Chapter 611 Calculation

The next day, after Huo Jingrui sent Yun Yi to the clinic, he headed up the mountain with the woodcutter.

There is not much firewood left in the backyard firewood shed. Since she can't leave for the time being, she can't let Yi'er use it without using her hands. Anyway, she just returned to the county in the afternoon, so she can help chop some more.

Since his memory was restored, his martial arts has also been increasing day by day. He may have had experience in several lifetimes. In addition, his body has good bones. Finally, he has the blessing of Yunyi's space water. Although his progress is not very fast, it is indeed achievable. people.

Having internal strength, the job of chopping firewood was naturally a piece of cake. It didn’t take long to chop down six large bundles.

Just as he was preparing to make a homemade carrying pole, he saw a group of people coming up the mountain.

However, he didn't look at who the people were. He was just minding his own business, whittling the pole with a machete, and thinking about picking up six bundles of firewood at once. This pole couldn't be fooled, and he couldn't give up halfway. He had to start it all over again. .

 Zhang Wenjuan had no support from the Ye family, so she had been writing to the Zhang family for a long time without expecting a reply. She was at the end of her rope. Today, the team was resting, and someone called her to go up the mountain, so she wanted to follow her up the mountain to try her luck.

Unexpectedly, she met Huo Jingrui who was alone on the mountain. She hid behind a tree and peeked here from time to time. Her eyes kept rolling around, thinking: This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Even if you don't succeed, you can still defeat that dead vixen Chu Yunyi.

Since I am already like this, I might as well give it a try, maybe there will still be a bright future. As for the future, it can’t be worse than now, right?

So she walked a few steps forward and said to her companions who were squatting in front digging wild vegetables: "I feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach. Go over there and relieve my hands."

No one thought much, and the person closest to her said: "Take a stick and beat it with your hand to prevent snakes and insects in the grass, but be sure not to hurt your white and tender buttocks."

As soon as she said this, the people traveling with her all laughed. Zhang Wenjuan was not in the mood to chat with her at this moment. She said a few perfunctory words and then walked in the direction of Huo Jingrui.

She thought that when everyone came up just now, they all saw someone chopping firewood over there, and she was the only one among them who knew it was Huo Jingrui. No matter what happened next, as long as she put down her face, things would be done.

He didn't know Huo Jingrui's true identity. He only knew that this person had a formal job in the county. This was enough. As long as the matter was completed today, she would not only be able to get rid of the current situation, but she would no longer have to worry about food and drink in the future.

The most important thing is that if she succeeds, she will be able to rob Chu Yunyi of that cheap man, which makes people excited just thinking about it.

 Looking back, he could hardly see the figures of his companions, so he quickened his pace and headed in the direction of Huo Jingrui.

Huo Jingrui had just finished cutting the pole, with three large bundles of firewood on one end, two bundles vertically, and one bundle horizontally on top. Looking at his masterpiece, he never thought that he was still a good firewood picker.

 Suddenly, his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes narrowed involuntarily.

However, he did not look back, did not squat down and pick up the load of firewood like others, but just lifted the load of firewood with one hand and put it on his shoulder.

Seeing Huo Jingrui pick up the load of firewood, Zhang Wenjuan ran forward a few steps anxiously. When she was one step away from Huo Jingrui, she quickly unbuttoned her clothes and reached out to grab Jingrui's sleeve.

 As a result, Huo Jingrui waved her hand and she flew out.

It’s just that Zhang Wenjuan is really willing to go all out. Even now, she still doesn’t forget her own plan: “It’s indecent.”

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