When Tiedan heard what Heizi said, his face looked ugly for a moment: "I didn't know that the money you were talking about was helping people kidnap. This is an educated youth in the city. I heard that Tao Educated Qing's family is well off. What if she really Something happened to her and her family is investigating, what should we do?”

Heizi was really angry now: "Okay, then you decide. We have already brought the person out. If you don't want to take the money, then take the person back."

As soon as Yun heard their conversation, she understood Zhong Liyuan's thoughts and must have made two preparations.

If the frame-up of Lu Huaijing comes to fruition, then Tao Yuran will probably not end well. If Lu Huaijing's side does not go well, Tao Yuran will become a chess piece that threatens Lu Huaijing. What a good plan.

 And these two people will also become scapegoats in the future.

Seeing that they had no intention of moving forward, Yun climbed up the tree and wanted to see what their final decision would be.

Just as she climbed up the tree, she heard someone chasing her from behind. She released her mental power in the direction of the sound and discovered that the people chasing her should be the oriole in Zhong Liyuan's game.

She didn't want to expose herself, nor did she want anything to happen to Tao Yuran, so she quickly got down from the tree, picked up two small stones on the ground, and threw them out. The people named Heizi and Tiedan lost consciousness before they could react.

 Seeing the person fall, he quickly stepped forward and took away the unconscious Tao Yuran without caring about anything else.

Not long after she left the place, the people arranged by Zhong Liyuan chased after her. When they found the two people lying on the ground, they started to yell and curse on the spot after searching for them everywhere to no avail.

In order to find out the whereabouts of Tao Yuran from the two people on the ground, they had to be taken down the mountain. It was not because of their kindness, but because they were afraid that the two people would disappear and make the matter worse, which would be detrimental to them.

As soon as Yun saw those people leaving, she took out a homemade pill and fed it into Tao Yuran's mouth. Soon after, Tao Yuran woke up.

 When she saw Yunyi, she subconsciously wanted to step back: "Who are you?"

Yun Yi looked down at the person who had just woken up: "Don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person. You are safe now." After Tao Yuran saw the person clearly: "Are you an educated youth from Chu?"

Yunyi squatted down and said, "Yes, it's me."

Tao Yuran looked up and down: "Where am I?"

Yunyi heard the tremor in her voice: "Do you remember what happened?"

Tao Yuran heard Yun Yi's question and said anxiously: "It's broken, why am I here?"

Naturally, Yunyi couldn't tell Tao Yuran her true situation, so she gave herself an excuse: "I went to town to do errands and came back late today. I originally wanted to take a shortcut back to the farming group by taking a back mountain, but I didn't expect that I got caught up in the excitement. It can be seen that there are people outside Lu Zhiqing's courtyard.

I was about to get closer to see what was going on, when I saw someone taking you up the mountain. I followed you out of curiosity. Unexpectedly, I heard the conversation between the two people. Someone paid them to kidnap you. you.

Later I found out that there were people coming from behind, and I was afraid they were also coming for you, so I knocked those two people unconscious, took you away first, and hid you here. "

Tao Yuran also understood that someone was probably coming after her and Lu Huaijing. Children who grew up in high-level vocational families could never be simple. She quickly figured out the reason for this.

Looking around, her eyes were filled with confusion: "Chu Zhiqing, thank you so much for what happened today. Could you please send me down the mountain? I really can't tell the difference between east, west and north." (End of Chapter)

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