Chapter 578 Why can’t I get over this situation?

When Yun Yi came back, all the food in the kitchen had just been cooked. If she hadn't had a cheat, her secret would have been exposed.

Ye Wenhui saw Yun come in: "Sister, where have you been? I was about to go out to find you?"

Yun Yi said without blushing, "I went to the health room to have a look."

Hearing this, everyone had no doubts. After all, there was only one person from the pharmacy left in the clinic today, so something might happen.

Wei Zijia looked at her with a smile: "You pinched it at the right time, and all the dishes were cooked."

No one expected that Huo Jingrui was not only good at cooking, but also very good at it.

With the strength of many people, all the dishes were quickly served on the table. After the host Yun Yi gave a brief speech, everyone started using their chopsticks.

Huo Jingrui had always paid attention to Yunyi and took good care of her. Qiao Wenyu and Zheng Xuewen also followed suit, making Wei Zijia and Ye Wenhui's faces still red and embarrassed until they finished eating.

 After dinner, it is naturally Qiao Wenyu and Zheng Xuewen’s job to clean up.

Yunyi took out the playing cards she had bought in advance, and then placed the melon seeds, peanuts, various fruit candies and white rabbit toffee prepared by Huo Jingrui, as well as apples, pears, and oranges.

Zheng Xuewen and Qiao Wenyu, who came back from cleaning up the kitchen, saw that there were still oranges and rushed over them: "Brother Huo, you are the best. You are really good. We went to the black market and never encountered this thing."

As soon as Yun heard what they said, she looked at Huo Jingrui and laughed unkindly. Why could she not get over this joke?

Huo Jingrui straightened her face and said, "Don't laugh. If you want to eat apples or pears, I'll peel them for you."

Yun Yi suppressed a smile: "I want to cut it into pieces, pierce it with a skewer and eat it."

 Huo Jingrui took the apples and pears from the basket and went to the kitchen. After a while, he came back with the cut fruits. He couldn't find the skewers, so he used old chopsticks to make skewers. Qiao Wenyu and Zheng Xuewen praised again: "Brother Huo, you are so powerful."

As soon as Yunyi took the apple into her mouth, she spat it out with a smile.

Huo Jingrui had a look of resentment on his face, while the others were a little baffled.

Yun Yi held back her laughter and directed them to set up the kang table: "Come, come, come, let's play poker."

Ye Wenhui asked: "Sister, didn't you say you still want to make dumplings?"

Yun shuffled the cards in her hand: "No rush, let's play for a while, and then we'll make the dumplings. It's time to eat fresh dumplings after twelve, and the rest will be frozen in the courtyard. You can come over tomorrow morning to eat frozen dumplings."

Wei Zijia waved his hand and said, "I won't be able to come over tomorrow morning. I heard that the cafeteria will also serve dumplings tomorrow morning."

Yunyi looked puzzled and said: "With so many people, can the people in the cafeteria cover them?"

Wei Zijia smiled and explained: "There is a notice posted at the door of the canteen. The canteen will organize people to make dumplings tonight. Those who participate will get two more dumplings tomorrow morning."

At first glance, Yun Yi thought that no one would go to the cafeteria to get cold for two dumplings, but thinking about it these days, it would be good to eat two more meat dumplings, so some people should go. "

At this time, a lot of people did gather in the big cafeteria, even Zhang Wenjuan attended. Zhang Baoxiang could not subsidize her much at first, but now it is even gone. Her life is not to mention how difficult it is.

She even wrote a letter to the Zhang family a few years ago. Unfortunately, she did not receive a reply or subsidy from the Zhang family even on New Year's Eve. Now she hates everyone, including Wu Bingjie.

 So after sending the man back to Zhangjiacun, he returned to the Reclamation Corps without looking back. He didn't care what Wu Bingjie would do next or who would take care of him?

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