but to take the account book. She remembered the account book in detail, and her grandfather had indeed not tampered with it.

Seeing her put down the account book, Chu Yucheng was already extremely disappointed with the second wife. Although he was the one who ordered the account to be checked, the second daughter-in-law didn't believe him when she made a fuss about checking it.

The same goes for his second son, who didn't even say a word to stop him: "Since the accounts are correct, the kitchen utensils will be divided directly according to the head. That's it. Your sister and brother-in-law will come over tomorrow and let them testify and sign. "Family separation document."

Jiang Yuli originally wanted to say that this division was unfair. Since her father-in-law wanted to live with the big family, why should he ask for a share of the money?

But before he could say anything, he was caught by his own man: "Okay, are you satisfied now?"

 After saying that, he also took his own share and turned back to the house.

Jiang Yuli was very angry: "What do you mean, you are all good people, but I am the bad one?"

 No matter what everyone thinks, this family is divided anyway.

Yun Yi and the Hua family naturally don’t know what happened to the Chu family.

  Just after Mr. Hua arrived home, he said, "From now on, you can just move around this house of the Chu family during New Years and holidays."

The Hua brothers nodded and said, "I understand."

Shi Qunying took over at this time and said: "Fortunately, Yun Yi didn't let anyone live in the house. With the temperament of the second daughter-in-law of the Chu family, if she is let in, it will not be that easy for her to move out?"

Hua Wanqing made a cup of tea for his old man: "Is it a good thing or a bad thing for Yun Yi to recognize this family?"

Mr. Hua took the tea cup: "Mr. Chu's younger brother is not a confused person. I think the people in the Chu family's eldest house are very good, at least they can be regarded as relatives of the family. Yunyi is a man who has his own plans. Even if something happens, no matter what And we and the Gu family are protecting us."

Yun Yi, who they were talking about, had already been sent home by the driver sent by the Hua family. As soon as she entered the courtyard, Wei Hongyan walked out of Wei Hongjun's room: "Yun Yi, are you back?"

Yun Yi never thought that Wei Hongyan would still be here so late: "Are you waiting for me?"

Wei Hongyan stepped forward and held her arm: "No, I have to go to work during the day, and you are busy with dinner in the evening. You have to leave the day after tomorrow, so I can only wait here."

Yunyi was amused by her aggrieved expression: "Look at how wronged you are."

   said and opened the door to his room: "Come in."

But Wei Hongyan didn't follow her in. Instead, she trotted to the kitchen: "You go into the room first, and I'll bring you a bowl of fermented glutinous rice dumplings. This is my mother's specialty, so I'll treat it as an extra meal for you."

After a while, Wei Hongyan brought a small bowl over: "Look, my mother made this specially for you, please try it."

Yun Yi smiled and took it: "Sit down, I didn't expect Aunt Wei to remember that I like this."

Wei Hongyan looked like she was begging for praise and said, "This is my suggestion."

Yunyi took a small spoonful and put it in her mouth: "The texture of these dumplings is really delicious. Where did you get the osmanthus?"

Wei Hongyan laughed: "Ding Dawei sent it here a few days ago. His second aunt married in the south. She brought a lot when she came back. His mother gave him a small bottle and asked him to send it here."

Seeing the shyness in Wei Hongyan's eyes, she joked: "It seems that your good deed is coming soon. I'm afraid I won't be able to make it back in time for the wedding, but it seems that I have to prepare this wedding gift in advance." (End of chapter) )

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