Chapter 52 Can I go see that house?

Yunyi is good at looking at people. After everyone had introduced themselves, Yunyi also introduced himself: "Chu Yunyi, from Beijing."

After introducing each other, Wang Jianhui said with a smile: "I was supposed to ask other educated youths in the village to come over and get to know each other, but I didn't know exactly when you would arrive, so I didn't tell them in advance.

However, we educated youths go to work together. I will introduce you to them when we go to work the day after tomorrow. Okay, let’s eat first. "

It's not that they don't want to notify those few people to come over, it's actually that the married female educated youths are closely controlled by their husband's family.

Every time they come over, the family behind them will come, making their educated youth look like sinners.

 After so many quarrels, no one dared to ask them to come together if anything happened. In fact, no one wanted to be scolded in vain.

As for those who built their own houses, people didn’t even bother to associate with them. After all, they all came from well-off families and just went through the motions. When the time came, they could return to the city.

 A meal that satisfies everyone.

Wang Jianhui called Li Rongjuan and Cheng Hongjun, and took the new educated youth to the accountant Lu Dahai first, and received the thirty kilograms of rations lent to the new educated youth from the village.

 After that, he borrowed a cart from the brigade and asked Cheng Hongjun to take the male educated youth to push the grain back to the educated youth point. He and Li Rongjuan took the female educated youth directly to the party secretary's house.

 When they arrived, the party secretary had just finished eating and was cleaning up.

The branch secretary frowned when he saw Wang Jianhui coming with the educated youth: "Wang educated youth, why are you here?"

Wang Jianhui got straight to the point: "Secretary of the Party Committee, the house in the educated youth spot cannot accommodate so many people. The kang in the house is just right for five people, but it will be difficult for six people to live in it. Now there are seven female educated youths, and it really can't be accommodated." ”

As soon as he finished speaking, a cold male voice came from outside the gate: "Male educated youths can't live there either."

 Everyone turned around and saw Liu Chenglin standing upright at the gate. Everyone naturally understood what he meant.

The branch secretary was also in trouble: "But there are no spare houses in the village now. If you really can't live in one, you can only borrow it from someone in the village."

At this time, Ge Lihua, the third daughter-in-law of the party secretary, came out with a big belly: "Dad, isn't the house of Jiao Zhiqing and Yan Zhiqing who returned to the city unoccupied?"

She thought that those houses had to be rented, and her father-in-law didn't know what he was thinking. He even asked them to stay with other people in the village. One was the income of the village, and the other was the income of each family. It was not clear.

Hu Shanmei, the old wife of the branch secretary, rolled her eyes at the third daughter-in-law: "It's not like you don't know about that house. When they were cutting down a tree in the village a few days ago, it happened to be hit. The tiles on the roof were broken a lot, not to mention it was hit right. In the middle of the two houses, a corner was smashed."

After hearing this, Yun was very interested: "How long will it take to repair the house?"

The branch secretary looked at Yunyi and said honestly: "It won't take long to repair that house. The main thing is that the house is covered with tiles. The repair cost is not small, and the village has never taken care of it."

Yunyi thought it would be faster than building a new house. Besides, he would return to the city at the end of next year, so there was no need to build a new house: "Can I go and see that house?"

The branch secretary was worried that there was no money in the village's accounts and the house had not been repaired. When he heard what Yunyi said, he immediately had an idea in his mind.

 Going into the house, taking the keys and flashlight, he led the people towards the house.

The house is not far from the Educated Youth Point, and there are two courtyards not far away. Wang Jianhui introduced it at the right time: "Those two courtyards are also filled with educated youths, but they form a small group of their own. Apart from working, they basically have nothing to do with the Educated Youth Point. Intersection.”

 (End of this chapter)

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