Chapter 550: Totally hate it

Zhang Wenjuan walked back in despair. When she was passing by the clinic, she heard someone whispering at the door of the clinic: "The **** man who saw Dr. Chu just now is really handsome."

  “I don’t know if there is a target?”

“I’ll ask Dr. Chu later, and I’ll know.”

 “What’s the matter, have you fallen in love with me?”

“One look at that **** man shows that he is not an ordinary person. How could he like me? I still have some self-awareness.”

Zhang Wenjuan couldn't help but frown. Who was the man they were talking about? It couldn't be Gu Xixi, right?

Out of nowhere, she walked towards the person who spoke: "What does the person you are talking about look like?"

The two people speaking did not recognize Zhang Wenjuan, so they both took a step back. One of them raised his head and asked, "Who are you?"

In order to find out the news, Zhang Wenjuan quickly took out a few pieces of toffee from her pocket and handed them over reluctantly: "I was just curious, so I stepped forward abruptly. Take this candy and treat it as if I'm giving it to you." Not any more."

The two people saw that it was toffee, and after looking at each other, they decided not to give up what was given to them for free.

Zhang Wenjuan watched them take candies and said, "I am an educated youth from our agricultural reclamation group, so I only ask out of curiosity."

The two people were from the Reclamation Corps' family home. After hearing Zhang Wenjuan say that she was an educated youth, she let down her guard. One of them looked at the candy in his hand and said, "That person is wearing a gray tunic suit and is very energetic." "

 As soon as these words came out, Zhang Wenjuan’s guess was confirmed.

Zhang Wenjuan ignored the two people standing opposite, turned around and walked towards the educated youth, her face immediately darkened: "Looking for Chu Yunyi, why is it Chu Yunyi again, why is it Chu Yunyi?"

This **** Chu Yunyi.

Yunyi didn't know that Zhang Wenjuan completely hated Gu Xixi because of her trip.

 She is now like a dragon entering the sea, carefreeing on the mountain behind Zhangjiacun. Although her martial arts and lightness skills have not returned to their peak, they are still top-notch in this era. She walked around the mountain and did not find the cave that Zhang Dali mentioned.

Thinking that maybe I am looking in the wrong direction.

 She found a lot of Ganoderma lucidum in the woods. They were not very old, but they were enough to be used as medicine.

She walked around the mountain, thinking that if it snowed, that person might not come to the mountain for a while. After all, it would be easy to expose her whereabouts.

 I'm afraid I'm going to arrest this person after the spring is over.

Seeing that it was getting late, she walked down the mountain. Of course, she also collected a lot of dead trees into the space along the way. Instead of going out of the mountain in the direction of Zhangjia Village, she walked a little longer and found a place to go out on the dirt road to Hua'an Farm Reclamation. Up the mountain.

 Pull the dead tree towards the small courtyard.

I didn’t expect that as soon as I arrived at the small courtyard, I saw Ye Wenhui standing there: “Why are you here?”

Ye Wenhui looked very unhappy: "Let's talk after we go in first."

When Yun saw this, she thought she had a quarrel with Zheng Xuewen.

  He opened the door and entered the yard, threw the dead tree he dragged back to the firewood shed, went into the kitchen to get water and washed his hands, and then asked: "Tell me, what happened?"

Ye Wenhui didn't know what to say: "Has Zhang Wenjuan come to see you?"

When Yun heard this, she couldn't help but frowned: "No, what happened to her?"

Ye Wenhui received a letter from her family before and knew that Yun Yi had no sense of belonging to the Ye family and did not even want to go back to live in the Ye family. She was really afraid that if Zhang Wenjuan interfered again, Yun Yi would become even more unhappy with the Ye family.

Looking at Ye Wenhui's expression: "Why, she won't blame me for the Ye family asking her to change her surname, right?"

 (End of this chapter)

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