Her voice directly shocked many people to watch.

The good-hearted aunt stepped forward and said, "Daughter, just tell me if you have any grievances, and we guys will make the decision for you. Isn't this clear-cut person still without the right to rule?"

Zhang Wenjuan saw that more and more people were gathering together: "Mom, you don't know how evil the doctors here are. My patient's wound collapsed and needed suturing, but Dr. Chu didn't give him any anesthetic and forced him to endure it."

At this time, someone who was not afraid of serious troubles when watching the show said: "Real or false, this is really cruel. This is not treating the patient as a human being. This kind of thinking is unacceptable."

At this time, those who envied Yun Yi for being close to Qiao Wenyu and Wei Zijia added insult to injury and said, "That is, if you don't give people anesthesia for suturing, isn't that bullying?"

The noise outside was getting louder and louder. Yun Yi finished drinking a cup of tea in the office and was about to go out.

After receiving the news, Qiao Shaoguo rushed over: "What are you doing here?"

He quickly recounted what happened: "Zhang Wenjuan, your work is done, do you still have time to come here to cause trouble?"

Qiao Shaoguo has not forgotten why she was punished to clean up the feces in the pen.

What's more, he knew something about the Ye family's affairs, and it was Qiao Shaoguo who took care of Zhang Wenjuan's surname change. He didn't like Zhang Wenjuan at all, so seeing her making trouble here naturally made him unhappy.

Zhang Wenjuan didn’t expect Captain Qiao to arrive so quickly, and couldn’t help but feel panicked: “Captain Qiao, it’s not me who wants to cause trouble, it’s Doctor Chu who bullied others too much.”

 Others don't know, and he doesn't know yet: "You know what your motives are for doing this. If you don't want to stay in Hua'an anymore, I can help you."

Zhang Wenjuan turned pale with anger: "Captain Qiao, I don't understand what you are talking about?" Qiao Shaoguo didn't have time to argue with her here: "You want me to tell you your life experience in front of everyone? ?”

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Wenjuan's eyes widened instantly, with a look of disbelief on her face. It took her a long time to react. She just said, why can she change her name without being present? That's how it is: "You Do you know the Ye family?”

ˆ Qiao Shaoguo did not deny it: "Yes."

Zhang Wenjuan gritted her teeth, feeling that the whole world was against her: "But Chu Yunyi did not suture my partner just now without anesthesia. This is a fact."

But her luck was so bad. Just when she fell, someone shouted outside: "The anesthetic is here, the anesthetic is here, please give way."

Just then, a young man squeezed in carrying a special medical box: "I'm here to deliver medicine, where is Dr. Qiu?"

At this time, Dr. Qiu, who received the news, ran over panting, and while squeezing in, he said: "Come on, please give way."

Just after squeezing in, he saw Yunyi coming out of the health room: "What on earth is going on?"

Yunyi did not speak, but gestured to Kong Jiaqiao, who was standing not far away, to speak.

When Kong Jiaqiao finished explaining the matter, Doctor Qiu's face became grim: "Such a big thing happened a few days ago. There were not many medicines left. So we applied to the county and some of the medicines were given first." I got it back, but the anesthetic and other medicines are not available for the time being. They said they would be available in a few days and they would be sent over. When you sent them over last night, you used up the last anesthetic. In the health room There are records of the entry and exit of medicines. This cannot be faked. If you don’t believe it, you can check it.” (End of Chapter)

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